As a luxury hotel, the hotel converted from a monastery naturally has all kinds of facilities. After making a phone call, Liang En and the others found an electric car with a lifting platform on it.

After turning on the power, Liang En and the others controlled the platform to slowly rise to the roof, and then carefully removed the transparent plexiglass above.

After completing all the preparations, the two people put on the gas masks they had prepared before, then nodded to each other and turned on the metal detectors in their hands.

The moment the metal detector in his hand was turned on, the metal detector began to chirp crazily, as if it were placed directly between a pile of metal blocks.

"Is there nothing in here?" After hearing the alarm sound, Joan subconsciously looked behind her, and the nearest metal desk lamp was several meters away from them.

"I can confirm that it is definitely not steel bars." Liang En said with a slight smile, "And we can find that this dome is not made of stone, but lightweight gypsum board."

"Although lightweight plasterboard was used to renovate and renovate these ancient buildings in that era, it was rare to see the entire roof covered like this."

"So the gypsum board here has only one function, and that is to hide the stone arches that support the entire dome. And if it is a stone arch, it means there is a lot of space here."

"What you said makes sense, so what should we do next, break open this gypsum board?" Joan of Arc said, looking at the dusty gypsum board in front of her.

"But if this happens, it will be more troublesome next. After all, I read the information before and said that this mural can be regarded as an antique. If it is destroyed, it may be a bit troublesome."

The reason why I just use the word "troublesome" is because this mural was created at the end of the 18th century and was rebuilt many times in the middle. Therefore, the overall cultural relic rating is not high at all, and even if it is damaged, it will not cause much trouble.

"I will not destroy the mural. You know this kind of work is inconsistent with my personality." Liang En stretched out his hand and pressed it on the plaster board with the mural on it and then activated his extraordinary power.

As the extraordinary power in the card was output to the plasterboard through Liang En's arm, the plasterboard began to rapidly deform and revealed what was behind it.

"Sure enough, the treasure is really here." Looking at the various textile packages or wooden boxes, Jeanne's eyes widened, and then she patted Liang En on the shoulder. "You're right, the other party really put this thing on the roof."

"Actually, this is just one of several locations I guessed." Liang En said as he took the package closest to him off the stone arch and stuffed it into the space, "Okay, we should start work. "

The next work for both parties was very simple, that is, Liang En used extraordinary power to continuously open pieces of gypsum boards, and then Joan of Arc and Liang En worked together to fix the things that were fixed with wood and metal in the gaps of the stone arches supporting the dome one by one. Remove.

The opponent's things here are very full, and there is even a feeling that it is almost overflowing. This is also thanks to Liang En's extraordinary power to form a space, so they can continue to fight without climbing up and down.

"How on earth did those people put this thing up there?" More than half an hour after the work started, Joan looked at a huge box stuck in the gap of the stone arch and subconsciously complained.

This box seemed to be about the same size as Joan of Arc, and when they moved the box down, they also realized that if it were an ordinary person, at least two people would be needed to lift it to that place.

Considering that this hall is a place where people come and go, it would be very difficult for Queen Mary's attendant to put up so many things silently in a short time even if she had support in the monastery.

"What if they didn't put things up from below?" Liang En said, looking at the vacated spaces on the roofs. Because many places were vacated, some previously hidden structures were exposed.

"Isn't it from below?" Jeanne asked with some confusion, "I always thought that this thing was put up from below, and then these gypsum boards were installed on the outside and drawing was done on it."

"The method you mentioned makes sense, and is also very valuable in terms of disguise. The only problem is that when there are people inside, it is equivalent to clearly telling others that there is a ghost here." Liang En said with a shrug.

“Think about it, originally this was a simple hall dome, and then one day it suddenly turned into a construction site, and then it started to be covered with a layer of plasterboard and painted. It’s hard not to attract attention.”

"Especially since the era when these things were here was not a stable era, and suddenly renovating the monastery amid such chaos is really suspicious."

"What you said makes sense, so how do you think the other party got this pile of stuff up? Especially considering that the people who hid the stuff are just normal humans. It's impossible for one person like us to have the power of several people."

Joan of Arc gestured to the largest box she had carried before and said.

"The weight of this thing is much greater than we previously imagined, so it is difficult for me to understand how to put this thing in place by relying solely on manpower without the current series of machinery and equipment."

"It's very simple. The other party started the work directly from the second floor. This way it is not only secretive, but also much easier to do the work." Liang En said, raising the flashlight in his hand to shine on the real ceiling.

"Pay attention to the place I shined with the flashlight. This place was obviously added later, and there are also some iron rings embedded in the wall on the roof. They are most likely used to hang pulleys and ropes."

"I understand, they should have used a combination of ropes and pulleys to hoist things from the second floor and then put them in place." Joan of Arc is actually a very smart person, so Liang En just reminded her a little and she understood. .

"And unlike the plan I guessed just now, this plan is very secretive. If you consider that there is a spy inside the monastery, they can complete the work hidden on the second floor."

"Yes, that's what I guessed too. But this space was definitely not found temporarily." Liang En reminded another point at this time.

"At least judging from the newly added ceiling traces above, the ceiling should have been a deliberately built secret door. However, after hiding these treasures, they directly sealed the secret door with bricks and stones."

For these royal treasures, the safety of their storage is very important, so it is normal to choose to completely seal the entrance with bricks and stones.

Compared with a hidden secret door, an entrance and exit that is completely blocked with bricks and stones is the safest, both from the perspective of privacy and anti-theft.

Because the working surface was really small, it took Liang En and Jeanne two hours to take out the valuable things and stuff them into the space.

"It's finally done." After confirming that there was nothing left in the space on the ceiling, Liang Enchang breathed a sigh of relief. "Let's take stock of what this is."

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