Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 902 Harvest and Invitation

For Liang En, the most important thing this time was to focus on the harvest from the cards. Unfortunately, the value of the things he found was not very high, so he only got six cards, and he only had one skill card.

The five common consumption cards include three [Identification (N)], one [Detection (N)] and one [Repair (N)], which can also be regarded as a supplement to the original cards.

As for the skill card, it looks a bit bad. It may be because the discovery level this time is obviously lower, so the level of the card is also at this level. This best card is also obviously a bit worse. Unpopular cards.

[Cobbler (R) Human civilization has developed from the primitive society of eating hair and drinking blood to the present. Both lifestyles and social forms have undergone earth-shaking changes. But there is one lifestyle habit that has never changed, and that is the use of leather products. Obtained by the card user.

Even today, when materials are extremely abundant and various new materials emerge in endlessly, leather still runs through all aspects of human daily life. Clothes, shoes, accessories, bags, and even luxury goods that symbolize distinguished status are all inseparable from it.

There is no doubt that the production of these leather goods in today's industrial society has also begun to be industrialized, but the top batch of leather goods. It still needs to be made by hand, and at this time the importance of the cobbler can be reflected.

Enhanced card (one-time use), consuming this card allows the user to master the skills of a classical cobbler before the industrial era and be able to make a variety of leather products. 】

Well, "Cobbler? This skill doesn't seem to be very useful." After seeing the content on the card clearly, Liang En shook his head and complained, because unlike other skills, Cobbler is a professional skill.

In other words, this thing basically has no extension, but if there is no extension, the cobbler's chicken will not make much sense, because now this profession can be called a completely lonely profession.

Yes, it is true that there are still some high-end leather craftsmen, such as those who make leather shoes or various leather goods, but for Liang En, he really does not have much time and energy to do such complicated work.

"In my time, even a cobbler could live a good life." After learning about the cards Liang En obtained this time, Joan of Arc gave a more pertinent evaluation.

“But today I would much rather go to the store and buy a pair of durable leather goods than wait at least a week for you to make a pair of shoes that are just a little bit better.”

Although many people today boast that handmade high-definition is a manifestation of craftsmanship, in fact this is not the case. If you compare all handmade products together with industrial products, you will find that the average quality of industrial products is better.

Although this is different from what everyone has heard, or what those businesses have always wanted to instill in people, if you think about it carefully, you will find that it is reasonable.

After all, no matter how powerful the master is, he is only a human being, and for a human being, no matter how powerful he is, he cannot be as sustainable as a machine. If he does not use extraordinary power like Liang En, it will be difficult to ensure the consistency of the product.

"You are right, but I think this skill should also be used to make enchanted items." After hearing what Joan said, Liang En began to desperately try to save his respect.

"For example, if you make a leather jacket, the defensive enchantment effect will be stronger than this suit or other clothing."

According to the results of Liang En's previous attempts, this kind of enchantment has certain rules. To give the simplest example, it is very convenient to enchant metal with sharpness or toughness, but it is difficult to do this on plastic. .

Even highly targeted properties like anti-rust cannot be enchanted to things like plastic or wood that don't rust at all. But the weird thing is. Able to adhere to plastics and wood to prevent oxidative aging.

The reason why I say weird is that from a scientific point of view, both the gradual aging of organic matter and the rust of metal are actually oxidation, but in enchantment they are two different concepts.

After all, enchantment is a purely supernatural idea, a special power formed by utilizing information in the world, so it is also a very common situation that it does not conform to scientific theories.

Therefore, for the matter of enchantment, it is not only necessary to have extraordinary power, but also to understand the corresponding enchantments of those things, so that various enchantments can be carried out smoothly.

According to Liang En's observation, different things have different enchantment difficulties, so try to choose the appropriate enchantment for each thing.

In this case, he found that it was more convenient to enchant leather products with defensive content. This may be related to the long history of using various leathers to make armors.

That's why he told Joan of Arc that it was valuable to learn how to make leather goods, because he could tailor a simple defensive clothing for himself to avoid certain bad situations.

"Okay, what you said makes sense, and now leather elements have become popular again in many fashionable decorative outfits. In this case, it's not a bad thing to know a little leather-making skills." Joan of Arc nodded. arrive.

"For example, the last piece of jewelry I saw was your leather-based opal necklace. To be honest, black leather and white opal jewelry are really beautiful."

"Ah, that is indeed a new style, but I still prefer some traditional jewelry." After hearing Joan talking about jewelry, Liang En suddenly became excited.

"Although things like fast-moving consumer goods have always existed, to be honest, I personally think that traditional jewelry made of pure metal is more suitable, because leather is too easy to rot without extraordinary power."

"Well, you're right, but sometimes it's not a bad thing to try new things." Jeanne shrugged and said, "You know people prefer new jewelry now."

"You're right. I'm not that old-fashioned, so I'm willing to make various new attempts." Liang En thought for a moment and said after Joan of Arc finished speaking.

"But I remember that you were not very interested in this aspect before. Why are you suddenly interested today? Did something happen?"

Because the two of them had been together for a long time, Liang En knew Jeanne very well, so he was a little curious about her sudden concern for something that he was not interested in.

"There is indeed something." Joan of Arc took out her mobile phone and pulled out an email and said, "A real boss is ordering a set of jewelry from you, and what the other party is willing to pay is a very old jewelry brand."

"Jewelry brand?" Liang En seemed a little puzzled, "I'm a little curious as to what makes them think that just one brand can allow me to design and make a whole set of jewelry for them."

The price for special designs by top jewelry designers is not low, especially for people with multiple identities like Liang En. It is definitely not something that can be done simply by money.

Therefore, in this situation, he was very curious about what the other party was willing to pay, and he was actually confident enough to ask Liang En to take action.

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