Creating hand-drawn notes is a special habit of Liang En’s. On the one hand, much of his knowledge of archeology comes from the past, so his habit is naturally followed.

On the other hand, after acquiring a series of skills through cards, Liang En felt that his literary and artistic creation was beneficial to his memory and was also conducive to secondary business development.

To give the simplest example, his notes on searching for turquoise mines in the Sinai Peninsula have been published in a volume. Although the sales volume is far less than that of novels and fairy tales, the steady stream of income is not small.

More importantly, in addition to being recognized for the accuracy of the content, this kind of archaeological notes endorsed by the Egyptian government are also recognized morally, so they are recognized as popular science articles on cultural relics protection in many places.

In other words, these books are now being centrally purchased and distributed to schools in many places. Even if the price of these books is relatively low and only Weibo's profit is made, the amount of money is still a lot of money.

Interestingly, this kind of publicity effect cannot be replaced by other methods. At least Liang En can see from the data that the sales of these books have driven the sales of his other books.

After that disclosure, Liang En naturally had the idea of ​​turning these things into a series, so at the end of each archaeological work, he would immediately write and draw to accumulate materials.

Of course, out of consideration for the protection of cultural relics, he would communicate with the department in charge of scientific research and obtain permission before publishing each time to avoid problems similar to the leakage of secrets.

Although this kind of problem rarely occurs, it often becomes a big problem when it occurs. Several famous excavation incidents in archaeological history were caused by someone intentionally or unintentionally exposing the excavation site, which attracted the prying eyes of criminals.

Drawings and notes take a lot of time, especially if they need to be elaborate. So Liang En went to bed a little late that day and didn't get up until after nine o'clock the next morning.

Fortunately, his excavation permit had just expired at this time and had not been renewed, so he was not worried about any lateness issues that would affect others. After making a phone call to himself, he and Joan discussed the next step while having breakfast.

"Where are we going today?" Joan of Arc said after scooping up a red oil hand from the bowl with a spoon, "I think we have seen enough of the city in the past few days, are we going to the surrounding areas?"

"No, we don't have much time left. Instead of rushing around, we might as well leave some good impressions and come back when we have time." Liang En shook his head slightly. "Let's go to the business district today to take a look."

"Business district?" Jeanne asked in surprise after hearing Liang En's plan, even the hand holding the spoon stopped in mid-air, "I thought you were not interested in such a modern place."

"Most of the time I don't feel anything, but you know sometimes people want to go to places with more people, especially after staying in sparsely populated areas in the wild for a long time." Liang En said with a smile.

Since they wanted to go to a crowded place, the business district was naturally the best choice. After checking on their mobile phones, they took a taxi to Chunxi Road.

Because they didn't have enough time, they could only choose one of Chunxi Road and Taikoo Li, two prosperous commercial districts in Shu, as their travel destination.

Both places are the most prosperous commercial districts in Shu, but both have their own characteristics. The buildings on Chunxi Road are mainly classic high-rise buildings, divided into different floor areas. The surface is ordinary, but in fact it is all-encompassing.

The ground floor is crowded with snacks, food, and restaurants. The middle floor has as many daily necessities shops as a wet market, such as some Taobao shops. The upper floors are various entertainment venues where Internet celebrities check in every afternoon, among which the giant panda is a typical example.

Taikoo Li is unique, with criss-crossing alleys, open squares, metropolitan fashion models, interesting lifestyles, international first-tier luxury brands with first-tier series, and well-known Michelin restaurants at home and abroad. In short, it is all kinds of high-end.

It can be said like this. The consumer group in Taikoo Li is at least middle- and high-income people. It is a city-level commercial center that meets urban consumption needs. It needs more consumption levels to improve its positioning.

At the same time, this place also pursues fashion. At first glance, there are almost no middle-aged and elderly people. It is always full of youthful vitality, such as street photography, hip-hop, skateboarding, videos and other things full of the style of the younger generation.

Although Chunxi Road is dominated by young people and is also full of trendy culture, there are still many middle-aged and elderly people mixed in, enjoying the pleasure brought by this commercial street with a long history.

When the four now very representative consumers of the 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s gather together, this place can obviously better reflect the unique style of this city.

According to the answers Liang En asked those who participated in the excavation work, 80% of the people who spend money on Chunxi Road are local residents.

In other words, Taikoo Li has many first-line brands and luxury goods, and can be regarded as the top shopping place, while Chunxi Road is closer to ordinary people and has a stronger atmosphere.

This is why Liang En decided to go to Chunxi Road in Joan of Arc today, because there is no shortage of top luxury consumption places in Europe, whether in London, Paris or Moscow.

But you can never find a commercial street with Chinese characteristics like Chunxi Road in Europe. Even the closest Chinatown has a far different feel from a real Chinese commercial street.

After confirming their destination, the two took an online car-hailing ride to an intersection on Chunxi Road. Although this business district was called a road, it was actually a very large area.

"Obviously, this should be a market for locals." Looking at the 1990s-style building facade decoration on the street, Jeanne nodded with satisfaction.

Compared to those top luxury sales areas, Joan of Arc prefers these purely local shopping malls because she feels that such places can better understand the specific situation of a region.

Soon the two of them started walking hand in hand on this street. For them, there was nothing in this street that particularly attracted their attention, but it felt very good to go shopping together on such a lively street.

Because there were many food stalls on both sides of the road, their hands were filled with various snacks after just ten minutes of walking. The practice of eating and shopping also allowed them to integrate smoothly. in the surrounding environment.

"Look, is that your jewelry brand?" Just when they came to the entrance of a large shopping mall along the road, Joan of Arc suddenly pointed to the canvas advertising light box at the entrance of the shopping mall and said.

"What?" After hearing what Joan said, Liang En raised his head in the direction of his finger, and sure enough he saw an advertisement for fast-selling luxury jewelry jointly opened by himself and the Indian jeweler.

"Let me take a look." Liang En was stunned for a moment after seeing the advertisement, then took out his phone and started searching. After a few minutes, he found the information about this store.

"Yes, this is indeed my store." After finding the content he wanted, Liang En raised his head and said with a hint of surprise. "This store has just been open for less than a month. I think we can go in and have a look."

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