"You have an advantage in jewelry, that is, you are not only a designer but also a scholar, so you have good reasons to reject those who are now looking to order jewelry from you."

Regarding the surge in orders after this exhibition, Elizabeth did not intend to take them all while the iron was hot. Instead, she suggested that Liang En suspend his actions recently.

"The things we buy are jewelry, not daily necessities, so engaging in de facto hunger marketing is more conducive to reflecting the value of those things."

"In addition, it will take some time for a series of information about your jewelry design to be spread, especially for someone with a high level of skills like you."

"What you said makes sense, but there must be a reasonable explanation for this suspension of supply." Liang En nodded to express his approval of Elizabeth's point of view.

"Even if we really want to reduce shipments and wait for the right time to make a move, we must not give customers the feeling of waiting for price increases, so there must be a very reasonable reason."

"The reason is not simple. Didn't you see something wrong in the antique store from Banksy's photo before? So now it is just the right time to investigate a certain matter and go to the United States to get it sorted out. .”

After Liang En just finished her analysis results in this regard, Joan of Arc immediately thought of a plan to deal with the whole matter. In her opinion, if she had to go out for shelter anyway, then it would be better to take refuge with a goal than to run around without a goal. Some.

"The investigation results from the United States have come out. Judging from the investigation results, this thing was sold to this antique shop by an old farmer's heir, his nephew, after his death." Elizabeth reported the investigation results.

"Our people found an opportunity to contact the other party and made a brief inquiry, and then obtained the following information. First of all, his uncle was once a US military officer stationed in southern Korea from the late 1940s to the late 1950s. .”

"Secondly, after returning to China, the major inexplicably gained a fortune, which allowed him to purchase a large farm near Seattle. However, the other party could not do this with all his legal income combined."

"The most important point is that we investigated the life of this soldier and found that none of his colleagues and direct subordinates who were close to him survived when he left South Korea."

"No one survived!" Hearing this, Liang En became completely nervous. Because this thing sounded like a conspiracy, but he really didn't want to get himself into a lot of trouble.

"Yes, no one survived, but it probably wasn't the major who did it." Elizabeth continued to report on the clues she found and the conclusions she drew from the clues.

"Because his direct subordinates were a purely black unit, they were used as cannon fodder by the United States in the Peninsular War. The same was true for his colleagues. They encountered a plane crash on their way back to Japan for vacation and died. .”

"According to the information I found, the reason why the major chose to retire after returning from the Korean Peninsula was also related to these things, because he felt that his luck was really bad."

"It seems that the current situation is indeed a bit complicated, and on-site exploration is necessary." Liang En said while tapping the table gently with his hand.

At least judging from the current situation, this level of information is already the limit. If you want to get further content, you must further in-depth front-line investigation.

"Then where are we going? Seattle, USA." After listening to Liang En's judgment, Jeanne asked curiously, "Or South Korea or Japan."

"Seattle, because the other party has been engaged in international trade between Asia and America for the next few decades, so the other party is indeed capable of bringing those things back to his hometown. The most important thing is that this Buddha statue was found in Seattle."

Looking at the map spread out on the table, Liang En thought for a few minutes and then pointed his hand at the location of Yatu on the west coast of the United States.

"And it is easiest for us to search in Seattle. If we really can't find what we want here, we should be able to find clues to determine whether those things are probably hidden in Japan or South Korea."

"Your analysis makes sense." After listening to Liang En's judgment, Elizabeth nodded with approval, and then said, "The person I entrusted has almost purchased the Buddha statue, but it will take a few days. "

"Is that Buddha statue still there?" Jeanne asked curiously. "If I remember correctly, it was a year or two ago when Banks visited that antique store. Is it still there after so long?"

"Yes, indeed." Elizabeth nodded. "After all, this Buddha statue is not cheap. It is considered to be a bronze Buddha cast in the Qing Dynasty, and it is one of the finest, so the price tag is US$260,000, so it is normal that no one buys it."

"To avoid suspicion, our people are negotiating with them on the price, and it has now reached US$243,000. If there are no accidents, we should be able to get the Buddha statue in the next two days."

"That's good." Liang En nodded and acknowledged. He knew that paying it off in one go would likely attract unnecessary attention, which would obviously not be conducive to the next action.

In the next two days, in addition to waiting for the United States to purchase the Buddha statue, Liang En mainly spent his time analyzing the information of the former U.S. Army major.

Judging from what Liang En found, the major lived a very good life after the war. Whether it was farming or trading companies, he was doing well and was definitely a successful person.

And judging from the existing clues, he mainly relies on the contacts he accumulated when he was an officer in Japan and South Korea to obtain profits, and this is obviously also conducive to the secret transportation of some materials that are not convenient for disclosure.

What's more important is that judging from the clues found now, this major still has some special connection with the US military after retiring, such as the operation of a sea route from Japan to Vietnam in the 1960s and 1970s.

Unlike ordinary business operations, much of the major's business information is kept confidential or cannot be inquired at all. This obviously indicates that there is some information behind it that is not suitable for disclosure.

"This is not a bad thing, because judging from the simple clues, if the other party really found the things behind the Buddha statue during his service career, he would indeed have the ability to transport those things back to Seattle on the West Coast of the United States."

After checking the information that day, Liang En was also making preparations, said Joan of Arc. Unlike Liang En, who mainly prepared academically, Joan's preparations mainly focused on daily life, such as food, clothing, housing and transportation after going to Seattle.

"This sounds like good news. To be honest, I think it's enough to solve the problem once. It would be really bad if we have to travel to several more places." Joan of Arc was loading a piece of clothing into a suitcase. Said at the beginning.

"Think about it, if we can't find it in Seattle we need to go across the Pacific to Japan and Korea, and I don't want to eat kimchi three times a day."

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