"This card is a bit too advanced." After seeing the introduction of the card [Faraday Cage (SR)], Liang En fell into deep thought.

Because the cards he had found before were related to skills, whether they were extraordinary powers or ordinary skills, they were very old. Therefore, he had never seen such a modern skill, and he had never even thought about it.

"I think this skill probably comes from the ability of these metal buildings to defend against lightning. I heard that many such buildings survived intact after lightning strikes." After telling Joan of Arc about this, he thought about it. Ichiban said.

"It's just that this skill didn't mean much in the past, because being struck by lightning itself was a very low probability event, and it was not easy to take precautions before being struck by lightning."

"But no matter what, this kind of skill can be regarded as a miracle in ancient times. After all, there are almost no people who are safe after being struck by lightning, so it is not surprising that those who can do this are regarded as gods."

"It's just that no one thought that this legendary skill would have additional effects today. After all, humans are now using electromagnetism too extensively."

After Liang En mastered this skill, it was equivalent to a self-propelled humanoid electromagnetic shielding device. If found in the right place, it could easily destroy the power supply or communication system of an entire area.

Of course, in addition to destruction, this skill also has a very practical skill, which is to destroy electronic devices that may be around to ensure the confidentiality of the conversation.

After all, all kinds of investigative equipment are so common and cheap now. No one can guarantee whether there will be some equipment around to pass on what you said.

This may not be too fatal to others, but it must be avoided for Liang En, because they want too many secrets that are not suitable to be exposed.

The card this time was a huge gain for the two of them, and the proof put him in a very good mood to face the next action.

The next step is to put those cultural relics into their destination. Unlike before, this time the destination is located in a parking lot inside the port, mainly where vehicles that have passed customs are parked.

Under normal circumstances, vehicles that have completed customs inspection will be transported to the ship as soon as possible. But in some special circumstances, those vehicles will be parked in this temporary parking lot overnight and will be transported to the ship the next day.

Of course, this parking lot is only for overnight stays. If the goods need to stay in the port area for more time due to inspection, those items will be temporarily placed in the customs warehouse and will be shipped away after the inspection is completed.

The reason why it is so strict is because these things have passed customs inspection and can be sent directly to the ship, so various means must be used to avoid things like smuggling.

For this reason, the entire parking lot is guarded and has a lot of surveillance equipment hidden, trying to prevent illegal activities from happening as much as possible.

But for Liang En and the others, this defense was in vain. They used the raven's eyes to quickly find the blind spot between the surrounding surveillance equipment and the personnel's sight, and then went around.

After all, the monitoring here is mainly to prevent someone from stealing the contents of the container, so the penetration of individuals is not as strict as imagined.

Of course, being lax doesn't mean it doesn't exist, but the target of their protection is real human beings, not superhumans like Liang En and the others, so Liang En and the others can infiltrate smoothly.

After all, given the current situation in human society, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to think about how to defend yourself if someone suddenly appears somewhere through space movement.

"We may be busy next, because the other party has prepared a total of 14 vehicles, and the containers on each vehicle can carry 25 tons of things, so we need to spend a little time to balance the tonnage inside."

After briefly looking at the situation in the parking lot, Liang En said that judging from the situation of the containers and the location of the parked vehicles, the other party had done everything it could, which greatly facilitated Liang En's movements.

Of course, another reason that facilitates Liang En's actions is related to the current world economic environment. Due to the tightness of containers, it has become a very common thing to transport empty or half-empty containers.

This is an important reason why the presence of more than a dozen empty containers here did not arouse anyone's suspicion. At least according to Liang En's inspection, at least half of the containers towed by vehicles in this parking lot had nothing in them, and they were obviously just trying to transport the empty containers back.

In the next hour or so, Liang En and the others shuttled among more than a dozen target vehicles, and their colleagues were busy storing and fixing the cultural relics in the containers.

This is a somewhat complicated task for Liang En. He needs to teleport back to the cave outside the Las Vegas mountains to use space to load those things, and then place them in these containers.

There is no doubt that the whole process requires a lot of legendary power, which is why Liang En must take the action in the early morning.

Indeed, the dark night can provide them with enough camouflage in the early morning. Although today there are many instruments that facilitate people's activities at night, the human biological clock makes humans obviously more sluggish at night.

What's more important is that Liang En's legendary power will be filled up after 12 o'clock. If you consider the opportunity to refresh once a day, it means that he can use four times the legendary power in a short period of time, making up for the lack of extraordinary power. question.

"Finally done-" By 3 o'clock in the morning, Liang En and Jeanne, who had been busy for several hours, could finally take a breath because they had completed the storage of all cultural relics.

However, after withdrawing from this parking lot, they did not leave directly. Instead, they ordered three ravens to stay here and monitor them before leaving.

For Liang En, he already knew the specific spatial coordinates of those vehicles, which meant that as long as Raven found that something was wrong, he could directly teleport himself into the container and move those things away.

Fortunately, the night could be called a near miss. Although a patrol team once approached those containers, it was only a routine patrol and no unpacking and inspection was conducted.

After dawn the next day, Liang En saw through the eyes of a raven that the drivers of those vehicles came into the cab and started the vehicles, and then transported the containers to a large container ship belonging to Huayuan.

"The current situation is going well." After three days of squatting, Liang En, who was exercising in the gym, suddenly said to Joan of Arc next to him, because he saw that the ship had loaded everything and left the dock.

"This is indeed good news." Joan put the dumbbell in her hand on the ground, then turned her head and smiled.

"I think those things that have been taken away should be able to go home. Returning to the home where they have been away for decades is undoubtedly a good thing."

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