Fifteen minutes later, the vehicle driven by Liang En and the others entered the mountainous area. Like the surrounding environment, the environment here was also very harsh, with almost no vegetation. But at the same time, the mountains in this area block the sun and strong winds, so a lot of traces of the past have been preserved on the mountains, even exactly the same as they were decades ago.

So while driving, Liang En and the others discovered that the stone walls on both sides had obvious traces of manual excavation, and there were even a few places that were obviously caused by the use of explosives.

"There is no doubt that this is a customary practice among engineers and soldiers." Liang En said at the same time as he held the steering wheel and drove the car carefully. "Only the military would use a large amount of explosives to blast and clear a road in a hurry."

This road didn't look very wide, and it would be dangerous to pass it with a wider vehicle. At this time, Liang En began to feel lucky that he was renting a relatively narrow off-road vehicle.

But having said that, it is not correct to insist that this place is very narrow. At least in Liang En's opinion, the ten-wheel Dodge truck commonly used in the United States during World War II can pass through if you drive carefully.

But just fifty or sixty meters away from their destination, Liang En and the others had to get out of the car because the road ahead was completely blocked by falling rocks.

"That's right, a new blast, and the blast will not be more than five years old." After carefully studying the traces on the scene, Liang En said to Joan of Arc.

"It seems that my previous guess was correct. There should indeed be some kind of special building hidden here. It is very likely that it is some military facility that was very important in the past but is now abandoned."

But even if they guessed what this building was, they could only choose to abandon the vehicle and climb over the rubble for the rest of the journey and walk forward.

"Sure enough, our guess was correct. This is indeed an American military base." After climbing over the rubble and walking a few dozen meters forward from a valley, they found a barbed wire fence in front of them. It's an iron door.

The reason why Liang En determined that this place was a U.S. military base was because the gate that could pass trucks had mottled paint written on it: U.S. Army Property

After seeing this, Liang En and Joan of Arc immediately stopped and looked at the building in front of them. At the same time, they used the ravens released after getting off the car to start investigation work.

Although it seems from the outside world that this place is most likely to have been abandoned, some military bases will still be guarded by personnel or certain instruments even if they are abandoned.

For example, Liang En heard a similar incident from a compatriot working in Russia at a previous exchange meeting, a story about a certain unlucky Finn.

The guy accidentally discovered a Russian military base that looked completely abandoned in the forest not far from Petersburg, so he wanted to go in to see what was new and look for any souvenirs worth taking away.

Unexpectedly, he was caught by Russian soldiers on duty just after he climbed over the fence. He was interrogated for three consecutive days before his identity was confirmed and released.

After going out, the unlucky man found out that although the military base was sealed, a patrol team of more than 50 people was on duty inside 24 hours a day. As for the shabby appearance, it's just because of lack of money.

The military base in front of Liang En and the others now looks very similar to the military base in the story. Although the blasting outside makes the probability of soldiers stationed here extremely small, the possibility of having some electronic equipment is just the opposite.

Fortunately, after Raven's investigation, Liang En could confirm that there was indeed nothing like a camera or alarm in this place. This also greatly facilitated Liang En's execution of his plan.

"This door should be opened or closed by a machine." After checking the heavy door, Liang En muttered in a low voice, because he was now sure that the explosion-proof door in front of him was a Cold War style explosion-proof door.

A simple conclusion that can be deduced from this is that this area was probably created during World War II but was used until the Cold War.

Liang En will definitely not be able to open an explosion-proof door like this, even if it is strengthened. After all, the body cannot compete with dozens of tons of metal.

But opening this thing is much easier than imagined, because there is a small door behind a stone on the side of the door that allows ordinary people to enter. For Liang En, he can easily open this door with extraordinary strength. .

With the use of extraordinary power, the lock of the security door melted as quickly as heated wax, and then the door opened smoothly.

What was somewhat unexpected was that this door was well maintained, and even the lubricant had not completely dried up, so except for the noise being a little louder at the beginning, the entire door opened very smoothly and exposed the tunnel behind it. .

However, Liang En and the others did not go in. Instead, they asked Raven to enter the seemingly deep tunnel for reconnaissance activities after making sure that the air inside was circulating.

Unlike those ordinary ravens, these repeatedly enhanced ravens have night vision capabilities similar to those of nocturnal animals, so after hanging a small light source on their chests, they can easily complete most of the reconnaissance.

There was nothing in the tunnel that went down and deep into the mountain except for the lights on the roof. At the same time, Raven confirmed that there was no power in this secret base after touching the switch.

Unlike ordinary tunnels, this tunnel does not go all the way to the end, but is winding. It was obviously built specifically to withstand the blast wave during wartime.

After inspection, Liang En and the others were able to confirm that this was the living area and where the equipment was placed. As for the space behind the large explosion-proof door, it should probably be only a garage or a warehouse.

However, after inspecting several key parts, they found that almost all equipment had been removed, including most of the spare diesel generators and various personal belongings.

So when the raven comes back, they can only judge what this house was used to do through the door number and size of the room in the information they brought.

"This should be a logistics base, a second-tier base that is not very important." Liang En said after recalling what he had just seen.

"At least this can be easily seen from the roads and facilities here. If it is a core warehouse, at least the road outside will not be so narrow."

"But judging from the scale of the warehouse, it is not easy to build such a warehouse even using the existing mountain space, so I guess this should be a special civil defense node."

Whether it was the outbreak of World War II or the Cold War, Americans have always been afraid of invaders entering or nuclear bombs falling, so it is natural for them to build a large number of defensive buildings to prevent such things from happening.

The same is most likely true for this base hidden in the mountains not far from Las Vegas. It is likely to be an important logistics base and shelter in the region, mainly used to preserve some important materials during the war.

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