The Jinsha site is located in Jinsha Village, Supo Township, west of Shudu City, Shu Province, China. It covers an area of ​​about 5 square kilometers. It was the capital of the ancient Shu Kingdom, the center of ancient civilization on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River from the 12th century BC to the 7th century BC.

The Jinsha ruins reproduce the glory of the ancient Shu Kingdom. The main cultural relics date from the late Shang Dynasty to the Western Zhou Dynasty. The important relics include large building foundations, sacrificial areas, general residential sites, large cemeteries, etc.

More than 5,000 precious cultural relics including gold, bronze, jade, stone, ivory, and lacquerware were unearthed throughout the site, as well as tens of thousands of pottery fragments, tons of ivory, and thousands of wild boar tusks and antlers. .

These unearthed objects include the densest concentration of ivory and the richest gold and jade artifacts among sites of the same period in the world. The most famous one is the Sun Bird Gold Foil, which has been identified as a symbol of Chinese cultural heritage.

The discovery of the Jinsha ruins has advanced the urban history of Shu capital to 3,000 years ago, which is regarded as the beginning of the urban history of Shu capital. It is of great significance to the study of the origin, development and decline of Shu culture.

At the same time, this site, together with the prehistoric city sites in the Shudu Plain, the Sanxingdui site, and the Warring States ship coffin tombs, jointly constitute the four stages of the development and evolution of the ancient Shu civilization, and jointly prove that the Shudu Plain is the center of the origin of civilization in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

Realizing that he was probably standing at the very important Jinsha ruins, Liang En immediately called Elizabeth to inform Elizabeth of what he had found, and then asked her to find a way to transfer those staff members.

After all, if there are really relics here, the current situation of so many people talking on the construction site is very troublesome, and it is likely to cause unnecessary damage or loss of cultural relics.

Soon, the person in charge of the construction site said hello to Liang En and left with the workers on the construction site. After they left, Liang En and Jeanne quickly went down to the pit to conduct further inspections.

Sure enough, when they entered the pit for further inspection, they found that after digging only a dozen centimeters, many cultural relics began to appear at the bottom of the large pit. At least Liang En found traces of several ivory tusks exposed.

Different from the glossy and oily ivory that we usually see, these ivory are dry and cracked, and full of cracks, just like broken bones after being eaten.

"This place is a bit strange." After looking at the pile of things in front of her, Jeanne was naturally a little confused, because based on the current findings, the situation in the pit was obviously abnormal:

There are a large number of treasures in this pit, each of which was valuable in that era and could even be called precious, but now they are thrown in confusion at the bottom of the pit.

More importantly, the items they found were scattered and incomplete. Many items that were supposed to be complete sets only had partial parts, while other parts were obviously incomplete.

"I think this pit should be a sacrificial pit, and according to the ancient tradition in China, when offering sacrifices, they will choose to burn the best sacrifices or bury those sacrifices underground, just like now." Liang En explained to Joan De .

"For example, I just found traces of ancient excavation and some traces of carbonization of organic matter on the edge of the pit dug by the excavator. These are most likely traces left during ancient burning sacrifices."

"If that's the case, then everything makes sense." Jeanne nodded, then looked at some of the things they had cleared out at the bottom of the pit and asked. "Then what should we do next?"

"Of course we have to report it. After all, according to local laws, we must report any cultural relics and monuments we find, and anything we find locally belongs to the state and cannot belong to private individuals."

As he spoke, Mr. Liang En called the local archaeological department. In addition to this phone call, he also dialed the phone numbers of several archaeological experts who had left behind when attending previous meetings. Hope to get help from the other party.

Obviously, it's not easy to get help with this. Such a difficult thing, those big guys were very interested in Liang En's discovery.

Because it's closer to here. So those big guys came earlier than the professional archaeological team. Just half an hour later, almost all the people who had attended the meeting appeared in the open space and began the search.

And when the professionals arrived later, they were obviously frightened by the lineup on the field. They were stunned for a while before they got into work, and they even took the initiative to help these real big guys.

Liang En felt a lot more relaxed at this time, because according to the law, as a foreigner, he has no right to participate in the excavation process unless he can obtain special permission.

However, although he could not participate in the excavation, there was still no problem in watching from the side, so he and Jeanne sat by the pit together and began to watch the excavation site up close.

Due to the absolute sufficient manpower on site, the excavation progressed very quickly. As the excavation progress continued to improve, these archaeological giants also discovered what was going on here.

Just when it was getting dark, they had made their first judgment based on the excavated things and came to a simple conclusion. They believed that this thing should belong to an important relic of the Shu civilization during the Shang and Zhou dynasties, and was related to Sanxingdui. Contacted.

"This will be a big discovery." As the organizer of the meeting, the vice president of the Archaeological Association made a simple summary at the end, and then asked several young people to quickly contact more departments.

So on the third day, when Liang En and Joanne obtained the permit as quickly as possible and came to the construction site again, they found that armed police were stationed outside the construction site, and strict security checks were required regardless of entering or exiting the construction site.

"What happened here? Why did the scene become so tense all of a sudden." After entering the excavation site, Liang En asked a young scholar with whom he had a good rapport during the previous discussion to ask about his inner doubts.

"This is mainly because during the previous cleanup process, we found that the importance of this discovery is far greater than previously imagined." The young scholar nodded.

"According to those academic experts, the bottom of this pit is a very high-level Shu culture sacrificial pit, so it is very likely that there is a high-level and huge ancient Shu culture site here."

"To be honest, everyone is very glad that none of the surrounding land has been deeply developed. So if there are no accidents, the ruins of this place should be well preserved now."

For archaeologists, undisturbed relics are the best relics, because the things found in this way will be very complete, which is more conducive to restoring the scene of the year, which is conducive to a comprehensive study of the era in which the relics were located.

"Looking at it this way, we are indeed very lucky." Liang En nodded, then looked at the busy construction site and asked. "Is there anything I can do now?"

"Of course, you can go to area B3. There is no one in that area yet." The scholar pointed to another small highland in the distance with few people and said, "I hope you can find something more valuable."

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