In the next few days, Liang En and the others started traveling in and around the city with the capital of Shu as the core, such as the Giant Panda Breeding Center, the Provincial Museum and the Qingyang Palace.

What's interesting is that while traveling in the Provincial Museum, I happened to meet the host of this meeting, so at his invitation, Liang En shot a short video about cultural relics protection in the museum.

As the world's top historical and archaeological scholar and a Chinese-American, Liang En has always been well-known in China, especially the things he donated, which gave him a high reputation in China.

So he naturally has a lot of fans in China, and this time the museum director asked him to shoot a video because he took into account Liang En's reputation and hoped to promote the protection of cultural relics.

The protection of cultural relics is a very important matter for every country, but no matter which country they are in, cultural relic theft activities occur in endlessly.

Whether it is the United States, Europe or the Middle East, as long as there are cultural relics, various large-scale cultural relic theft and smuggling activities are very common.

For example, in the United States, excavations of famous ancient cultural relics have occurred in various regions, and the number of local cultural relics in the American cultural relics market is also the largest.

As for the Middle East, it's another story. The chaos in the Middle East has led many organizations to make money by digging up rich cultural relics. And unlike the secret digging in the United States, the Middle East is digging with open fire.

China is also an area hardest hit by theft and excavation of various cultural relics. For example, a large part of the charity work done by Golden Dawn is to help Chinese officials recover those cultural relics that have illegally flowed out of China.

Liang En was also popular in China for similar actions: he returned a large number of Chinese cultural relics that had been illegally leaked, including top-notch collections like the murals of Thousand Buddha Cave or two of the Six Horses of Zhaoling.

For this reason, the museum director only extended an invitation to Liang En after he discovered that he had come to visit, hoping that he could appeal to everyone to pay attention to the protection of cultural relics.

This kind of speech is very simple. After all, Liang En has given similar speeches many times, so he can be considered familiar with it.

At the same time, because of his experience in this area, Liang En was not only able to do the filming in one go, but he was also able to do it in one go while ensuring extremely high quality.

After Liang En and the others took a brief look at the famous scenic spots around the capital of Shu, the meeting began. According to the meeting plan, Liang En gave a speech as an invited guest on the first day of the meeting.

The content of the speech was about the connection between ancient legends and real history. In his speech, he showed that many ancient legends did not come out of thin air, and often had some real historical background.

The speech won applause from the audience, not just for polite reasons, but Liang En proved his point with his own real-life case.

Unlike abroad, China has a tradition of searching for monuments through historical records. For example, the ancient city of Daliang was found through Sima Qian's "Historical Records".

In the next few days, they discussed in depth the discovery, survey and protection of cultural relics, especially how to strike a balance between protection and commercial operations.

The reason for discussing this aspect is also very simple, because many times the protection of cultural relics cannot be maintained simply through allocations from the state and higher-level departments, so it is necessary to find various sources of wealth.

But the problem is that sometimes the acquisition of wealth and the protection of cultural relics cannot be achieved at the same time. If there is excessive commercial development, it is likely to lead to something that is not conducive to the development of protection work.

To give the simplest example, there is an ancient building complex called the X Family Courtyard in the northern part of Shanxi Province in China. It is very valuable. However, due to over-development, there have been flaws in the protection of cultural relics.

What's worse than this is that in addition to problems with cultural relics protection, there have also been a series of murders in this area. Due to food safety and other issues, the certificate of the 5A tourist attraction was revoked.

Since this incident happened not long ago, the meeting naturally used this incident as an example to launch a large-scale discussion, and the core of the discussion was the limits of the commercial development of those ancient cultural relics.

No one thinks that commercial development should be stopped. After all, there are too many cultural relics that need to be protected for a country like China, which is a big cultural relics country. Simply relying on appropriations cannot sustain it for too long.

The conclusion reached in the final discussion is that commercial development in the protection of cultural relics is inevitable and should not be avoided due to choking. However, the core is still to protect those cultural relics. It is not that making money is the first priority and forgetting the most important things. However, further discussion is needed on the details.

In addition to this group meeting, they also held a series of small-scale meetings during the breaks, and in these meetings Liang En shared with everyone the process of discovering ancient ruins.

For these Chinese scholars, they hope to get first-hand information about foreign archaeological sites. After all, compared to various archaeological sites in China, they hope to know these international news in a timely manner.

As the discoverer of those famous ruins, Liang En is naturally able to provide everyone with first-hand information, especially some information that has never been made public before.

After these data correspond to the data sent back by the Chinese archaeological team previously invited by Liang, scholars will be able to fully understand the overall situation of the ruins located abroad and learn some experiences and lessons from them.

For example, there are certain differences between the Eastern and Western methods of restoring cultural relics. The East prefers to restore the old as before, while the West prefers to restore the original appearance of those cultural relics as much as possible.

This is why many people think that cultural relics in European and American museums look newer than those in Chinese museums. There may be differences in the preservation of cultural relics, but more importantly, there are differences in the restoration methods of the two sides.

In addition, Liang En also discussed with everyone the work on the protection of Chinese cultural relics and various ancient ruins, such as some content on field archaeology.

China's field archeology has some unique techniques, such as the excavation and protection of ancient wooden artifacts, especially lacquerware whose wood or leather parts have rotted away, leaving only the paint.

For example, the academic things that Liang En saw brought by Chinese scholars this time included records of the excavation and maintenance of a chariot from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and various video materials.

This is an archaeological site with Chinese characteristics. It can be seen from the picture that all the wooden structure of this vehicle has disappeared, leaving only the paint and metal on the original wooden parts.

However, the Chinese archaeologists have successfully cleared out the wooden structures that were replaced by soil, as well as the paint patterns and gorgeous metal parts on them. It can be seen that a horse-drawn war machine was indeed parked in that place. car.

This was an eye-opener for Liang En and made him sigh that coming to China to participate in the exchange meeting was definitely a worthwhile trip.

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