Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 941 Construction Site

Unlike some people, Liang En's goals in all the industries he manages, including plantations, are long-term sustainability. Therefore, he often does not choose to fish all the time.

For example, for this kind of commercial plantation, he will choose a plan that has lower income in the short term but can operate for a long time.

In other words, Liang En cannot use the method that many commercial plantations choose to use a large amount of pesticides and fertilizers to overdraw the potential of a soil. He even needs to spend extra money to adjust the local land.

This is why Liang En will do a series of systematic projects, because for him, he needs to ensure enough time for him to complete his plan.

It's just that after confirming that he is the chief, many details need to be further adjusted, because what he needs now is a real century-old plan, so whether it is investment or anything else, corresponding adjustments need to be made.

Although this land is unstable in many aspects, there was even direct confiscation of the land next door. But Liang En believed that Elizabeth's level could completely solve possible problems.

For Liang En, believing in Elizabeth is definitely a wise choice. At least in his eyes, Elizabeth is already better than most politicians in Europe now.

After learning that Liang En had become the chief, the first thing Elizabeth did was to mobilize more people from the White Knight Security Company and prepare to set up a training camp here.

"I know you are a pacifist, but peace and friendship are not enough in this place." After Liang En had finished handling everything three days later and headed to the most important reservoir construction site, Elizabeth talked about her arrangements.

"This land has its own laws of operation. If someone wants to play with words and take away things that don't belong to them, I will use the most primitive methods of this land to solve all problems."

"If you think so, then do it." Liang En took a deep breath and said, although there are some things he doesn't like very much, but he also knows that he has to do those things even if he doesn't like them anymore.

At least in Guatemala, they have proven that weapons of criticism cannot replace weapons of criticism in many cases. However, the degree must be grasped, especially remembering that one must not indulge in violence.

Soon, the vehicle drove into the construction site. The construction site did not change much from the last time we came here, but everyone looked obviously more nervous than the previous few days.

After getting out of the car and asking around, they found out that the reason why everyone was so nervous today was simply because the largest blasting activity since the start of construction was about to take place.

As everyone knows. Blasting is a complex and dangerous matter, so for the engineers working here, the next work will be very troublesome.

"Actually, blasting is not the most troublesome thing. The most troublesome thing is the clean-up work afterwards." said the leading engineer surnamed Feng. "I hope the local workers will not be injured by the unexploded explosives when handling the stones. .”

It is difficult to avoid duds during blasting, especially large-scale blasting. And dealing with these duds is a very dangerous thing because they explode randomly.

"I hope so - by the way, I have prepared ten sets of explosion-proof suits and a series of explosion-proof equipment for you. Although I don't hope they will come in handy, some preparations are better than none." Liang En nodded.

Although Liang En really couldn't mobilize more people in terms of manpower, he was very well prepared in terms of materials. For example, the equipment was no worse than the equipment on large construction sites.

After a few simple greetings, the construction site quickly carried out the final preparations before blasting according to the predetermined plan, and then turned on the blasting power supply after everyone came to the safe bunker.

In an instant, bursts of dust rose into the sky from the distant mountains, and then a series of thunder-like explosions came from the distance and echoed in the desolate valley.

When the dust dispersed a little, you could see pieces of stone rolling down the mountain and then falling into the river below, stirring up waves of water. At the same time, the originally clear river also became turbid.

It wasn't until more than ten minutes later that the dust raised by the explosion fell to the ground. At this time, Liang En discovered that the mountains on both sides of the river had undergone tremendous changes, especially the part of the raised stone that originally reached the center. Blown to pieces.

It is obvious that they have greatly reduced their labor intensity through blasting work. At least today's blasting can reduce at least two months of regular excavation work time.

After the dust settled, the first to go up were the Chinese engineers and their local apprentices. But the number of apprentices is not even 1/3 of the number of engineers.

"It is very difficult to choose apprentices in this place, even the most junior apprentices." The previous engineer named Feng explained the current situation to Liang En.

"This is mainly because the education level of local people is really low. Among my students, the one with the highest diploma is just a high school dropout. It takes more energy to teach them to learn technical jobs."

"When I was in China, I always disliked the fact that domestic college students were unsatisfactory in all aspects, but now it seems that my expectations at that time were too high."

"Yes, many times the gap between different countries will far exceed human imagination. There is no doubt that this place is a poor and backward place." Liang En nodded.

"But I think these problems should be gradually changed in the future. I have planned to invest part of the education here, at least to train people who will operate hydropower stations in the future."

"Of course, I also know that this kind of thing cannot be accomplished overnight. After all, it will take at least several years to cultivate it from the foundation. By that time, I believe everyone should have already built the hydropower station."

"But these problems are not unsolvable. For example, we can temporarily hire some foreign technical personnel to replace them for a few years. This may cost a little more, but I can still afford it."

"Yes, Mr. Liang, I think this is the only way to do it." Feng Gong said after being silent for a few seconds. "Fortunately, although the people here have poor education levels and need repeated teaching on many basic issues, they are at least willing to learn."

"That's good. Sometimes your own efforts are the most important part, and other people's help is just help." Liang En nodded with satisfaction. "I hope everything goes well with this hydropower station in the future."

By noon, the on-site explosive disposal work had ended, and then came the final round of inspections and subsequent construction.

At this time, Liang En also led the on-site staff to the construction site, and when they climbed up the highest hill nearby, they were ready to check the overall situation of the entire construction site.

But when they climbed to the top of the mountain and stayed for less than ten minutes, a Copt from the White Knight team ran up from the bottom of the mountain, and then whispered into Liang En's ear.

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