After the two parties confirmed each other's identities, Banks quickly changed his plan. He accepted Liang En's invitation to visit their home and chat about art.

So after more than ten minutes, they quickly started a less formal but valuable tea party in the room where Liang Enwo lived.

As two people who also have a very high level in art, when we get together, we will naturally discuss various arts and talk about some of our own experiences.

In terms of art, they mainly discussed some content related to oil painting. Although the two people's styles can be said to be completely different, they still have many things in common.

But because a lot of things happened today, in addition to discussing more academic issues like oil painting, they also discussed some interesting things they had experienced.

As a person who has traveled almost all over the world, Banks has traveled to more places than Liang En, so it is naturally interesting to talk with him about travel.

For example, he mentioned a thrift store he had seen while traveling in Seattle. And said that the things inside are rich.

Having said this, he also took out his mobile phone and found a photo he took after obtaining permission. The things in the photo looked dazzling, and it looked like they could be found anywhere.

"It seems that this thrift store is quite interesting." Liang En said subconsciously after taking a look at the thrift store. Because he is very interested in this type of store, especially since this is where his career began.

But soon, he focused on the photo, because something in the photo immediately attracted him. He couldn't help but study it.

This illustrates the special nature of the thing that was found, because this approach is very rude and Liang En would never do this under normal circumstances.

"Can you tell me something about this thrift store?" After enlarging part of the photo and checking it, Liang En raised his head and asked Banks, who was sitting opposite him.

"For example, do you know where this boss imports his things from, or do you know exactly where the things in the store come from?"

"It's not clear. After all, I was traveling there and I just heard that the store was very interesting. In fact, I don't know much about this thing." Banks said sheepishly. "I'm so sorry I couldn't help you."

"It's nothing, it's just a sudden thought after I saw something." Liang En smiled and said, "Okay, let's talk about other things, such as the expression of satire in art. "

The discussion that night could be said to be a feast for the guests and hosts, but after Banks left, Joan of Arc quickly came up and asked, "Can you tell me what's on that photo?"

"A bronze Buddha statue that looks very special." Liang En pointed to the lower left corner of the photo just now, but Joan looked at it for a long time and couldn't see anything in the photo.

This is mainly because the items in this thrift store or antique store are really dazzling. There are more than a dozen items in even one corner, and many of them are Buddhist cultural relics. So it was normal for Joan of Arc not to recognize her for a while.

"It's this thing." Liang En smiled, and then pointed at a Buddha statue with only half of its body exposed.

Judging from the photo, this should be a bronze Buddha statue with a layer of turquoise patina on it. It is about 60cm tall. Even if the photo is not very clear, you can see that the craftsmanship of the entire Buddha statue is very good.

"It's a very nice piece of art, but is there anything worthy of attention?" Jeanne looked at the Buddha statue with a curious expression. "I don't see any difference between this Buddha statue and the surrounding Buddha statues."

"It's normal that you don't know this aspect, because this Buddha statue is not much different from other Buddha statues in terms of style and appearance." Liang En nodded slightly.

"It's just that what you don't know is that I got a book last time I went to China. It records some Chinese cultural relics that disappeared during the war. And this Buddha statue is one of them."

"It should be more than that." Jeanne sat down side by side with Liang En, and then said, "If it was just an ordinary cultural relic, you would never have lost your composure just now."

"Hey, you have also noticed this. Yes, you are right. This bronze Buddha statue is indeed not an ordinary Buddha statue. To be precise, it is part of an important cultural relic." Liang En gently used his hand. He clicked on the Buddha statue and said.

"If we can really trace the story behind this Buddha statue, I think we should be able to find the largest movable artifact we have encountered so far."

So that night, Liang En told Elizabeth the information he knew, and then asked her to use her connections in the United States to investigate the antique store, especially the Buddha statue.

In the next few days, Liang En continued to go to the Grand Palace every day and participate in exhibitions. At the same time, he also purchased two or three antiques that he liked.

Of course, these antiques can only be described as gorgeous gadgets, and they really don’t have much historical value. What attracts Liang En is just because their appearance is attractive enough.

By the time the exhibition closed, Liang En had achieved great success in this exhibition: the jewelry he designed had received great recognition no matter which company he designed for it, and the oil paintings suddenly became famous. .

For example, someone was willing to pay 32,000 euros for the painting of sunflowers, but Mary also knew that the value of the painting was more than that, so she only sold a few small oil paintings during the entire exhibition.

Although the price of these oil paintings is not high, from the perspective of the first meeting, this is already a very good opening.

Just like Liang En realized before, the art world often does not just look at the quality of the artwork, publicity is also very important, so according to Mary, it is good if someone buys the work for the first time.

"Don't worry, I definitely didn't ask for help at this time. Although I said I was prepared, the actual situation made it completely unnecessary for me to do so." Mary explained to Liang En at the celebration banquet that night after the exhibition ended.

"That is to say, the people who spent money to buy those oil paintings this time are all genuine. This also shows that your work has been recognized by everyone. I am very happy to see this."

"Yes, the same is true for jewelry." Elizabeth also answered at this time, "All the works you designed were successfully sold this time. This proves everyone's recognition of our design level."

"And if there are no accidents, this batch of jewelry you designed should be the most popular batch of jewelry in this exhibition. I even received many orders here."

"However, I don't recommend that you complete these jewelry now. After all, if the supply of this type of luxury goods is too sufficient, it will not be conducive to the improvement of the overall value."

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