Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 900 Clues on the tile

After realizing that Joan's analysis error was due to the language gap, Liang En quickly explained the meaning behind these words to her.

The text on these tiles is not an ordinary blessing article, but a kind of blessing with a special direction, and there is also some special information behind it.

Take Changle Weiyang as an example. Although this sentence literally means long-lasting joy that will never end, it is actually a blessing with national characteristics in the Han Dynasty.

For example, the three most famous palaces in the Han Dynasty are Changle Palace, Weiyang Palace and Jianzhang Palace.

Among them, Changle Palace was mainly occupied by the Queen Mother except for Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, while Weiyang Palace was mainly the main palace of the Western Han Dynasty and also the palace where the emperors of the Western Han Dynasty lived. It can also be said that these two palaces belong to the core of the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, this Changle Weiyang's message is not only a good wish, but also an attitude of support for the Han Dynasty royal family and the royal family, which clearly highlights the attitude of the people here.

As for the sentence "Long Live the Emperor" written on the other side, it is even more obvious, because the king of the Xiongnu never called himself the emperor, but called himself Shanyu, so this can only be a blessing to the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

But the problem now is that although Li Ling was awarded a high position after being captured, he was always on guard against the Huns, otherwise he would not have been sent to the northern border to lead a group of people completely different from himself.

Therefore, for this former Han Dynasty general who fled to the Huns, sometimes it is most important to keep a low profile. For example, such blatant blessings to the Han Dynasty emperor are absolutely not allowed.

More importantly, for Li Ling, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty killed all his relatives, so it was impossible for him to choose the words "Long Live the Emperor" to make it on the tile to bless him.

"It turns out there are so many stories behind this. If you say so, then my guess is indeed wrong." After listening to Liang En tell the story, Joan nodded in approval.

"But now the question is back, who owns such a huge, Han Dynasty-style palace? At least I can't think of anyone in history who could build such a palace."

"I have a rough guess in this regard." Liang En said, picking up a large tile with the words "Long Live the Emperor, Chang Le Wei Young", and then pointed at the tile and said to Joan of Arc. "Have you noticed anything different about this tile?"

"It's different -" After hearing what Liang En said, Joan stared at the tile in front of her and started thinking, but she soon realized the problem.

"It's a problem with the characters. The one in "Chang Le Wei Young" is always wrong. If I remember correctly, this character should be "long" instead of the current homonym."

"You are right, such fixed words often use fixed words, especially when it comes to standard components such as this, such large-scale errors should never occur." Liang En's observation of Joan of Arc Still very satisfied.

"So the error in this place is not a real error, but involves a very interesting history, and the protagonist in this history is Wang Mang, who was evaluated very complicatedly by later generations."

Wang Mang is a controversial figure in history. Ancient historians believed that he was a "traitor" who usurped the throne based on the "orthodox" concept.

But after the end of the modern monarchy, Wang Mang was hailed by many historians as "the first social reformer in Chinese history." Consider him a visionary and selfless social reformer.

There are many studies on Wang Mang. If you want to write dozens of papers, there should be no problem. What I want to talk about now is a very small part of it, that is Wang Mang’s weird hobby of changing names.

Take the change of place names as an example. In fact, place names have been changed in all dynasties, but changes like Wang Mang's crazy method are very rare.

According to history, Wang Mang was a fanatical Confucian restorationist who was bent on restoring the Zhou system, so he had his own reasons for changing place names - "in response to the classics", that is, changing them according to classic books.

For example, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty divided the country into thirteen states, and later added a Sili Xiaowei Department. When Wang Mang came to power, it became the Twelve States, which were mainly compiled based on classics such as "Yao Code" and "Yu Gong".

After reaching the county level, Wang Mang let himself go even more. According to statistics, compared with the late Western Han Dynasty, the number of counties in Xin Mang increased from 106 to 116.

Among the counties that were added and restructured, a total of 91 county names were changed, and only 25 retained their original names; the number of counties increased from 1,587 to 1,585, of which 730 counties, nearly half, had their names changed.

What's even more terrible is that these name changes were completed in a very short period of time, which means that you may wake up and find that half of the place names in the country have changed. Today, just changing street signs is a huge sum of money.

Moreover, these name changes are purely out of control. For example, the six counties of Nanyang, Hanoi, Yingchuan, Hongnong, Hedong, and Xingyang have all been renamed. Nanyang is called "Front Team", Hanoi is called "Back Team", and Yingchuan is called "Left Team". ", Hongnong is called "Right Team", Hedong is called "Zhao Team", Xingyang is called "Qi Team", collectively known as Yuzhou Six Team.

This thing doesn't sound like a formal name. Although the word "team" here is the provincial character of "tunnel", which means smooth, it is too easy for people to misunderstand.

If there is any truth to this, then some names are changed so much that it is difficult for people to understand how their brains grow. For example, Wuxi felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he changed it to Youxi.

Similarly, Shangdang Guyuan County was changed to Gujin, and Taiyuan Yuli County was changed to Yuhe. Chenliu Donghun County was changed to Dongming, and even the famous Fan Yang was changed to Shunyin in the future.

Perhaps because the name change was too smooth, Wang Mang not only changed the name domestically but also changed the name abroad. He sent Yan You to attack Goguryeo, but then he felt that the word "gao" was not good, so he changed it to "Xiagouli". The Xiongnu chanyu was also changed to the surrendered nu chanyu.

You must know that at that time, the Xiongnu had maintained peace with the Han Dynasty for hundreds of years, and basically no war broke out between the two. But the name change reignited the war.

The most ridiculous thing is that some parts have been changed five times in one year, and there is no time to even engrave the seal, let alone daily use. When the government publishes announcements, they have to indicate after the place name that this is a certain place in the ancient Han Dynasty, otherwise everyone will not understand it at all.

The name Chang Le Weiyang written on the tile that Liang En and the others found was related to the change of name of the psychopath. He changed Chang'an to Chang'an, and also changed the common word Changle to Changle.

There is no doubt that this kind of cerebral palsy-like name change caused a lot of problems, so when Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu reunified the country, all these messy name changes were changed back.

Therefore, the tiles with "Chang Le Weiyang" inscriptions will not last long, just the period between the Eastern and Western Han Dynasties. Therefore, this type of tiles with "Chang Le Weiyang" inscriptions allowed Liang En to determine when the palace was built.

But then again, thanks to this place being far away from the Central Plains, considering the difficulty of firing bricks and tiles, these somewhat outdated tiles were left behind and became a historical witness.

Now, Liang En can roughly judge the age of the palace's construction through this tile, and then deduce the specific identity of the people living here.

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