Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 931 Communication (Part 1)

After dealing with the mining issues in Guatemala, Liang En and the others got on a plane and returned to Ireland to prepare for the next series of academic exchanges.

Because he knew that important matters related to the economy were best left to Elizabeth, a professional, and given full trust, rather than letting laymen like himself intervene at will.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to confirm whether those professionals are loyal, which often results in an action not being carried out after repeated weighing.

But this problem does not exist for Liang En. After all, if the historical followers are not trustworthy, there will be no trustworthy people in this world.

After several years of handing it over to this aspect, the papers Liang En proposed before were gradually accepted by others, so he needed to conduct a series of exchange activities during this period.

In fact, if he were a Caucasian, he might have been widely recognized by everyone a year ago, but he was still vaguely discriminated against because of his race.

In particular, the cultural relics and historical relics he found are so important in the history of Western civilization, so some people are repulsed from the bottom of their hearts when they think that a non-white person found these things.

It's just that the academic documents he produced were too solid, and with the help of Golden Dawn and Mr. Dulis, some guys could only give their approval no matter how unwilling they were.

But recognition is recognition, but that group of people could also make the recognition process so complicated that it took so long to give Liang En public recognition and recognition.

This is also a characteristic of the humanities and social sciences. It is not as directional as the knowledge in science and engineering, but needs to be recognized by others.

In other words, for those historical conjectures or ancient text translations, those scholars have enough reasons to oppose other inferences. At the same time, although it takes a lot of time to verify whether these things are true.

Therefore, compared with those in science and engineering, the cost of research and experiments in humanities and social sciences is relatively low, but the overall complexity is no worse than that in science and engineering, or even more complicated.

More importantly, the objective factors in this type of research are smaller than the subjective factors, so it is very common for people to argue about an issue for a long time.

Fortunately, Liang En's achievements were not only in academics, but also came from archeology. Compared with academic issues that are difficult to explain clearly, it is easier to figure out the situation in archeology.

After all, the ruins are there, and even though everyone has some debate about the specific conditions of these ruins, there are not many people who object to the importance of those ruins.

Therefore, in the following exchanges, Liang En focused on archaeological knowledge that was not controversial. He only communicated with everyone on history, ancient languages, etc. when they took the initiative.

This kind of exchange is all-round. In addition to communicating with students, there are also some academic exchanges with professors and scholars to exchange the most cutting-edge knowledge in this area.

Through communication, Liang En learned that the dictionaries he had created about the translation of ancient texts had greatly advanced the historical records of ancient Egypt and ancient Greece before the Dark Ages, especially in the study of ancient Egypt.

This is mainly because the ancient Egyptians liked to write or carve text in various places. For example, if you walk into any temple, you can see text carved on the entire wall.

It's just that people didn't recognize those words before, so for archaeologists, these words are no different from the decorative paintings carved on the walls.

This is why the ancient Egypt researchers were elated after Liang En deciphered the ancient Egyptian text, because the translation of the language represented that a key to the secret treasure house of ancient Egypt had appeared in their hands.

So the study of authors in Egypt in the past two years is almost equivalent to the total of the previous half century, because this is a new blue ocean for them, and they can produce some important research results with just a little research.

This is also true. At least in the past two years, all magazines related to archeology and history have basically published research reports or papers related to ancient Egypt in every issue, and each of them is quite valuable.

After all, the people who knew writing in ancient Egypt were not ordinary people, so the things that can be recorded are certainly not as worthless as the junk information on the Internet today.

Therefore, the information that people get from those words that are recorded on papyrus or on the walls of important buildings must be the most important information that the writer needs to record.

For example, during this period of time, people have clarified a series of religious, economic, political, cultural and other aspects of the ancient Egyptian era through the translation of those records, and also clarified a lot of mysteries that had not been mastered before. question.

Even because some texts were deciphered, we found some ruins that had never been discovered before, such as the ancient fortresses located in the waterfall areas of the upper reaches of the Nile.

This was also the topic that Liang En chose during his exchange at the University of Paris 1, because the University of Paris 1 focused its attention on research in this area during this period and found a large amount of information through the ruins, and then conducted Site inspection.

According to the survey results, the ruins are located near the Second Falls of the Nile River Basin. They are a group of fortresses composed of a large number of fortress buildings. In addition to their common defensive functions, they also shoulder the important task of economic and cultural exchanges between Egypt and Nubia.

Nubia is an ancient civilization that was also born in the Nile River Basin. The biggest competitor of ancient Egyptian civilization in the Nile River Basin. Since we are competitors, friction must be essential.

These southern fortresses in the Nile Valley are the epitome of an era of mutual exchange and friction between the two.

During the Old Kingdom, the two fortresses of Elephantine and Buhen formed the initial exploration base for ancient Egypt against Nubia. With the demise of the ancient kingdom, Egyptians' vigilance and defensive concepts towards foreigners rapidly increased.

Although the ancient Egyptians trumpeted their strength and contempt for their enemies from various recently deciphered inscriptions, many military and material movements during the Middle Kingdom showed that the enemies they faced were obviously not as weak as they boasted.

In this case a series of defensive fortresses were generally built. The names of a series of fortresses such as Yunati - to suppress Nubia, Eastern Semna - to defend against bows and arrows, Safak - to attack foreign countries, are enough to illustrate their defensiveness and vigilance against foreigners.

"——From here we can see the situation at that time." Liang En, who was standing in front of the blackboard, said to a photo, which was found in front of a temple and had an announcement from a pharaoh written on it.

“If translated the stele reads: I have pushed my borders southwards beyond the time of my fathers…I am a man of my word…any of my sons will ensure my Boundaries set by the monarch…

My true son will support his father and guard the boundaries created by his father. If he abandons the boundaries and fails, then he is not my son and he is not my biological child. ""

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