Liang En is quite happy about this unexpected chieftain status, because unlike those honorary chiefs, he has now obtained this identity and is a real chief.

In other words, he has the right to participate in the tribal assembly, speak and vote. At the same time, the local official must provide him with subsidies and consult him on important issues.

After the simple ceremony, the next step is the traditional banquet, which is the legendary barbecue dinner. This process is also a good opportunity for everyone to chat and communicate.

During the exchange, Liang En realized that these local kings and chiefs were not as backward as they seemed. At least most of them had the experience of studying abroad in important universities in the United Kingdom, the United States, France or Portugal.

Therefore, this group of people will never be as closed-minded and conservative as they seem now, and the other party's willingness to choose Liang En as the chief is not only due to his actions in this land during this period, but also his important influence.

The more important point is that Liang En's previous investments in other countries have successfully brought lasting benefits to the local areas. This is also the reason why the Tuwanghui is determined.

At the same time, while chatting, Liang En learned that the land he bought before also belonged to the tribe. However, the tribe had lost a lot of its most important property: cattle due to the plague caused by drought, so this land was transferred to the tribe. Officially sold.

It’s no wonder that after the earth king announced that he would seal this piece of land to Liang En, which may be larger than the land area of ​​some of the chiefs present, the chiefs present showed friendly smiles on their faces.

Because as the land selected for sale, this barren land did not have much value in their eyes, so it was definitely a valuable thing to canonize Liang En, a rich and good man.

At the same time, because this area is recognized as a barren land, except for a few riverside lands that were previously used as public pastures, the rest of the land is really just a wasteland in the eyes of the locals.

Therefore, Liang En publicly promised that except for a small piece of river bend land that would be requisitioned by himself as a future wharf, everyone would be allowed to graze in other places as in the past. The atmosphere at the scene quickly reached a climax.

After all, the land that Liang En owns now has no interest connection with anyone except a small area, so naturally there can be no conflict. And Liang En agrees that the other party will continue grazing, which will help you eliminate this only possible conflict. Lost.

After all, for Liang En, planting or artificially creating pastures is a very simple matter after irrigation, so there is no need to force the little land by the river.

Through communicating with these chiefs, Liang En also learned about his rights. For example, he now also has the right to recruit his own tribesmen.

"This sword is just a symbolic item given to you in the ceremony now. When you go back, you can make a sword of your own. It doesn't matter what the style is, as long as the tribal totem is reflected on the hilt." King Tu said.

"As for the people directly under the chief, you have to recruit them yourself. As long as they are not the subjects of other chiefs and they are willing, you can also find an unlimited number of wives. As long as their parents agree, you can also pay Just a betrothal gift—"

The native king told Liang En about the rights of a chief. Although hundreds of years of Portuguese colonization made this country look like a modern country, and most people in this country believed in Christianity, it was only on the surface.

After leaving the city, you will find that the vast rural areas are almost all dominated by native primitive beliefs or branches of Christianity in the style of God worship. The tribal system is still there, and the marriages of chiefs and wealthy men are often polygamous.

In the end, the Tuwang said very seriously that chiefs like Liang En could automatically obtain Angola's nationality, and he had already sent someone to apply for a passport.

As we all know, even today, few African countries like this have completed censuses or population statistics, so having an ID card in such a country is really a matter of identity.

Some people may think that since these countries have population statistics, they should have established a household registration system, but in fact, the country's statistical method in tribal areas is very simple, that is, directly contact the chief, and then the chief will tell him how many people there are.

For Liang En, the biggest benefit of becoming a chief is that the ownership of the land in his hands can be confirmed through the most traditional method.

Having said that, although this traditional method seems a bit too old, it has to be said that it is much more reliable in terms of reliability than the Western rules imposed on the locals. At least in this country.

Because for a country ruled by traditional chiefs, anyone who wants to move the interests of the chiefs will definitely encounter collective opposition from the chiefs, so the degree of security is naturally very high.

Also at the banquet, Liang En also received gifts from the chiefs, including tractors, cattle, sheep and a brand new diesel generator. This was a local habit, even though Liang En was actually richer than them.

According to tradition, everyone should give Liang En a few cows, but as the times change, some things will change. For example, now you only need to give something worth five cows.

Of course, as a native king, you still have to give away cows, and ten of them are given as gifts. This is definitely a lot of wealth in the local area, because the gift money for marrying a girl from a good family is only five cows, and ordinary people even have three cows. Just head.

Although Liang En traditionally did not need to reciprocate gifts after receiving them at this time, as a Chinese, Liang En felt that he had to show off for receiving so many benefits.

Therefore, after the chiefs gave the gifts, Liang En announced that he would build two literacy schools, a training class, an agricultural technology station and a veterinary station to serve the kingdom.

In fact, most of these things were planned by Liang En before. Although the planned small hydropower stations and plantations are not high-tech gadgets, it is definitely not possible for illiterate people to operate these things.

Therefore, both literacy schools and technical training classes are necessary, as are agricultural technology stations and veterinary stations. After all, future plantations will still need these things.

In other words, Liang En only added a literacy school as a gift this time, and the rest was just to tell the plan in advance, which was a standard method of getting twice the result with half the effort.

The chiefs present may also be able to see part of Liang En's intentions, but it can also be seen that Liang En really wants to run this place as his own important industry, and this is something that is beneficial to everyone. .

Although statistics say that the illiteracy rate in Angola is only 34%, their statistics are similar to those of Indians, which means that those who can write their own names and recognize ten Arabic numerals are not considered illiterate.

Therefore, the real illiteracy rate in this country is far higher than imagined. What is more important is that compared to big cities with slightly more developed education, such illiteracy is more concentrated in tribal areas.

Therefore, for the local high-educated kings and chiefs, they naturally know how important education is to them. Unfortunately, the progress of literacy is very slow due to funds, so Ting Liang En is so happy to donate education.

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