"A very good idea, at least in my opinion, it is a very smart approach not to include it in the original jade circle. This can avoid some unnecessary competition and at the same time highlight its own characteristics through differentiated competition. "

After listening to Liang En's plan for Guatemala jade, Jeanne nodded and said. In her opinion, competition is not a bad thing, but it is best to compete against someone of the same level, rather than competing against a referee or jury.

In other words, it is best for the current Guatemalan jade industry not to compete on the Burmese jade track that has been in business for many years, but to reopen the track as another kind of gemstone.

Now it seems that this plan is useful, at least after discussions with those jade merchants who control the market, those authoritative magazines will identify Guatemalan jade as a subspecies of jade.

There is no doubt that this is a very valuable recognition, and in order to obtain this recognition, all Liang En needs to do is to promise not to sell any rough Guatemalan jadeite in China within ten years.

In other words, in the next ten years, all they can sell are various kinds of jade jewelry, and they cannot sell the core jade raw materials.

Of course, the other party also knows that this requirement is indeed a bit embarrassing, so in addition to official recognition of this new variety of jade, they will also provide a series of conveniences.

These conveniences include the convenience of setting up advertising and publicity of jewelry stores, as well as some conveniences related to store opening or publicity and industrial operation.

Because they had been standing here for a long time, they bought the necklace and a ring they were looking at. Anyway, for them, it was natural to buy one or two pieces of jewelry worth only one or two thousand yuan. Not a big deal.

This fruitful stroll was a perfect ending to their trip to China, but instead of returning to Ireland, they changed their visas and went to Indonesia.

This is because they received an invitation from Nelson when they were packing their luggage at the hotel. He invited Liang En and the two of them to go to Bali for vacation and launch a treasure hunt that he had planned for a long time.

This kind of travel plus treasure hunting is what Liang En likes best, especially Bali, a top travel destination that he has never been to, which interests him very much.

Of course, Joan of Arc also liked this destination very much, because she had never seen the sea in her short life before, so now she was very interested in the sea, so the two of them quickly made the decision to go to Bali. .

There are many planes to Bali. After all, it is a very good tourist attraction, so after a ten-hour trip, the plane landed at Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali.

"It feels like it's even hotter here than in Sichuan before." As soon as she got off the plane, Joan of Arc fanned herself with her hands to cool herself down and said. At the same time, she was glad that she didn't wear as many clothes as the tourists from northern China.

The weather in Shudu itself is considered the highest among all provincial capital cities in China, but the temperature here is even better, but this is reasonable. After all, it is closer to the equator, so the natural temperature is not low.

Bali is part of Indonesia, known as the Land of Ten Thousand Islands. It is a small island located in the east of Java with an area of ​​5,620 square kilometers. The island has dense tropical vegetation and is a world-famous tourist island.

Most of Bali is mountainous, with mountains crisscrossing the island, and the terrain is higher in the east and lower in the west. The highest peak on the island is Mount Agung with an altitude of 3142 meters, which is also considered one of the highest volcanoes in the island country.

what is interesting is. Bali is the only region in Indonesia that believes in Hinduism. 80% of the people believe in Hinduism. The local language is Balinese, Indonesian and English are also commonly spoken.

From a religious perspective, the number of Hindus in the world is not small, but they are often strictly bound to Indians, and there are very few believers from other ethnic groups.

After all, this religion is firmly bound to the caste system, and this medieval-style central system is obviously incompatible with today's society.

In other words, in areas where Hindus are the main believers, the local population is also dominated by Indians. Therefore, apart from India, there are only a few small countries in the Caribbean where Hindus are the main believers.

The reason why these small countries believe in Hinduism is purely because the British colonists used Indian labor, which eventually led to the local population being dominated by Indians.

However, Bali is an exception. As early as the 4th and 5th centuries AD, Hinduism was introduced from India to Java, Indonesia today. Around the 8th century AD, the king of East Java established a Hindu country in the south of Bali.

Prior to this, ancestor worship and animism dominated the spiritual world of the indigenous Balinese people. When Hinduism was introduced to Bali, it gradually merged with the original religion of Bali, completing the process of localization of Hinduism in Bali.

Therefore, the Hinduism in Bali is also called Balinese-Hinduism, which is quite different from the Hinduism in India. For example, in addition to the three main gods of Hinduism, the gods worshiped include the Buddhist Sakyamuni Buddha.

This occurs because local animism adds to the complexity of the Balinese Hindu deity system, and because local deities and ancestral spirits play a greater role in daily life than Hindu gods.

The Balinese Hindu caste system is also different from that of India. Class relations are mainly handled in accordance with local traditions rather than Hindu rules. Contact between different castes is not strictly restricted, and there is no obvious discrimination.

On the other hand, Balinese believers do not advocate asceticism in their practice, but pay more attention to meditation, yoga, good deeds, etc. Religious acts, and the most important of these acts is the worship of idols.

Believers will bathe, incense, make offerings, gaze at and touch the statues of gods. This series of actions is regarded as an effective way to please the gods and pray for blessings on a daily basis.

At the same time, in terms of religious rituals, Balinese Hinduism inherits the rituals from the original Hinduism and Balinese native beliefs. The ritual details are richer, and many rituals can no longer be based on Hinduism.

In the 16th century AD, the Majapahit dynasty in Java was destroyed by the Matalan dynasty that believed in Christianity. A large number of Hindus fled from Java to the relatively independent Bali to escape the Japanese conquerors.

Most of these people were nobles and upper-class people, and they brought a lot of knowledge about religion with them. Their migration made Balinese Hinduism further develop and prosper.

During the long colonial period that followed, the Dutch colonists also tried every means to keep Bali away from the influence of Java, prevent the early Indonesian national movements from spreading here, and ensure that Bali would not be influenced by Indonesia, so that its religious culture could continue to be passed on and developed.

So at a time when religion was changing in almost all parts of the Indonesian archipelago. Bali became the last refuge of Hinduism and continues to this day.

For these reasons, Bali’s unique culture has created various customs on the island. With its tropical beauty, it enjoys many nicknames, such as “Island of Gods”, “Island of Devils”, “Island of Paradise”, “Island of Magic”. Island", "Flower Island", etc.

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