There was really nothing to see in the living area and equipment area of ​​the base that Liang En and the others found, because almost all the valuable things here had been moved away, leaving only some tattered-looking old furniture and yellow stains on the walls. Just a poster.

The only important information is from a duty list posted on the wall that this place was abandoned in 1992 and then sold to someone as Cold War surplus.

That's right, the U.S. military did not retain this warehouse, because even the world's number one and only superpower did not have much money to maintain its original military power after the end of the Cold War.

Therefore, after the end of the Cold War, the United States also began drastic disarmament, and at the same time separated this type of buildings and equipment from the military to reduce expenditures.

Now it seems that the previous major bought this place by virtue of his first-come-first-served advantage, and then used it to hide something.

But then again, the things the other party hides are probably private behaviors, so there is almost no electronic monitoring equipment in this place to reduce the possibility of leaking secrets.

From the Prism Gate incident, we can see how well Americans monitor various electronic devices and networks. Therefore, from a security perspective, eliminating electronic instruments may be the best way to prevent secrets from being leaked.

With the same consideration, this base has cut off the external power supply line a long time ago, so all the energy comes from the inner wall. For example, in the innermost part of the equipment area, Liang En and the others found two diesel generators, an attached oil depot and a Forklift.

"It's a bit strange." After checking the generator and forklift, Jeanne raised her head and asked curiously. "Why is the generator ready to start and there are several barrels of diesel next to it?"

Under normal circumstances, there should not be these flammable and explosive fuels in such a closed warehouse, and those machines should also be sealed, so it is strange that they may be put into use at any time.

"It's possible that this place was just abandoned, not sealed." Liang En gently touched the dust with his hand and said, "If I remember correctly, the major died of cerebral infarction, so it's very possible that he didn't have time to complete the final sealing."

"Do you remember, Elizabeth said before that the owner of the antique shop told him that this thing was sold by one of the major's nephews, and the reason why that person sold it was because his uncle told him in his will that it was a precious thing."

"So after knowing that this thing was an antique, the heir was naturally very happy and had no doubts, but he didn't know that the really valuable thing was the secret inside the Buddha statue." Joan of Arc reacted immediately and said.

"Yes, this is very likely to be the case -" Liang En said, walking to a blast door on the side of the tunnel, and then motioned to Jeanne to help him open the door.

"What a huge warehouse!" When the door lock was unlocked, Jeanne exclaimed softly, because a huge space appeared in front of them.

This huge space was formed naturally, but it was reinforced with reinforced concrete. Some supporting stone pillars or walls were also left, dividing the space into several parts this time.

The largest part is as big as an indoor basketball court. There is a tunnel that leads directly to the huge explosion-proof door at the entrance of the cave outside. It is obviously the distribution center of this warehouse.

When it was still in use, vehicles would drive directly into the building from the outside and load and unload cargo directly inside the bunker.

Although this is a bit troublesome, the advantage is that in the face of possible air strikes and nuclear wars, the casualty rate with a bunker is definitely several levels lower than without a bunker.

With further observation, Liang En and the others discovered more things. For example, there were two metal tracks on both sides of the cave. They were obviously the tracks used by small gantry cranes in the past.

At the same time, there are a large number of steel nails on the side floor of the cave. Judging from the remaining traces, a series of equipment used for vehicle maintenance should have been fixed.

This is also a characteristic of military warehouses. In addition to simple storage, this type of storage base often also has to undertake a series of logistical tasks, such as logistics or vehicle maintenance.

It's just that after it was converted to civilian use, a series of facilities that originally belonged to the military were demolished because they were no longer needed, such as a simple field hospital. Another example is some maintenance facilities that are closely related to the military.

But not all facilities are like this. At least from the traces on the site, it can be seen that a large part of the equipment was retained after this place was purchased by a private person and worked normally for a long time.

However, judging from the traces on the scene, these things were probably transported away before it was suddenly abandoned. It seems that the other party had planned to abandon this place and plan to seal it for a long time.

The only thing that's unclear now is why the road leading here was blown up while the generator and supporting diesel fuel still existed in the warehouse.

But now Liang En chooses to hide his doubts in his heart. Because he knew that the most important thing now was not to figure out these puzzles, but to thoroughly check those warehouses and figure out what was hidden in them.

What appeared in front of Liang En and the others were eight huge warehouse doors, each of which was locked. However, these simple machines could not stop Liang En's extraordinary power.

So after deforming the metal on the doors, Liang En easily opened the doors and checked what was inside the warehouses.

The first few doors are empty inside, with at most some broken boards or rotten plastic missing. However, from the labels on some boxes, Liang En realized that the previous major was most likely not doing legal business.

Because these boxes have trademarks similar to Colt or HK, and the models next to them are obviously not civilian firearms, they are most likely sold through some unfair channels.

However, judging from the fact that these things have been bundled and piled in the corner, everyone was in the process of clearing these things before the place was closed, but it was inexplicably interrupted for some reason.

"Do you think those treasures were not put in?" Looking at this thing, Joan of Arc thought of the two weird diesel engines and the diesel oil in the oil drum next to it, and became worried.

"It's possible, but it's unlikely." Liang En thought for a few seconds and said, "After all, the other party can leave clues in the Buddha statue in advance, so hiding the treasure should be the most important thing."

"So I guess that the other party should have brought in the things in advance before everything was done, and these things were half-finished for other reasons."

"So let's keep checking. Anyway, there are several warehouses behind. I believe what we are looking for is here."

"Okay, I'll listen to you -" Jeanne nodded, her morale re-energized, and then opened the next door, and at this moment he let out a small exclamation.

"Oh my God! You are right, this is indeed a huge treasure."

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