The things found this time were not as many as Liang En and the others had imagined before. This happened because they had previously thought that the things in the two carriages referred to the things in the two freight carriages.

When they found out that the quantity was not correct and called Mary to confirm, they determined that the items were only filled into the carriages of two passenger carriages.

"Actually, we also hoped to be able to use cargo carriages to pull things, but the problem was that only passenger carriages could approach the Palace of Versailles, especially the main building, otherwise it would arouse others' suspicion." Mary said on the phone.

"So for us, after weighing the pros and cons, we can only select those treasures, and then use the only two passenger carriages that still have a certain degree of concealment to transport the things away."

"I understand, but do you still remember what those treasures actually contain?" After listening to Mary's narration, Liang En asked what he was concerned about.

"You may need to count this yourself." Mary said a little embarrassed. "I just gave a general order to hide precious things in a few warehouses. I didn't even know what was hidden."

"Hey, rich people." Liang En complained as he hung up the phone, then began to take out things from the space and began to inspect them.

What I started to examine were some scattered little things, which were wrapped in very luxurious-looking clothing. Unfortunately, after so many years, those textiles have become a pile of garbage with no repair value.

"This was my favorite dress at the ball that year." Looking at the real-time video, Mary said in a tone full of memories, and then reminded Liang En.

"Although the clothes are useless, the pearls and gold wire inlaid on them are genuine. No matter what point of view, the recycling value is not small. Especially the corsage is inlaid with real rubies."

"Don't worry, I will definitely not miss these things." Liang En said, carefully taking off the corsage with a ruby ​​the size of a little fingertip and a dozen diamonds and putting it away. Set aside.

There is now a pile of clothes half as tall as a person in that place, and every piece of clothing has signs of being dismantled and recycled. Next to the pile of clothes were some cleared belongings.

After completing the search just now, Liang En and the others went to the top-level guest room reserved before and began to clean and classify the things found this time.

At the same time, they also connected with Marie and asked her to guide the subsequent cleaning work through remote connection. After all, these things belonged to Marie Antoinette.

With Mary's help, Liang En and the others successfully completed the cleaning and sorting of more than a dozen pieces of clothing, and recovered a large amount of precious metals and gemstones used for clothing decoration.

At first, Liang En thought that these items were just high-end clothing itself, but after carefully unfolding the wrapped textiles, he realized that this item was used as a shock absorber, and the real value was inside.

"——Six crowns, all of which are gold crowns. Some are inlaid with rubies and sapphires, some are inlaid with diamonds, and some are inlaid with emeralds." After opening more than 30 packages, Liang En counted them.

"There is also a silver-gilt crown, which looks only half the size of the official crown. It is also inlaid with gems. Which princess is this for?"

"No, this is the crown Louis 16 wore when he was a child." After asking Liang En to move the camera closer, Mary took a closer look and said, "I don't know where those people found this thing from. .”

"I thought this was your crown." Joan looked at Mary on the screen and smiled, "Because the style of this thing is not at all as luxurious as the Palace of Versailles."

"Because according to the tradition of the French royal family, the decorations on the things used by their members before they reached adulthood will be much simpler. This is to prevent complex decorations from hurting them."

"As for why it's not my crown, it's very simple. Those of us who married into the French royal family can't bring anything belonging to our original country with us since crossing the border. Naturally, we can't have a crown."

"So that's it." After classifying this small crown with the large crowns found in the clothes, as well as rings, brooches, hair combs and other jewelry, Liang En began to examine the large and small ones. box.

There is no doubt that these boxes should contain valuable things. For example, when they opened the first box, they found that it was a beautifully decorated oak box with dozens of small drawers inside.

"What is this?" After gently opening a drawer, Liang En found that the drawer contained dozens of thumb-sized, fired clay blocks, each with a figure or something carved on it.

"Ah, this is my baby." Mary looked a little excited after seeing this thing. "This is a replica of a gemstone carving, the finest of its kind, made from an original, made by James Towers."

Working on stone is one of mankind's oldest artistic endeavors. During the long Paleolithic Age, human beings respected all the unknown forces in nature, and in order to have enough food and clothing, they unknowingly developed some primitive religious views.

At that time, the carvings on these stones of various colors always had sacred meanings, and only people with high status could own them in the name of themselves or the gods.

Because of this ancient, human memory, when time comes to modern times, many people hope to obtain these gems, but it is not easy to collect these things.

So some people began to make copies of them - the top ones are casts of the originals, while the more popular ones are mainly casts of replicas. For example, Goethe had a popular collection of ancient intaglio works.

Especially in the 18th century, gem carving collection became very popular and became a scenery to show one's knowledge and taste. So James Towers began to use man-made materials to make replicas of ancient gem carvings and launch them in sets.

No matter dignitaries, scholars or artists are proud to own a set of this exquisite and beautiful work of art, Mary's set is one of the best: the set specially customized for the Russian Tsar Catherine.

This set of engraved gem models is housed in an oak box. The exterior is decorated with homage bas-reliefs and jewelry with a strong Russian style. The interior is filled with 60 small drawers.

"This thing is very valuable, especially in academic terms." Liang En said seriously after putting on his gloves and taking out one of the impressions and looking at it.

"I have to say that those people back then were quite discerning, and they actually chose to take away something that didn't seem valuable compared to other things, but was actually very valuable."

"Of course." Mary on the screen raised her head slightly and said proudly. "I have a good eye for people, and this incident clearly illustrates their bravery and loyalty."

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