Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 858 Weapons and Holy Relics

When talking about Joan of Arc's relics, they quickly discussed weapons used on the battlefield, and at this time Joan of Arc explained to Mary, who didn't know anything about this aspect, why she had left so many weapons in history.

"To be honest, I have used many weapons. From ordinary knight swords and spears to Burgundy daggers and axes, it can even be said that on some battlefields I have to change several weapons in one battle."

After hearing Mary talk about weapons, Joan changed her sitting position. "So I'm very curious about one thing, that is, I have used hundreds of weapons on the battlefield. Why can't I see many of them today?"

Unlike the situation in games or movies where a sword cuts from beginning to end, on the battlefield with real cold weapons, weapons need to be changed frequently. After all, weapons made of steel have their own limits.

Therefore, warriors on the ancient battlefield would often carry several weapons if possible. Therefore, it is not uncommon for Joan of Arc to bring several weapons to the battlefield. This can ensure that the weapons can be replaced in time after they are damaged in battle.

Corresponding content can be found in the history of various countries around the world. For example, ancient Japanese samurai often brought three swords and a long-handled weapon to the battlefield.

This set of weapons includes a nodachi or spear, a katana or tachi, a wakizashi and a short sword, not including those weapons temporarily picked up on the battlefield.

One thing I want to say here is that many people think that wakizashi is used to commit seppuku, but this view is wrong. The real wakizashi is about 30~60cm long. It is a backup weapon that is used temporarily when the main weapon is damaged. in use.

Tachi or katana are generally not used at the same time as wakizashi in fighting, but it is said that Miyamoto Musashi, the best in Japan, used the two-sword style. The "two swords" in Nitōryū means tachi and wakizashi.

In addition, it is different from the katana or tachi that are strictly restricted to only samurai. Wakizashi is also a self-defense weapon that ordinary people, citizens, businessmen, and other non-samurai people are allowed to carry.

Therefore, in many Japanese sword and halberd movies (movies similar to Chinese martial arts dramas), the protagonists in the street market usually use such a weapon. Of course, his opponents often hold katana or tachi.

As for Joan of Arc, in addition to a knight's sword and a spear, she often carries a dagger on her body, and also carries spare swords, axes, and warhammers on her horse.

Although under normal circumstances, as a commander, she theoretically does not need to directly participate in battles, Joan of Arc often likes to take the lead in charges, so weapons and armor must be prepared.

"The spear is the best, but it's a pity that it can only be used when charging." Because the discussion has reached this point, Joan of Arc also told everyone about her previous experience in using these weapons.

"As for the knight's sword, it is easy to use against infantry. It is difficult for knights of the same level to penetrate their armor. So this weapon is just a backup weapon. It is far inferior to a mace, a battle ax or a war hammer."

"But no matter how good weapons are, they are all consumables, especially long guns, which are almost disposable, so I have discarded at least more than a hundred weapons. So I am very curious now about how I have kept them to this day even though I discarded so many weapons. Why are there so few things?”

"In fact, in my time, it was determined that there were about twenty relics left behind by you. Unfortunately, almost all of them were lost during the chaos of the French Revolution." Mary said with some embarrassment.

Historically, after Joan of Arc was judged to be a witch, the armor and sword she wore when she was captured were destroyed and thrown into the swamp. This was a common method for dealing with witches.

However, considering that these weapons are consumables, there must be a lot of weapons left in France. Unfortunately, they all disappeared in the war and chaos during the French Revolution.

Of course, it was just an accident that this kind of thing was destroyed. After all, both the nobles and the common people in France at that time respected Joan of Arc very much, and there was no intentional damage.

"It would be a pity if this is the case." Liang En sighed, and then immediately changed the topic. "So considering its rarity and importance, this sword should be the most valuable treasure in this batch of treasures."

"I think it's just average. It's not even as valuable as the dye." Mary looked a little helpless. "You heard what Joan said just now. She just guessed that this sword belonged to Charlie the Hammer, but there was no evidence."

"As for Joan of Arc's sword - I think we all have Joan of Arc herself here, so her weapon is not of much value to us."

"Well, the value I mean is the value in the worldly sense, not to us -" After hearing what Mary said, Liang En immediately realized what the problem was.

"At least for the public, the remains of this weapon are the only relics of Joan of Arc that can be proven, so they are of high value from all angles."

"Ah, it makes sense if that's the case." After being reminded by Liang En, Mary realized that her perception of certain things was different from normal people after being in contact with Joan for too long.

"At least for those outside, this relic of Joan of Arc that can be confirmed to have come from the Palace of Versailles and has been certified is likely to be the only relic of Joan of Arc left in the world, and may even be considered a holy object by the church."

"You're right, and I also made some marks on the counterweight part of this sword, which may greatly increase the value of this sword today." Joan of Arc said, pointing to the layers on the side of the counterweight ball. Rusty said.

"If I guess correctly, I carved something on it back then, and you should be able to see it now after cleaning up the rust."

"Really? Let me see." After hearing what Jeanne said, Liang En immediately used the [Repair (N)] skill. With the output of extraordinary power, the original rust on the counterweight gradually disappeared. The original copper color is revealed.

It was at this time that Liang En discovered that the dagger weight, which was half filled with lead and covered with a layer of silver-plated copper, had a circle of French carved on the outside.

If translated, this sentence means: Victory in the Battle of Orleans, may the gods bless us - Joan of Arc. Obviously, this is the memorial left behind by Joan of Arc after her victory in the first war.

From a historical and archaeological perspective, these words greatly increase the value of Joan of Arc's relics, because they represent the most intuitive commemoration of Joan of Arc's first war.

It can even be said that such a cultural relic can be used as a treasure of a top museum and allow the public to have a direct understanding of a period of history.

Such a top-notch cultural relic is only a small part of the overall harvest. According to Liang En's estimate, the value of this treasure can reach eight figures when converted into pounds.

Of course, reaching eight figures does not mean that this thing will reach eight figures when it is taken out, but it is just an estimate, just like many cultural relics valued at hundreds of millions have a price but no market at all.

But no matter what, the harvest this time is huge. According to Mary, this batch of treasures can even support a small-scale, but not low-grade museum.

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