Sure enough, the next day, after the ship actually entered the high seas, Liang En received a thank you phone call, thanking him for successfully delivering those things to the ship.

"It's nothing. Since I have promised before, I must keep my word now." Liang En deliberately said in a calm tone. "I will come to you again for this kind of thing in the future."

To be honest, this kind of cooperation while maintaining a certain distance is still very good. Especially compared with the Americans, China can at least guarantee that in most cases, it will put things up front and then do what it says.

For example, the next day when Liang En and the others were planning to meet with the people from the Otter Tribe in Los Angeles, Liang En received a call from Elizabeth.

"My dear lord, let me tell you some good news. Recently, a bank in China gave us a low-interest loan of US$350 million. This should be related to your action this time."

"It seems that my hometown really keeps their word." Liang En nodded with satisfaction, then suddenly thought of something and asked. "I have a small question, what do you need so much money for?"

At least judging from the mid-month report sent a few days ago, all industries are now operating normally, and it is impossible to see the sudden emergence of important investments requiring hundreds of millions of dollars.

"A very important investment. Even now, we can only have a small part in it. We even established a company specifically for this investment." Elizabeth said seriously.

"In addition to us, the Golden Dawn, the American financial and mining capital that I contacted, the old French nobles that the Dulis family contacted. There is even a group of Nordic wealthy people that Mr. Skold found, they all have shares in it."

"What exactly did you find?" Liang En was shocked after hearing this, because such a lineup can already completely ignore any local forces in Guatemala when developing development work here.

This was especially true when South America, in the backyard of the United States, received support from American financial and mining capital. Liang En really couldn't imagine what kind of thing would be worthy of everyone's investment.

After all, those American capitals must not have been mobilized in vain. It must have paid a high price to find the other party, especially when there are British and French forces here.

"A very important mine." Elizabeth paused and said, "You know that because the security here affects the development of the mine, we have been trying to maintain security."

"But in the process, we realized that simply combating those crimes is not as valuable as we thought, because if this area continues to be poor, there will never be enough criminals to fight."

"So we adjusted our policies in time after hitting several walls. While eliminating those lawless gangsters, we also tried every means to develop the economy and eliminate poverty."

"But you know we are not a charity organization after all, and we don't have enough money, so the only way to achieve this goal is to find a local industry that can be profitable and develop it."

"This mine was found during a search half a year ago. Because this mountainous area is neither suitable for planting nor logging, and some experts at the time felt that there was a mine there, so we started exploration."

At this point, Elizabeth paused, and then spoke of their findings in a very serious tone.

"This mine is located in the southeast of Guatemala, about 40 kilometers away from Guatemala city. It is a huge lead-zinc-silver mine. According to the exploration during this period, the total confirmed and possible reserves are 31.4 million tons."

"As for the grade, there are no accurate results for the time being, but it can be roughly determined that the main minerals are 347 grams/ton silver, 0.33 grams/ton gold, 0.74% lead and 1.21% zinc."

"You're not kidding me, are you?" Liang En's first reaction after hearing Elizabeth's report was that he was very surprised, and even vaguely disbelieving.

Because he had a large amount of minerals on hand, Liang En also learned a lot of mining knowledge, and in his opinion, mines of this level should be ranked very high in the world.

"Indeed, we have hired very professional people to complete the exploration work. In this regard, their exploration results may differ from the real situation, but the difference will not exceed 10%." Elizabeth said seriously.

Everyone present did not know that the mine they discovered this time was called the Escobal Mine in another world, a world-class mine.

In the history of another world. Underground development of the Escobar Mine began in May 2011, and in October 2011, Guatemala's Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources approved Tahoe Resources' environmental impact assessment for the design, construction, operation and closure of the Escobar Mine development. .

The contractor commenced earthworks, construction of processing plant and related facilities to support 3,500 t/d mining and processing operations. Construction of ground facilities continued in 2013.

The Escobar mine concentrator was put into operation in September 2013, and the first batch of concentrate was produced in the same month. Commercial production was announced in January 2014 and reached the design capacity of 3,500 tons/day in June 2014.

After several years of mining, this silver mine is known as the second largest silver mine in the world, and will be able to mine nearly 600 tons of silver throughout the year in 2021.

Although it was impossible for Elizabeth and the others to know information about another world, judging from the exploration results, they quickly made a plan for the next excavation.

According to the plan, they will use more advanced underground deep hole mining methods and differential flotation methods to produce lead-zinc mixed concentrate in order to maximize the use of those mines.

But as a result, the investment requirements are naturally very high. And that's why this loan is so important to Elizabeth.

Because if you do not invest at this time, the benefits obtained in the future will naturally be reduced. However, if capital is injected, the amount of funds required is too large, which is likely to affect the development of other industries.

Fortunately, this large low-interest loan now solves all these problems. At least this money can not only make up for the current lack of funds, but even more funds can be used to accelerate construction.

"Then we can only hope that the subsequent excavation work will go smoothly. I think if this mine can be officially opened, it should have a huge positive impact on our layout in Guatemala."

After listening to Elizabeth's simple report, Liang En nodded with satisfaction. At least being able to figure out these things and formulate a preliminary plan in such a short period of time was far beyond Liang En's own expectations.

In particular, they all know that the next work will be very difficult. After all, it is equivalent to organizing millions of people for development, so the problems that need to be solved are very difficult.

Sufficient funds are the most basic point if you want to solve these difficulties. This is why we have formulated a long development plan before: if you don’t have money, you can only do it slowly.

Now, both the discovery of the silver mine and this low-interest loan have greatly advanced the progress of the plan, but it will take more time and energy to achieve the planned goals.

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