Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 891 Oil painting completed

After a whole day of practice, Liang En finally understood what kind of power he had. It was also under this circumstance that he improved his mastery of extraordinary power.

This is a very valuable thing, because for extraordinary people living in a world where magic does not exist, life-type extraordinary powers are obviously more practical than combat-type ones.

This is not to say that combat-type supernatural powers are not good. After all, no one can guarantee that they will not encounter danger in their lifetime. Especially people like Liang En who often explore in the wild are likely to encounter various dangers. Mastering self-defense Ability is not a bad thing.

However, in terms of frequency of use, those more daily peak locations are used more frequently and may even become a part of daily life.

For example, Liang En uses the extraordinary power to strengthen his body every day. At the same time, he often conducts some alchemical experiments to make some alchemical potions.

Although after his body has been strengthened, Liang En basically doesn't need those medicines for treating diseases. For the time being, some medicines are used to strengthen the body, clean the body and even nourish the body.

Of course, those nourishing medicines are not taken by young people like Liang En, but are mainly used by the elders in the family to regulate their bodies and stay healthy.

Thanks to the fact that these potions are alchemical and don't have as many contraindications as regular drugs, they can be mixed into those foods and given to parents without attracting attention.

It has to be said that these drugs are still very effective. At least Liang En's parents found that during their annual physical examination, their bodies were significantly healthier than before.

They don't have much doubt about this matter. In their view, these people make their children feel better after they become successful, which in turn makes their health better.

In the next few days, Liang En continued his vacation, because after mastering the enchanting skills, he thought that he could wait to use this skill when needed instead of practicing it normally.

This is not to say that practice will not improve people, but because this practice is different from ordinary ability exercises and requires a lot of money.

Although the amount of money Liang En has now is not small, consuming tens of thousands of euros in supplies a day is still very uneconomical, so he feels that it doesn't matter if he is a little crafty.

After all, the use of extraordinary power in this area can be solved by a more careful attitude and a slower casting speed, and enchantment is a skill that obviously does not require speed and timeliness.

So during this period of time, he just used the power of legend. This enchanting method without using any materials is obviously possible, but the cost is ten or even ten times the consumption of legendary power.

In other words, if you use this method to practice, the number of times you practice every day will be very rare. At most, it can only ensure that you are not fluent, but it will not improve Liang En's proficiency in this area.

But this is enough for Liang En, because after all, he has enough time to complete this work, as long as he can ensure basic training.

However, only taking a little time to practice enchanting skills throughout the day does not mean that Liang En will only spend the rest of his vacation on rest. He will also spend time continuing to complete the sunflower.

This is actually a relatively common state, because under normal circumstances, oil paintings often need to wait for the previous layer of paint to dry before painting the next layer.

However, at this time, Liang En used some extraordinary power to make the paint used for drawings dry much faster than normal, so he was naturally able to do it at a speed that normal people could not achieve.

But even so, the painting speed of this oil painting is still not very fast. After all, as a world-famous work, every detail is worthy of repeated consideration.

Fortunately, Van Gogh's inspiration gave Liang En enough confidence, so he was able to complete the painting work and come up with the final product in just a few days.

"I think this thing should be shown to Mary. After all, Mary is a professional." After finishing the painting and completing the final processing, Liang En stood in front of the canvas and said to Joan of Arc seriously.

"Yes, this painting is very beautiful, but I also hope to be able to judge what this painting is about from a more professional perspective." Joan of Arc looked at the oil painting in front of her and nodded.

"Of course, no matter what other people think, I will also think that these works you created are the best. Although I am not a professional, I can feel the artistic passion in this painting."

"Of course, after all, the creation of this work relied on the power of Van Gogh. In other words, this painting was not painted by me, but a work created by Van Gogh with the help of my hands." Liang En said seriously .

Although he is usually modest, he is not so at this time, because as he said, this painting represents Van Gogh, not himself, and he cannot be humble for others.

Liang En and Joan of Arc are both resolute people, so after making a decision, they hurriedly finished their lunch and took a plane to Paris, and then went straight to the gallery on Saint-Anastasy Street in the heart of the Marais Art District in Paris. .

This gallery is Marie Antoinette's main store. It covers an area of ​​more than 200 square meters and has two floors. It mainly focuses on traditional art. At the same time, the overall style is Rococo style in both interior decoration and exterior facade.

The gallery was not open when Liang En and the others came here, but there were several models and photographers taking pictures through the gallery windows.

This must have been a planned shooting by Mary, because both the display of the exhibits and the lighting in the window were obviously suitable for taking pictures and had obviously been carefully designed.

Think about it, the smell of wine is also afraid of the dark alley, especially in this era, the role of publicity is no less important to the gallery than the quality of the artwork itself, so we must pay attention to publicity.

However, as a high-end gallery, the ordinary commercial advertising model is obviously not suitable, so in addition to appearing in art magazines, this kind of asking people to take photos is one of the very useful methods.

After bypassing the group of models and photographers who were taking pictures, Liang En and the others came to the back door, and then were welcomed by Mary into the gallery and took out the oil paintings at her urging.

"God, if this thing didn't look too new, I really doubt that this thing is an original work by Van Gogh." When Liang En and the others took out the sunflowers from the bag, Mary covered her mouth and said in surprise.

"It can actually be regarded as the original, you know." Liang En pointed at the painting and said, "When I was painting, I could feel a high degree of resonance between myself and Van Gogh's soul. This is not a common thing."

"I understand. I think this painting will definitely shock those professionals." Mary said seriously after putting the painting into the safe.

"Although I am not an expert in this field, I can feel the similarities between this painting and other Van Gogh's works, especially the fiery emotion contained in it."

A truly good work of art can touch the soul, and this sunflower is the kind of work that can touch the soul. Even a person who does not understand art can feel the idea that the painter wants to express.

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