For Liang En, after being able to determine the approximate year of this picture, it is much easier to locate the person related to this sentence than to search everywhere without any clues.

Soon, after searching on the Internet and synthesizing the memories in his mind, he settled on a not-so-famous person in history: Subuki Ciyun.

Xubu Juciyun, or Yimojuciyun, was born in about 30 BC and died in about 23 BC in the territory of the Han Dynasty. His father's family was as tired as the Danyu Chanyu. Of course, these things are not something ordinary people can remember. She lives there, but her mother is very famous: Wang Zhaojun.

Yes, this woman named Xubu Juciyun was the daughter of Wang Zhaojun. She later married Xubutang, the right bone prince of the Xiongnu Youdi, and gave birth to her son Shehe who later became Daqiequ and gave birth to Xi. King Chu's daughter should take second place.

In addition, she also has a half-brother named Yi Tu Zhi Ya Shi, who is the king of Youri Zhu, so she can definitely be called the top nobleman in the Xiongnu era.

Historically, Xubu Juciyun grew up outside the Great Wall. He entered the Great Wall on the orders of the Chan Yu in 2 AD and was accustomed to the customs of the Han Dynasty. During the reign of Wang Mang, in order to please the Empress Dowager Wang Zhengjun, he sued Wu Zhu to stay in Ruotan's order. He lived in Ciyun and entered the Han Dynasty to serve the empress dowager.

Under normal circumstances, the Hun princess should have lived in the Central Plains for a period of time before returning to the grassland, and then replaced by another princess, but this time the situation has changed.

In AD 10, the emperor of the new dynasty, Wang Mang, who changed his name to Madman Wang Mang, sent people to replace the "Xi" of Shan Yu with "Zhang". The Shan Yu wanted to return the old seal, but unexpectedly the seal had been smashed by the envoys, and because the other party had brought I had no choice but to accept the generous gift from the new chapter.

But this kind of acceptance was only reluctant, because whether it was changing the name or changing the original seal to a seal, it was an obvious insult. In that era, it was equivalent to a declaration of war.

So the relationship between Han and Hungary began to deteriorate. In 11 AD, the Huns attacked Cheshi City in the Western Regions, killed him and grew up, and injured Sima, the Protector of the Western Regions. Wang Mang's plan was to send someone to lure King Xian of Youli Khan and make him a filial Chanyu.

But soon Xian fled back to the Huns, and his two sons Deng and Zhu were detained. They both died the following year. In 13 AD, Wu Zhuliu Ruodi Shanyu died, and Fang assumed power.

Because Ju Ciyun advocated repairing relations with the Central Plains of China, and Xian was once granted the title of Wang Mang, he established Xian as the Ure Ruotang Chanyu. In 14 years, Shanyu sent people to Xihe County to control the fortress and reconcile with the new dynasty. Um

Realizing that he could not win, Wang Mang's envoy bribed the Chanyu generously and sent his son Deng's body back in 15 AD. The Chanyu sent Ju Ceyun Zishe to welcome him, but after that, the Chanyu continued to harass the frontier fortress.

After all, the practice of fighting first and then showing off after the fight can only show others that you are weak. Therefore, for the Huns, this approach did not gain friendship between the two countries, but instead made the scale of the war further increase.

In 18 AD, Hudu and the corpse of Dao Gao Ruotang Shanyu Yishe and Juciyun's sister's son Xichu Wangzhi had already been renamed Chang'an Chang'an, Houshe was transferred to control the captives and lived with his parents. Secondary cloud rendezvous.

As a result, Wang Mang, who could not be beaten on the battlefield, began to use underhanded tactics to secretly set up an ambush and escort the two men to Chang'an, intending to replace the current Shanyu with Dang. However, Xin Mang was already in chaos at that time and could not summon a large army to achieve this strategic goal.

As a result, when Wang Mang died of illness in 21 AD, Wang Mang married his concubine Lu Tieren to his son She. After Wang Mang's defeat in 23 AD, Ju Ciyun and her son She also died in Chang'an, probably in the war. .

In 24 AD, Emperor Gengshi sent all the living relatives of the two men back to the Huns. This matter also came to an end. Judging from the clues Liang En and the others have found, this building was also abandoned around 20 AD. .

Because the cultural relics they found from the ruins were from this era at the latest, and the wear marks on the utensils they found were not heavy, which also proved from the side that the entire palace would not have been used for too long.

After synthesizing these clues, Liang En felt that the palace ruins were built in the border area from 14 to 18 years when the pro-Chinese Xubu Juciyun and her husband were at their most powerful. This period also belonged to Ure Ruotandan. During his reign.

"The above is my judgment, and now I can confirm it." After Liang En just finished speaking, the cards that appeared in his mind once again proved this point.

"Although this has nothing to do with the famous General Li Ling, it can still be regarded as a famous event involving a famous figure in history. More importantly, it proves the external influence of Chinese civilization during the Han Dynasty."

Because this relic has a high historical value, it should be reported to the professionals at this time. Well, but because the local area is really a small city, it was not until the next day that two young people arrived at the scene.

Fortunately, although these two people are young, their work level is still acceptable. In addition, Liang En and the others did not disturb much land before, so it only took two or three hours to complete the work.

"Mr. Liang, our boss will arrive here within three days and complete the final procedures, so please wait here for a few days." After completing the simple delivery of goods, the young man in the lead said.

"I'm very sorry for delaying your schedule, but this is our procedure, and there are too few people on our side to arrive in time. Please forgive us for our situation."

"It's okay. I can accept these rules. There is no need to apologize for it." Liang En smiled gently and said, "We will stay on this farm for the next two days. You can come to me then."

Soon the two young men took the things Liang En and the others dug out and drove an old off-road vehicle towards the northern city, while Liang En and the others returned to the room to prepare for some other work.

"It feels like what we found during our excavation work this time is not as valuable as before." After walking into the room. Joan of Arc said seriously to Liang En.

"I thought there would be a very important treasure behind this kind of secret. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be the case now. It's just an existence that doesn't have much influence in history."

"This is normal. Not every secret is a huge treasure." Liang En comforted, "And we are lucky this time. At least we can find something."

"As far as I know, in the worst case, it may take several years or even more than ten years, but in the end you will get nothing, or even spend everything for it."

"For example, we met people like that when we were in the United States. They devoted all their life's money, time and energy to ocean salvage. Unfortunately, except for their exhausted bodies, they could do nothing. get."

"Of course, of course I can understand this." Joan of Arc said with a smile. "But then again. I'd also like to find some good stuff, rather than some secondary harvest like this."

"Yes, everyone hopes to get the best things. This can be regarded as everyone's dream." Liang En nodded slightly. "But we don't have any way to control this at the moment."

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