The entire exchange event ended in harmony. For Liang En, although there were some minor troubles during the exchange event, the overall situation was still very smooth.

Especially from a purely academic perspective, Liang En also gained a lot from this exchange. After all, those who came to attend the lecture today were not just students and professors from the University of Paris I, but also professionals from other schools.

Therefore, during the exchanges between these real experts, Liang En also gained enough inspiration and knowledge.

After all, the professionals in this world are no worse than the professionals in the other world. It's just that the people in this world have taken a slight detour, and now they have naturally shown their own level after being corrected.

So these people figured out a lot of knowledge in a short period of time, even some knowledge that was not clear in another world, and these things naturally benefited Liang En a lot.

After a brief lunch with several professors, Liang En and the others returned to the auditorium because there was still one important thing to do in the afternoon, and Liang En was the protagonist.

"——Thank you very much for translating ancient Egyptian, so that everyone can begin to understand the real ancient Egypt, one of the earliest civilizations of mankind. Therefore, on behalf of the University of Paris I, I award you a doctorate in history."

The ceremony started soon after entering the auditorium. After the president of the University of Paris I gave a simple speech, Liang En walked on the stage and took the degree certificate from the other party's hand.

This matter was notified at short notice two days before arriving. Liang En was a little surprised when he got the news, and even sent a special email to confirm this matter.

Of course, this surprise is not about why this thing was given to him. After all, his current contribution to archeology and history is enough to get this degree.

Even though his current highest degree is only an undergraduate degree, according to the tradition of Western universities, it is completely normal to award a degree to someone who has made important academic contributions like him, and it is not that difficult.

The only difficulty may be related to his skin color. With the same academic contribution, he will definitely suffer some disadvantages. Fortunately, he has enough background to smooth all this.

So now he is just wondering why the first university to give him a degree was the University of Paris I, because in his impression, the first one to give him a degree should be a school in Ireland or the UK.

After all, Golden Dawn is stronger academically, and they had previously said that they would help Liang En obtain a doctorate from the UK as soon as possible.

Since the Western world attaches great importance to everyone's class, everyone thought that after Liang En had achieved such great achievements, he had better give himself a more important title.

This is of course a very correct suggestion. Liang En naturally followed Shan Ruliu's lead in making preparations in this regard, but compared to the preparations he made in the UK, he did not invest much in France.

But now it seems that because we have cooperated more with the French side before, the progress on the French side is even higher when it is also recommended by powerful people.

This degree conferment is very important to Liang En. After all, even though everyone recognized that Liang En's academic level was indeed enough to obtain a doctorate, his age and skin color always made some people hesitant.

Therefore, with the University of Paris 1 conferring a degree on Liang En, the next work will naturally become much easier, because after there are examples that can be cited, many things will be much easier to do.

Although Liang En's reputation in archeology and history has indeed reached the point where he does not need a degree to show off. But no matter what, getting a degree is still something to be proud of.

Obviously, conferring a degree is a very important thing, especially conferring a doctorate to a foreigner, so in addition to school personnel, there were also some publicity personnel at the ceremony.

As the protagonist, Liang En was naturally busy in this kind of ceremony. It was not until the whole ceremony was over that he had time to take a breath and then attend the banquet in the evening.

Different from the simple meal at noon, this banquet should be regarded as a more formal reception banquet. As for the theme of the banquet, it was to celebrate the large number of achievements in the research of ancient Egyptian civilization. It was also celebrated that Liang En received his doctorate.

In the Western world, a doctorate is actually a very important degree. For example, if you obtain a doctorate, the title doctor will be added to your last name. In addition, only a few people such as clergy and nobles can obtain it. add.

Such a banquet was naturally relaxed and pleasant, and Liang En's mood improved a lot. However, when he returned to his residence in Paris after work, he received an email from Mary.

In fact, this is not very common, because Mary is busy with her own things most of the time. Unless there is something related to art, she will not have much contact with Liang En.

But this time it really had nothing to do with art, because after opening the email, he discovered that Mary sent the email to him because someone found her, hoping to find Liang En through her.

"Good evening, Mary, I'm sorry to disturb you, but the letter just now was too simple. It only said that several Angolans were looking for me. Can you tell me what happened? "

Looking at the clock on the wall, he realized that it was only after 8:30 pm. Liang En immediately dialed Mary's phone to inquire about the specific situation.

Because he really didn't remember his relationship with Angela, so that people needed to find him, and even went to Mary's side specifically.

"That's it, my lord." After hearing Liang En explain the reason, Mary quickly explained. "Do you remember that you bought a gilded wooden scepter from Angola?"

"Scepter...ah, I'm up!" After being mentioned by Mary, Liang En quickly found the corresponding content in his mind.

This scepter was something he bought at the auction where the president of the Golden Society was killed to hide it from others. He bought it casually when he and Officer Burke were investigating the Golden Society.

It was just that after he bought it, he thought that the colonists had stolen it, so after he returned, he disclosed the information about the scepter in the hope of finding the true owner of the scepter.

It's just that this work is not a simple matter. Because of the problem of information and archives in Africa, it will definitely take a lot of time and energy to figure out the situation.

So Liang En always regarded this thing as a random long-term mission, but what he didn't expect was that it was Mary who first discovered the reality of this aspect.

Because when he thought about the work Mary was doing now, not only did she come into contact with fewer people, but the nature of the people she came into contact with was also relatively simple. In theory, the possibility of figuring out who the owner of the scepter was was as small as Joan of Arc.

But there are some things that Liang En needs to treat equally, so when he assigned this task to Elizabeth, he also assigned the same task to Joan of Arc and Mary.

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