Because it was an exchange meeting, the process of this kind of meeting was not very full, so Liang En and the others were able to deal with some of their own affairs during the break, such as about their own industry in this area.

"Why is this land so desolate?" After arriving in a car at the land that had been used to pay debts, Liang En saw an extremely desolate scene:

The entire land is surrounded by a wall made of bricks, but the entire wall is extremely mottled, and some places have even completely collapsed. You can see the signs of collapse through the wall and see the open space inside. .

This open space does not look very flat. Only a few dilapidated buildings with broken walls still exist. In addition, the ground is covered with weeds, giving people a desolate feeling.

"Maybe it's because it hasn't been developed for decades." Joan of Arc got out of the car and stood next to him and said. "But Elizabeth clearly said that the exploration work has begun, why is there no one here?"

"I think it may be because we went to the wrong place. After all, this land is more than 100 acres, so we may not be able to see those surveyors if we go to the wrong place." Liang En explained simply, pointing to the wasteland in front of him.

To be honest, Liang En and the others were lucky enough to be able to obtain such a piece of land. When they got the land, it was decades ago when land prices were not that expensive. Otherwise, even on the edge of the city, a few hundred acres of land would be basically useless. Can't get it out.

The reason why Elizabeth wanted to start construction quickly was because with the changes of the times, these lands would be directly confiscated if they were not developed for a long time, so she wanted to start construction quickly to avoid the land being confiscated.

Sure enough, when the two of them each swept a bicycle and rode around the fence for a few minutes, they discovered that there was indeed a construction site in this space with some construction equipment and construction workers.

Judging from the work they were doing, these people should be carrying out some simple basic detection work. As for using the excavator, it was purely to meet the deadline.

After a brief contact, Liang En and the others successfully entered the room, and then inspected the construction site under the reception of these staff.

There is not much difference between this construction site and other construction sites. If I insist on saying that, I can only say that this construction site is a bit crude. Even the prefabricated houses are obviously just built.

Therefore, the subsequent inspection of the construction site seemed very boring. There were not many people on the site because it was lunch time, so Liang En simply let the staff go to eat while he visited on his own.

"Can you understand things about construction?" When the two of them walked to the construction site that was being excavated, Jeanne looked at Liang En curiously and asked. "I remember that you have an ability that comes from the famous architect Gaudí, right?"

"No - no, although my ability comes from him, it is only the appreciation of various beauties in nature, and does not include content about architecture." Liang En shook his head and said.

"It's just that you know, Shudu is a city with thousands of years of history, so I want to see if there are any ancient relics or antiques in this place."

After arriving at this place, Liang En's memories of visiting the same area in another world were rekindled, and he suddenly realized that there might be something very important beneath this land.

"What you said makes sense, let's check it carefully." Jeanne nodded, and then she and Liang En came to the big pit and started the inspection work.

The first thing to be inspected was the large mound of excavated soil. Like the underground of many ancient cities, the excavated soil here contained a large number of traces of human life.

For example, various kinds of rubble fragments are scattered everywhere in this mound. What is even more interesting is that these rubbles are distributed over a wide range of ages. Some of them are at least hundreds of years old, but others are made of cement. Modern red brick.

"Look at this." While they were digging carefully, Jeanne suddenly waved to Liang En, then glanced at the people eating in the distance and whispered.

"What did you find?" Hearing Jeanne's shout, Liang En walked around half the mound to her side, and then asked in a low voice as well.

"A small thing, but these things are obviously different from other things." The Joan of Arc blogger carefully took out a palm-long stone piece from the soil.

It was a very thin piece of stone that looked like a willow leaf. After simply cleaning it with a small tool taken out of the space, they discovered that it was not an ordinary stone, but a jade.

After detailed measurement and observation, Liang En discovered that this should be a jade spear from the Shang Dynasty or Zhou Dynasty. It is 24.6 cm long, 4.65 cm wide, and 0.68 cm thick. It is made of tremolite nephrite and has a warm texture. The color is tooth white and transparent.

The overall shape is slightly elongated willow leaf shape, with a narrow body, a sharp edge, and a straight face. The ridge at the junction of the body and the edge tapers obliquely to the blade. The cross-section is a transverse hexagon with a small hexagonal flat top. The entire surface of the vessel is polished. Well made.

Obviously, this exquisite jade spear is unlikely to be a practical item, but a ritual vessel. After all, weapons of this type are all consumables, and no one would use precious jade to make such weapons.

"It seems that there are indeed some very precious things underneath this area, even an ancient ruins." Liang En said after recalling the terrain in his mind.

This place is some distance from the river, but not very far. It is also a small highland, so it should be a very suitable place for settlement for ancient people.

In particular, although the surrounding terrain is undulating, it is not very undulating, making it easy to cultivate a variety of farmland to provide enough food for this settlement.

Perhaps it is not impossible for modern people to build cities in locations that are not suitable for agricultural cultivation. For example, there is no agriculture around the cities in the Arabian Peninsula that can support the cities.

But in ancient times, any city must have sufficient agricultural land around it. Even if the city required the import of various materials from the outside, local agriculture was still indispensable.

In other words, if you want to build a city, you must not only have a camp suitable for building a city, but also need a large amount of flat land suitable for irrigation, and there are not many areas that meet all these requirements.

But now, the land where Liang En and the others are located just meets all the requirements, whether it is a building location, agricultural land or irrigation convenience.

As Liang En and the others continued to dig. They found more, including a palm-sized turtle made of stone and seven or eight fragments of very ancient pottery.

"It seems that there are indeed ruins in this place, and they are of a high level." After placing these things in front of him, Liang En immediately made an inference. It seems that the difference between the two worlds is not very big. This should be The Jinsha ruins in another world.

"There should be a big discovery here." Thinking of this, Liang En pointed to the direction of the mound and said seriously to Joan, "So I think we may be busy for a while."

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