Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 877 The Road to Treasure Hunting

The road to find the treasure was obviously a bit tortuous. They needed to take a flight from Bali to Jakarta, and then switch to a passenger plane from Jakarta to Port Moresby.

Port Moresby, located in the Central Coast Province of Papua, is the capital of Papua New Guinea. It has a total land area of ​​253 square kilometers and a total population of 410,000. It is considered a somewhat deserted small city.

The city is protected by the Owen Stanley Mountains and is surrounded by water on two sides. One side is the natural harbor of Fairfax Bay, and the other side is the coral-covered sea.

It is a pity that the various local cultural and natural environments cannot match at all. This city is a purely consumer city, not a production city. The manufacturing and processing industry has just started and has not yet formed a scale.

All large-scale commercial enterprises in the city are controlled by foreigners. Foreign goods flood the market and are expensive. In 1998, the consumption index was the same as that of Tokyo, Japan, and the inflation rate ranked first among major cities in the country.

And as long as you step out of the city, you will find the huge gap between rich and poor that is prevalent in this country: residents of suburban villages still make a living in traditional ways, or even worse.

As a large number of homeless people flock to the capital area across the country every year, chicken coop-style housing built on land in the suburbs and even urban areas can be seen everywhere, destroying the original beautiful natural scenery of the suburbs and causing trouble for municipal construction and development scale.

It is estimated that in 1992, more than 50% of the permanent population of Port Mogul was unemployed. Since Papua New Guinea has not yet established an unemployment labor insurance system, the above-mentioned people have become the fundamental factor leading to the deterioration of social security in the capital area.

So after getting off the plane, Liang En and the others were now protected by the White Knight security personnel mobilized in advance and drove directly to the dock without staying in the city for a second at all.

This group of white knights were temporarily mobilized from the Philippines and belonged to an entire VIP protection team that had been trained previously. They were highly elite and highly reliable.

Since investing in the Philippines, Liang En has launched his own security company. To their surprise, this branch of the security company, which was originally only for training and internal security, is now profitable.

This situation occurs because the country itself is not that stable and various major criminal cases occur frequently, so there is a great demand for various security industries.

It's just that except for the vicinity of the capital, there are no reliable and capable security companies in other parts of the Philippines, so this market was a pure blank before.

After Liang En invested, the security personnel trained using local human resources perfectly met the local market demand, so the security business was started immediately.

At the beginning, external security was just work like warehouse guarding or escorting cars, but now the business has extended to bank security and VIP protection.

The team currently providing security for Liang En and the others is a VIP protection team on standby, including retired elites from the KSK and GIGN forces as commanders.

According to Joan of Arc, although such an armed force can only reach 80% of those established European and American elite forces, it is more adaptable to the environment and climate of Southeast Asia, and is even as good as the military special forces of these countries.

Of course, such a team is obviously the elite of the elite. At least there are only three white knights in the entire Southeast Asia region. After all, when the boss comes, the most elite personnel must be sent.

"Is there no one in charge of this place?" Liang En asked curiously, listening to the faint sound of gunfire in the distance, "I understand that public security will never be perfect, but shooting on the street like this is too— —”

"There is no way, maintenance of public security requires money, and there is a shortage of money here," Nelson said helplessly, "So this city is not suitable for living."

This is why he took Liang En to the port as soon as he got off the plane, because compared to the land, his ship can obviously give people more security now.

However, when he saw the elite security team of White Knight, he was obviously relieved. He had dealt with White Knight Security Company before, so he naturally knew how powerful such a top team was.

So when they arrived on the ship, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to make final preparations for leaving the port, such as the supply of various supplies and the final round of inspections.

"I'm sorry, the condition of this boat is a little rough." After entering the cabin, Nelson looked a little embarrassed, because compared with the previous cruise ship, this boat was obviously a work boat.

In other words, there is no shortage of winches, tower cranes, automatic submersibles or small motorized boats for landing, but the interior decoration is really too simple.

Judging from the documents on the ship, this ship was once a barge that was not completed in the Soviet era. As a result, it was delayed until the beginning of the 21st century before it was bought and built by the Nelson family and used in Southeast Asia.

Therefore, unlike the original ship, this ship has also undergone corresponding modifications, especially the air conditioning system. After all, this thing is life-saving in tropical areas, so you can feel cool and dry after entering the cabin.

Judging from the cabin where Liang En and the others are now, this place should be the restaurant on the ship, but there is nothing except tables and chairs made of steel and plastic fixed to the floor.

If the boat they took before was like a luxurious Bentley off-road vehicle, then this boat is like a Wuling van that has been running for several years.

"It's okay. After all, we are here for adventure, not vacation." For Liang En and Jeanne, they are not squeamish at all, so there is no problem in this kind of place.

After all, Liang En has only been rich for a few years, so his consumption outlook is still that of an ordinary person. As for Joan of Arc, a person who can sleep in mud mixed with blood has no objection to the surrounding environment.

Moreover, the living environment of this ship is a bit crude at best, but it is far from bad. Whether it is the restaurant or the cabins assigned to them, signs of regular maintenance can be seen.

The preparation time for the ship to set sail was not very long. Less than two hours after Liang En and the others boarded the ship, the ship set sail following a vibration.

After all, the ship had already undergone comprehensive preparations before coming here, so for this examination, it was enough to pick up Liang En and the others and replenish some fuel, food and water.

As the ship left the port and sailed westward, everyone once again gathered in the cabin that had both a restaurant and a medical room to discuss the next move. Although Liang En had already made a judgment before, some details still needed to be Finalized.

"This is our next goal, but I think it is not easy to achieve our goal, so we must be mentally prepared." Liang En said, pointing to the aerial map.

It has to be said that the overall infrastructure level in this area is so bad that they couldn't find a usable map at all and had to use this aerial photo to make up the numbers.

This kind of aerial photography is obviously not very useful, because the local dense vegetation makes it impossible to take pictures of the local topography. The only thing that can be seen is the secret numb green canopy of different shades.

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