"You are right. Although my power seems to come from legends, it is not actually the case." Liang En said after hearing Joan of Arc's question about the runes on the crucible.

"My power comes from legends, but is not limited by legends, so I don't need all kinds of mysterious symbols or complicated rituals to accomplish all of this."

"As for these runes, I actually added them intentionally. I hope to give others the feeling that I am an occult researcher, so that it will be much more convenient to do something in the future."

Anyway, there are all kinds of niche enthusiasts in this era, but as long as it doesn't violate the law, doesn't violate morality, and doesn't affect other people, whatever hobbies you have are normal.

And compared to those more personal hobbies, such as Freecon, an archaeologist's interest in occultism obviously seems more reasonable and normal, and it is also easier to be accepted by others.

After briefly debugging this pile of equipment, Liang En and the others started the first enchanting activity. Because they had never been exposed to it before, Liang En started with the simplest formula to experiment with the enchanting power he had obtained before.

The first enchantment object is the pocket knife that is carried with you, and the raw materials used are mainly special metal materials, such as nickel, chromium and other metal blocks or wires.

The release ability this time is not much different from the release ability in other situations. With the release of extraordinary power, the selected consumables and spellcasting targets are simultaneously wrapped in a ball of golden flames.

It's just that it's different from the feeling of exerting extraordinary power before. When he exerted extraordinary power this time, Liang En could feel the changes caused by his power.

Although he could not describe this power in detail, he could clearly feel that he was transferring a certain rule contained in one thing to another thing.

From an anthropological point of view, this is a kind of sympathetic witchcraft, which means that substances can interact with each other across the air under some mysterious interaction, and the power of one object can be transmitted to another through some invisible medium. object.

However, compared to enchantment, this power has been most commonly used in witchcraft aimed at humans in history. At least historically, there are similar things in both the East and the West.

To take the simplest example, there have always been people throughout history who have tried to retaliate or eliminate their enemies by damaging or destroying their puppets.

They believe that when the enemy's portrait is harmed or destroyed, the enemy himself will also feel pain, be injured or even die.

What's interesting is that this practice became a global practice without any communication, whether it was ancient India, ancient Babylon, ancient Egypt, ancient China, ancient Rome, and ancient Greek wizards were good at this .

The enchantment that Liang En now masters is similar from an anthropological point of view, except that the target of the spell is replaced by an object.

To put it in a more popular way, Liang En can convert the special parts of metals such as nickel and chromium into concepts, and then give them to this steel dagger.

What's interesting is that the whole conversion process is not long. The conversion was completed after only three minutes. However, when all the light disappeared, except that the consumables prepared before disappeared, the dagger did not look much different from before.

"Can you tell me what you attached to this dagger just now?" Joan of Arc said with some confusion after picking up the dagger and swinging it twice.

As a weapons master, when she took the weapon into her hand, she felt that there was no difference in feel or anything else between the weapon and the previous one, so naturally she couldn't feel where the effect of the enchantment was reflected.

"This enchantment mainly has two parts. One is to reduce the rust of the sword, and the other is to make the sword more tough." Liang En said, pointing to the place where the metal was placed.

"But if you conduct a simple test, you will find that the raw material of these things is still carbon steel, which means that I have changed the properties of these things without changing their essence."

"But this is actually of little value." Joan of Arc looked at the design helplessly. "Not counting the extraordinary power you just used, the supplies we just consumed are enough to buy 2 to 3 alloy steel daggers, and these and the diamond daggers can also achieve the effect you have after enchanting them."

"Well - what you said makes sense, but this is just an experiment." Liang En smiled helplessly, "And this experiment tells me that if you really want to enchant in the future, you have to do things that are beyond the reach of modern technology. .”

The second enchantment experiment was to combine fire with a dagger, and the result was a permanent dagger with a fiery blade.

Yes, this thing looks like a legendary magic weapon, because many of those legendary magic weapons have frost or flames on them.

However, after the actual experiment, they found that the value of this thing was not high, because this weapon that was constantly emitting light and heat was obviously not suitable for actual use.

To give the simplest example, this weapon simply cannot find a suitable container to place it. At the same time, the dagger grip is basically impossible to hold because of the heat conduction of metal.

Although adding thermal insulation material and enchanting the thermal insulation material can solve this problem, the cost is far outweighed by the gain.

More importantly, Joan of Arc felt that this weapon was actually a soldering iron, and it was obviously not worth paying so much for a soldering iron.

Fortunately, not all enchantments are worthless. After repeated trials many times, Liang En finally created a gold coin that could increase luck.

It's just that at most he can judge that this gold coin can indeed improve a person's luck, but when it can be improved and how much it can be improved are all random.

In other words, this gold coin can randomly improve the user's luck for a certain period of time, and the degree of improvement is also random. Therefore, the psychological comfort effect of carrying this thing is much stronger than the actual effect.

"It seems that there is one thing that fantasy novels don't have, that is, whether alchemy or enchantment is a very expensive job." After spending a day to complete the work, Liang En took stock of his consumption today and sighed. Because in just one day, he consumed 37,000 euros worth of raw materials, but in the end only three finished products were judged to be valuable.

In addition to the ten thousand coins, the other two items are a knight's sword and a pistol. The knight's sword has three enchantments: strong, rust-proof, and sharp. The pistol adds acceleration, toughness and rust resistance.

Unlike the simple use of cards before, Liang En now operates the extraordinary power directly, which means that he needs to truly understand these powers and use them accurately.

In the process, he realized that there are only three kinds of enchantments that can best enchant an object. Of course, he can choose three enchantments to enhance the effect of enchantment, but he can also choose three different enchantments to pursue the effect.

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