Finally, after two days of driving, Liang En and the others successfully arrived at their destination, which is a place located at the junction of central and southern Angola. The overall climate is between dry and humid.

Therefore, the local economy is also very special, mainly relying on a combination of agriculture and animal husbandry, which means that many people go out to graze for a few months every year, but most people still stay in residential areas to work in agriculture.

This is a good thing for Liang En and others, because they can successfully hire enough people from these villages, and the local villages are also very cooperative in this work.

Because for those people in the slack period, all they do at home is to eat, so it is obviously a very good idea to find a job in a place that takes care of food and pays wages to make some money.

What must be stated here is that even the same race of people will have different characteristics under different circumstances, and the environment has a great influence on them. For example, the local farmers are very diligent in their work, which is completely different from the people in Luanda on the west coast.

However, for these people who have lived in traditional or even primitive agricultural societies since childhood, the vast majority of them are illiterate and need to learn many things from scratch. The cost and time of training are indeed prohibitive.

But for Liang En, who plans to turn this place into a century-old project, all the work is worth it, and Liang En also believes that after returning the scepter this time, his relationship with the local area will be enough to maintain this relationship.

This is why Liang En is willing to build various facilities for the surrounding area. After all, in this kind of overseas investment, establishing good relations with the surrounding residents is a very important thing.

Of course, this approach is also directly related to the local climate. Although the local precipitation statistics are not low, the time distribution is very different.

For example, there is never a shortage of water in the local rainy season, but during the dry season there can even be no water. As a result, drought breaks out every year, but the scale is different.

In fact, Liang En was shocked before coming because the local people's level of drought resistance was not even as good as that of China a thousand years ago. For example, they couldn't dig deeper wells at all.

After at least a month of investigation, they can confirm that local people use almost all water from natural sources, and the only artificial measure is to dig the village's pond deeper.

This can indeed store part of the water source and reduce the impact on the village during the dry season, but this stagnant water will soon become a very bad source of infection, leading to outbreaks of infectious diseases every year.

Therefore, the water wells drilled by Liang En and others using machines are very valuable. For local people who need to plant and breed, these wells are tantamount to the source of life.

So in just a few months, Liang En and the others, who came here to invest with a friendly attitude, gained the friendship of everyone from the chiefs of the tribes to the minor chiefs of the tribes to ordinary farmers and herdsmen.

After all, human beings basically have something in common, so the locals can naturally feel the difference between Liang En and his group and the European and American colonists, and establish friendship.

When the locals asked why Liang En and the others wanted to help them, everyone would say that it was an order from Mr. Liang Enliang, a well-meaning wealthy scholar.

This is why Liang En and the others received an unexpected surprise when they went to Tuwang's palace to return the scepter the day after they arrived at the construction site and completed their inspection work.

The reason why they were in such a hurry to go to the palace was because they came here mainly to return the scepter. Therefore, whether it was due to etiquette or various considerations, it was the most appropriate thing to complete this work as soon as possible.

Different from what he imagined, the palace here is not as luxurious as the royal palaces he saw in the United Arab Emirates. If it were not for the two doormen with guns in front of the door, he would never have imagined this simple two-story small house with a courtyard. The building is the royal palace.

Because the appearance of this palace looks similar to that of Chinese village committees and courtyards, especially the red brick and cement walls that give people a very obvious sense of déjà vu.

If there is any difference from the village committee compound in China, it may be that the cement walls of this building, which is regarded as a palace, are painted with various brightly colored pictures full of local style.

After entering the door, he found that there was no difference between the inside and the outside. If he had to say it, he could only say that there was an extra hydraulic well and a diesel generator, and there were a few more household appliances in the house.

Soon, Liang En and Joan of Arc saw the ruler of this land: an elder with a gray beard. He looked not much different from the farmers and herdsmen on the street, except that he was wearing ethnic clothing. Just clothing.

"The wise man who masters the secrets of history, the cracker of the secrets of ancient civilization, the Lord of Cambodia..." As soon as he entered the door, a young man who looked like a junior of the Tuwang gave the guest's title according to tradition.

But Liang En, who was standing there with a serious face, was almost digging out a four-bedroom apartment with his toes in embarrassment. He really didn't know that the length of his title was comparable to that of Long Ma, and how could he sound like one? A strong second degree.

Apparently, the other party found out Liang En's current identity from the public Internet, and then reported it according to the custom here after conducting a comprehensive review.

From a certain perspective, this kind of organized title allows people who hear this title to understand what kind of person Liang En is at once.

For example, as the young man chanted, some people around him who looked like chiefs or elders gradually became friendly towards Liang En.

After completing the introduction, the next step was the agreed-upon return ceremony. When Liang En completed the return ceremony and thought that the next step would be a traditional barbecue feast, the king asked someone to leave with a wooden box. out.

The box contains a hat decorated with various feathers and beasts' teeth. Next to it is a handmade, very rough-looking iron sword. There is a totem on the hilt, and a folded sword is placed underneath. cloak.

Maybe it's the commonality of civilization at a certain stage. This seems to have a lot in common with the items representing identity that Liang En got in the otter tribe.

"Mr. Liang, you are now granted the title of chief of the Owendu people." Just as Liang En put these three things on his body under the guidance of the attendant at the side, the native king stood up and walked to his body. before and then said.

"In addition, the land where your current farms and future reservoirs are located will also be given to you as your territory, and you will be able to exercise your rights as a chief on this land."

After the Tuwang finished speaking, another attendant commanded two servants to run up carrying a map stuck on a board. According to what was displayed on the map, Liang En's territory was about 620 acres.

It's just that the territory is large, but the overall situation is very average. Except for the part near the river, other places are barren even for pasture, let alone growing crops as a farm.

After King Tu finished speaking, all the chiefs present clapped their hands in an exaggerated manner. This also meant that under the witness of everyone, Liang En became the newest chief of the kingdom.

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