This is an old-looking commercial building. Although the 1990s-style decoration on the exterior wall does not look very fashionable, it is full of strong local style.

After going down the escalator to the second floor, the first thing that comes into view is Liang En's shop. What is somewhat unexpected is that the decoration of this shop is not the rich style that Indians like, but a fresh style. .

This situation occurs because when the brand was first established, it was decided to launch different marketing models according to different locations, so branches in different places have their own characteristics.

To give the simplest example, Indian stores are full of Indian ethnic customs, while Chinese stores are modern and simple, while European stores have different decoration styles according to different countries.

"Mysterious Maya - are you selling Guatemalan jade?" Jeanne asked curiously after taking a look at the sign at the door of the store.

Although she still cannot recognize all the Chinese characters, she can still roughly recognize what is written on the advertisement outside through the translation function of her mobile phone.

"Yes, those high-end jadeite have their own uses and can be sold at high prices, but it is not so easy to buy mid- to low-end jadeite at a good price." Liang En looked at those inlaid jadeite with Mayan style. Speaking of silver jewelry.

"One way is to carve the mid- to low-end jadeite into various small accessories according to traditional carving methods and carry them around. This is the simplest way."

“But this method has the most fatal flaw, which is that it is very likely to be used by people here to pass off Burmese jade, and then completely destroy the reputation of Guatemalan jade.”

In another world, the reputation of Guatemalan jadeite was ruined in China in this way. Because it was used to pass off Burmese jadeite, Guatemala jadeite has always had a bad reputation as a fake and shoddy product.

To be fair, although the average quality of Guatemalan jade is indeed inferior to Myanmar jade, it is not so bad that it is considered garbage by everyone.

Unfortunately, the reputation left by shoddy practices is so difficult to erase that Guatemalan jade in another world has always been considered second-rate.

So when Liang En decided to sell the jade he bought in these micro-stores, he tried his best to show the difference between Guatemala jade and Myanmar jade, and even made this difference the first point of publicity.

In terms of design, the jewelry design of this first batch of Guatemalan jadeite jewelry also highlights the fusion style of Mayan culture and current jewelry design, and is as different from the Chinese style of traditional jadeite as possible.

In Liang En's plan, the marketing of Guatemala jade will not only not take advantage of the popularity of Myanmar jade, which is now mature, but will instead try to make everyone as clear as possible from the beginning about the difference between the two.

There is no doubt that the most important thing for the value of gemstones besides the characteristics of the gem itself is its historical heritage. This is why emerging gemstones like alexandrite often do not sell well.

For Guatemalan Jade. This gemstone is obviously somewhere between having a history and not having a history. It is said to have a history because this jade indeed occupies an important position in the ancient Mayan civilization, but it is said to have no history because the ancient Mayan civilization has now completely disappeared. .

In other words, if you want to operate Guatemala jade, you have two options. On the one hand, you can make a quick buck by pretending to be Burmese jade regardless of the lost history.

On the other hand, it is to re-establish the cultural heritage of this gemstone bit by bit in conjunction with the lost ancient Mayan culture, so that this gemstone can truly be recognized by the public.

There is no doubt that the former of these two roads is much simpler than the latter. At the same time, for private individuals, after comprehensive analysis, they will find that the benefits obtained from the two are actually about the same.

But for Liang En, choosing the latter method can not only make money over a long period of time, but also bring a brighter future to the people around the local mines in Guatemala.

Since Liang En and the others started mining there, local construction has also started simultaneously. Under the joint suppression of the absolutely superior force and the four members of the Wuchang, the overall construction has been very smooth.

According to the analysis of a series of professionals, if they can maintain this mine for more than 20 years, a stable and circular economy will be formed locally.

This means that Liang En and the others need to do this business for a longer period of time, because only in this way can they completely form an important economic cycle in the local area.

From a humanitarian perspective, eradicating poverty in a region is very noble and can give people a very high spiritual gain.

From a profit perspective, this kind of long-term investment is unlikely to make you rich in a short time, but the biggest advantage is that you can obtain a long-term stable income.

To give an inappropriate example, a very important income for many nobles in Europe comes from the rent of those real estates. Those lands were often developed by their ancestors.

So for Liang En, investing in the most basic development at this time is obviously a very valuable thing, which represents this important, sustainable development possibility.

Therefore, he naturally hopes that the Guatemalan jade industry can develop healthily, so that it will be of sufficient benefit to himself and the local people in Guatemala.

With the idea of ​​​​checking, Liang En and Jeanne walked into the jewelry store and looked at the jewelry. After selecting the goods to get his hands on the jewelry, Liang En found that the production level of these jewelry was indeed good.

Of course, this kind of good quality does not mean that it can be compared with the top-notch customized products designed by Liang En himself, but compared with the price of this thing, it is indeed very cost-effective.

In addition, the design style of the entire jewelry is also biased towards modern jewelry. The overall design is simple and bright, but the obvious Mayan style can still be seen.

"If you don't tell me, I really can't tell that the gemstone used above is jade." Joan of Arc looked at another necklace and said, "It's completely different from the jade jewelry I saw before."

When everyone went to the museum before, Joan of Arc had seen several top-quality jade jewelry, so when she looked at these jade jewelry, she naturally discovered the difference between the two.

This difference is not only a difference in the texture of jade, but also in terms of design style and content to be expressed, this kind of jewelry is very different from traditional Chinese jade jewelry.

"Of course, this is also the purpose of designing this set of jewelry." Liang En looked at the bracelet in his hand and nodded, then said quickly in French.

After all, they can be regarded as private interviews now, so it is best not to let the shopping guide know about some comments, otherwise it will easily lead to some necessary bad consequences.

“I hope that by using the kind of difference that people can see at a glance to promote this kind of jewelry, at least leave in everyone’s mind that Guatemalan jade is also a valuable jade with a long history.”

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