"Yes, that's right, that's it -" the oil tycoon said in an excited tone after looking at the scepter Liang En had urgently sent back from Ireland the night before.

"The kingdom has been looking for this scepter since it disappeared, and even offered a high reward for it, but I really didn't expect this thing to reappear here."

Although Angola is a republic, it is well known that most countries south of the Sahara are countries established mechanically by European colonists, which are different from normal modern countries.

For example, the traditional African ball-making system. Chief system, and the highest-ranking chief is also called "Tuwang" locally, which means the person in charge of the land.

The house where the Earth King lives is called the "Royal Palace". At the same time, these earth kings are not just symbols, but also have considerable power, deciding large and small matters within their jurisdiction.

In addition, any important actions taken by local officials need to be discussed with them, and a portion of the money needs to be allocated to them as subsidies every month.

However, not all chiefs are so powerful. To take the simplest example, outstanding people, including politicians, can be awarded the title of chief through donations or recognition.

This type of chief is just an honor, cannot be hereditary, and often has no actual power, just like the noble title Liang En received from Cambodia before.

And now the chief behind the scepter that Liang En and the others found was a traditional, powerful chief, more in line with people's impression of an African chief.

According to the survey, the number of people under this king's command is about 200,000, and the land area is more than 1,200 square kilometers. He can be regarded as a powerful king.

In addition, he also has an important influence on people of his own nation in many countries, and can be regarded as an important leader of those people.

But other than that, the situation in the entire area is very average. Although there is a river passing through it, the area is actually relatively barren without an irrigation system. Except for a few villages near the river, it is mainly based on animal husbandry.

What's even worse is that after years of surveys, it has been determined that there are no valuable minerals in this area, no gold, no diamonds, no oil, only some coal mines that are very scattered and have low reserves.

But from another perspective, they are also blessed because of it. As we all know, most of the wars in Africa are caused by resources. As long as a place has resources, those international capitals will smell it and create various disputes.

Therefore, this place also escaped disaster because of its barrenness: no one would be interested in those cattle, sheep, or coal mines that basically have no industrial mining value, and naturally they would not provoke any war in such a place.

After two busy days in Paris, Liang En received an official invitation from the local king, so on the third day, he joined a 15-person White Knight security team and took a plane to Angola.

Different from the previous team, except for the commander who is a retired Chinese soldier, all the security personnel of this team are Copts from Egypt.

As the force with the longest cooperation, the cooperation between Copts and Liang En was very smooth, which naturally included a large number of Copts who joined the White Knight Security Company.

It's just that the places Liang En went to were too humid and not suitable for Copts, so they did not appear in those previous actions.

However, the location of this operation is located in a relatively dry area slightly south of central Angola, so as an important part of the White Knights, they will naturally show their faces.

Because there was a whole team following them this time, Liang En and the others simply completed the renewal process and rented a private jet to fly to their destination.

Because it was a private plane and the flight lasted more than five hours, after the plane entered a stable route, Liang En quickly discussed the next work with the two assistants who were traveling with the plane to Angola.

Although Liang En and the others theoretically returned the scepter this time, in fact, in addition to returning the scepter, taking care of the property in that place was also a very important matter.

Especially after carefully analyzing this industry, Liang En realized that this is likely to be a very important profit point in the future and a good opportunity to open up the African market.

"——The core issue now is how to make the entire industry work." An assistant reported to Liang Enhui after looking at the information in his hand.

"The project itself is not a big problem. We found a Chinese construction company through bidding. They have built a large number of infrastructure overseas, including several important hydropower stations in Africa. Therefore, it is very simple to build such a small hydropower station."

"But the question now is whether the hydropower station can be used for sufficient purposes after it is repaired. For example, there is no problem in irrigation and flood reduction, especially after the surrounding plantations are reclaimed, the reservoir will play a big role."

"But there are big problems with power generation. At least it's not clear who will use the electricity generated by this small hydropower station in the future, because it is surrounded by a purely agricultural society." Another assistant said helplessly.

"I know that the farms we develop will definitely use electricity, but the farms alone will definitely not be able to use up the electricity. At the same time, it is completely uneconomical to build high-voltage transmission lines to send electricity to other cities at the level of the entire hydropower plant."

"Yes, this is indeed a problem, so I think the next thing we should do is to develop some manufacturing industries, and then promote the convenient use to peripheral products." Liang En nodded in approval and then said.

"I think this need can be cultivated. Although it is impossible to transmit power at high voltages over long distances, the surrounding area should be sufficient."

"Yes, it is true, but we need to invest more money and energy in the early stage." The two assistants discussed in a low voice. “And it requires local stability.”

"I think the problem shouldn't be big. At least the local situation seems unlikely to cause large-scale conflicts to break out in a relatively long period of time, so it is still possible to cultivate an industrial stability in this place."

Liang En quite agreed with the analysis of the two assistants. At the same time, he also figured out what happened based on the information, and then simply pointed out a direction.

"We can start with the simplest manufacturing industries, such as simple mechanical processing or similar industries that are supported by the local area, and then gradually popularize the use of electricity to the local area."

"I certainly understand that this is a complex matter, but I also believe that we have enough time and energy to do this well while making this place an important financial resource for us."

Liang En has practiced this profit model more than once in other places. Although those experiences can only be used as a reference and cannot be copied, the successful cases have undoubtedly greatly inspired Liang En and allowed him to move forward. .

Finally, after a five-hour flight, the plane landed smoothly at the airport in Luanda, the capital of Angola. Soon the quality off-road vehicle drove out of the airport and headed south.

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