Because the matter was not particularly urgent, and he was a little tired after a busy day today, Liang En simply put the matter aside until the next day.

After breakfast the next morning, Liang En and Joan of Arc went to Mary's gallery in the city center, and then Mary and I talked about the scepter.

"The situation is like this. I received several guests from Angola in the past two days, so after completing the transaction, I subconsciously took out the photo you gave me and asked the other party." Mary explained what she had done before. things.

"After looking at our photos, one of the guests said that this sudden scepter is probably a king's scepter over there, but they also need some time to verify it."

"This sounds indeed good news, but are you sure that this scepter belongs to his king?" After being happy for a few seconds, Liang En quickly thought of another important question.

"You know, they are not sure that everyone is telling the truth, so for us, some things may need to be verified-" "I have asked Miss Elizabeth about this." Mary nodded. .

"Just half an hour before you guys came, I got a notification from Elizabeth. He said that through investigation, it could be confirmed that this thing was indeed the highest-level scepter in the kingdom." "How did she find out so quickly?"

Liang En asked a little surprised, because he had done work in this area before, so he naturally understood how complicated it was to conduct investigations in Africa, which could not be completed in a short time.

"It's simple, because we have a new investment in southern Angola." Mary took a sip of the coffee next to her and said.

"We have a not too small investment in that place, building a small hydropower station on a river to provide power to the surrounding area, and at the same time opening up plantations around it."

Since Elizabeth came over, Liang En's industry has developed very rapidly, and at the same time he has also launched comprehensive investment work. These investments are of course not limited to Europe or the United States, but all over the world.

It's just that they don't have enough capital now, and the previous bank left them with many legacy problems, so they spent a lot of time on sorting out their assets.

The most important part is to cut off a large number of ineffective or inefficient investments in the United States, and then redirect funds to other countries, such as China, Southeast Asia or Africa.

This is of course not to say that the United States is not suitable for investment. After all, as the country with the number one economy in the world, it is certainly very suitable for investment. However, it is a bit useless for people like Liang En and others who lack capital.

Because in the United States, those industries with relatively high profit margins have already had large capital involvement, Liang En and the others are unable to intervene at all, and those with low profit margins are tiring and moneyless, and are completely uneconomical.

This is why they choose other places to invest. Although those places have many problems, at least the profits are much higher.

Of course, investment still follows the traditional and sound investment style, such as the hotel industry in China, the mining industry in Guatemala, wind power generation in Northern Europe, and agriculture in Southeast Asia, etc.

As for the investment in Angola, it is Liang En’s first investment in sub-Saharan Africa, and it is also just an attempt. After all, there are all kinds of opportunities and all kinds of problems in this place, so this can be considered an adventure.

But from another perspective, this opportunity is really great. We were able to finally obtain a small hydropower station, which is an opportunity that is difficult to get elsewhere.

According to the provisions of the contract, Liang En and the others must start the project three months after the contract is signed and complete it within three years. After that, they can enjoy the income rights for 70 years and then sell it to Angola at 10% of the market price. .

Although the contract is a bit harsh, considering the maximum return that can be obtained from this investment, it is definitely worth it. In addition, they also invested additionally to purchase a large farm around them.

The reason for purchasing the farm is also very simple, because with the construction of this hydropower station, a large area of ​​surrounding land has changed from desolate land that could not be cultivated in the past to irrigated land, making it suitable for planting.

Liang En originally thought that purchasing land to develop farming would be more complicated than building a hydropower station. After all, many countries attach great importance to agricultural land and would not even allow the sale of cultivated land to foreigners.

But that was not the case here. Liang En easily bought a large piece of land after submitting the overall plan for the construction of the hydropower station and small reservoir, or bought a European-style 999-year ownership.

Unlike many countries, one of the biggest features of this country is that it has a large area of ​​land, but no one cultivates it, so they naturally have various preferential policies for those who are willing to travel thousands of miles to cultivate it.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, the use scope of these lands must not be changed without approval, otherwise they will face fines or even confiscation.

According to Mary, this investment has been carried out for more than seven months, and some basic facilities have been completed. In the process, they have also established a relatively good relationship with the locals.

This is mainly because although there is a river in the local area, it is not convenient to use water except on both sides of the river. Therefore, many villages far away from the river must send people to spend time and energy to fetch water from the river every day.

Even more people can only resort to sewage from simple reservoirs and even some stagnant pits. As a result, a series of infectious diseases break out in this area every year, and the accidental mortality rate remains high.

After discovering this, Elizabeth directly ordered the engineering team that arrived in advance to help the local villagers dig wells and build reservoirs. Considering that the local groundwater level was high, this task was much simpler than imagined.

However, although the work is simple, it solves one of the most direct and important problems of the local people. It is also for this reason that they are very familiar with the local people.

This is why Elizabeth was able to obtain those clues in a very short period of time, because after questioning, he actually found out that he and his target were neighbors, and quickly found out what was going on inside.

Only then did they know the reason why they couldn't get any information after asking for a long time. It was because the news about the scepter was only circulated in this area, and the outside world didn't know it at all.

Less than half an hour after confirming that the scepter indeed came from the place stated before, Liang En met the guest from Angola.

He is a rich man who got rich from oil. At the same time, his mother comes from the kingdom where the scepter is located, and because of this, he knows what the scepter means.

Of course, the oil tycoons who could survive in such a place were definitely not innocent good people. The reason why they were willing to discuss it now was because Liang En's current status was something he couldn't afford to offend.

Although Liang En couldn't do much to have a big impact on his business, it was enough to ruin his plan to build relationships in Europe, so he told the truth about the scepter.

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