"Of course, I am here to share these clues with you. I hope you can find some valuable information to decipher the mystery of the missing wealth." Nelson said after a pause.

"As you said, when I realized that the clues recorded here were clues to the missing ship, I sent people to start the search, but the results were not much."

"Probably because it was such a long time apart, there was nothing in that area except for a very small amount of wreckage that we found through search efforts that was obviously washed ashore by the sea."

"Understood. Apart from these two pieces of information, do you have any other information? I think it's difficult to find clues just by relying on these two pieces of information." Liang En nodded slightly, then raised his head and said.

He was indeed able to get enough information from the wreckage through the cards, but this was a joint exploration, so there had to be a suitable reason to find those things.

"In addition to these two pieces of information, I also collected a lot of marginal information, but there are no direct clues about the ship in those materials."

Nelson said with some embarrassment, and at the same time passed another document to Liang En.

"This is a record of the military activities in that area and surrounding sea areas at that time. Of course, these records are not comprehensive, especially since Japan destroyed a large number of documents before its defeat in the war, so many records are blank."

"I understand, but at least it's not completely blank." Liang En opened a record and said, "Please give me some time, I may need to conduct a comprehensive analysis."

"No problem, as long as it takes." Nelson said with a smile. “It takes some time to wait, but it’s very valuable to wait to prepare.”

So in the following time, Liang En began to look through those very boring records. He thought that to really find clues, he had to use cards, but he unexpectedly found some clues in the records.

These clues come from the records of the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Army Air Force, and the old Japanese Army and Navy. They were specially selected by Liang En using his divination skills.

He just made a simple attempt with the intention of giving it a try, but he really didn't expect that these hundreds of documents actually contained content related to the ship.

After combining these records from different countries and different time periods, Liang En unexpectedly found clues about the previous missing ship.

The first clue came from Japanese Navy maintenance records, which stated that the submarine was on patrol between Australia and Papua New Guinea, but returned nearly a week later than expected.

In addition, during the maintenance process, they found that there were traces of shooting on the submarine, but they were basically filled with gun bullets of about 7mm, so they did not cause any fundamental damage to the submarine?

For the submarine force, this is actually a very common situation, after all, whether it is route selection or the existence of the enemy. Changes in ocean currents, etc. may affect the return time.

Especially for submarine forces, they often need to lurk for a long time, so that many times they will not even send telegrams to avoid being exposed.

As for the bullet holes on the hull, it was more normal. After all, it was an era of war, and it was normal for warships to suffer combat damage when performing combat missions.

But one detail caught Liang En's attention, that is, the time and location of the patrol coincided with the time and location of the missing merchant ship.

According to records, a number of heavy machine guns were temporarily installed on the merchant ships at that time. If this evidence is only side evidence, then the address investigation report from the US Army Aviation shows more clear information.

According to information from a US military reconnaissance aircraft that took off from Australia, they once photographed a merchant ship and a submarine close together, and believed that it was a Japanese camouflaged supply ship supplying the submarine.

After realizing that the two ships lacked air defense capabilities, the reconnaissance aircraft launched a very brave attack. However, because they were reconnaissance aircraft, the firepower on the aircraft was weak, so they only fired with the machine guns on the aircraft and left.

Although they reported the intelligence in a very timely manner, they did not respond in time when the front line was in chaos and continued to fail. As a result, they responded a week later, but by that time there was nothing on the beach.

As for the third information, it came from the Japanese Army. The other party hinted that the Navy might be hiding something, but it was already 1944, and it was impossible for the Army, which was at the end of its tether, to check the situation in that area.

After combining the contents of these three documents, Liang En could draw a simple conclusion: the ship most likely fell into the hands of the Japanese, and was then secretly hidden around it.

The only good news is that there is a high probability that that thing is still on the island. After all, if it were not on the island, the Japanese army would not ask to inspect it, and the submarine at that time would not be able to transport all the treasures on the ship.

More importantly, if those people really took away the treasures on the ship, they would be leaked out after a long time, but now they have not found any traces of the treasures.

Although no one knows what the extra wealth is for the time being, we have a complete list of the museum's lost items, so it doesn't look like anything has been taken away for such a long time.

"So considering the manpower that could be mobilized at that time and the local environment, I think it is enough for us to search 3 to 5 kilometers around this location." After completing all the inspections, Liang En said to Nelson who was waiting.

"If my guess is correct, the hiding of things in this area is likely to have relied on the natural environment or directly digging holes and filling them up, because only in this way can the hiding work be completed with insufficient manpower."

"Searching in such a jungle is not an easy task." After looking at the circle drawn by Liang En, Nelson frowned. "Is this place certain?"

In his eyes, this beach was about thirty kilometers away from the tribe that found the wreckage. He had never set his sights on this beach before, so Liang En naturally felt a little nervous after raising his point.

"At least it can be analyzed from a series of clues." Liang En pointed at the pile of information and said, "I can guarantee this with my reputation."

According to his analysis, the cargo ship was most likely destroyed and used to exterminate the corpses. As for the found wreckage, it probably drifted along the ocean currents, which does not represent the original location of the ship.

"Okay, let's go over there and start searching." Nelson said after hearing Liang En's assurance. "Hopefully everything goes well for us going forward."

"I believe we should be able to go smoothly." Liang En said after gently bumping fists with Nelson. "At least judging from the current evidence, the treasure is most likely to be found in this place."

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