Realizing that Liang En and the others might have something important to talk about, the engineer named Feng quickly found an excuse and left from the mountain.

After the engineer from China walked away along the path, the security guard told Liang En the reason for running up to him.

"We found something strange and would like you to take a look." The young-looking Copt said excitedly.

"Although you can't tell what it is for the time being, what is certain is that it is some ancient man-made creation that looks as old as our mine."

As Egyptians who are currently running an ancient ruins, almost all of these Copts have experience working in ancient ruins.

Therefore, even if you don't know exactly what you found, you still have the ability to judge whether something is a relic, so you won't make any mistakes on this issue.

"As old as your mine, this is really shocking news." Liang En muttered quietly as he followed the security guard down the mountain.

Because judging from the current archaeological discoveries, there are very few civilization sites in sub-Saharan Africa. It can even be said that except for the Stone City ruins in Zimbabwe, Timbuktu in West Africa and a series of ruins influenced by ancient Egypt in Sudan, the entire sub-Saharan Africa There are basically no traces of civilization in South Africa.

This also reflects the sadness of a civilization without writing and historical records, such as the ruins of the Stone City of Great Zimbabwe.

This city was built between the 8th and 10th centuries. In the Shona language of the African Bantu language family, Zimbabwe means "Stone City". It is also interpreted as "chief's residence", "chief's tomb" and "rich mine". .

In the 13th century, Great Zimbabwe was expanded on a large scale. By the 14th century, it was occupied by a powerful African tribe and became the ruling center of the tribe at that time.

Later, due to war turmoil and other unidentified reasons, Great Zimbabwe gradually declined and completely disappeared from history until it was discovered by colonists in the mid-19th century.

Judging from the existing ruins of this city, the overall level of civilization that built this city should not be low, but until now, no one knows who actually built this ancient city.

There are many speculations. Some people speculated that he was a black man, some said he was an Arab, and even King Solomon, but no one could provide conclusive evidence.

The cause of all this is directly related to the lack of records, because there are no records. Many things were lost to history forever with the collapse of the ancient kingdom.

In addition, another big problem in sub-Saharan Africa is that there are too many termites, so wooden products that can represent local civilization cannot be preserved for more than ten years.

It can even be said that at least half of the history of ancient Black Africa has been buried in the belly of generations of termites, seriously affecting the investigation of the history of this land by later generations.

That's why Liang En was so shocked when he heard that there was a possibly very ancient civilization here, because according to historical records, that kind of ancient civilization did not exist in this area at all.

Soon they came to the target cliff. The cliff was piled with rubble, but because of the blast just now, a whole layer of rocks was peeled off from the cliff, revealing the current entrance of the cave.

"First clear the stones at the entrance." After looking at the hole, which was only the size of a washbasin, Liang En said to his men present, "At least let's see what the hole looks like."

Soon some impact drills, ropes and winches were brought up, and then everyone started excavation work. Fortunately, the blasting just now had cleared away most of the hidden objects, so it took only a few minutes of digging to see the entrance of the cave.

The next task was to expand the hole. As the hole further expanded, more and more things appeared in front of Liang En and the others. At this time, Liang En saw the steps at the door.

Yes, they are steps. Although the steps are very rough and there is a lot of dirt and gravel on them, Liang En, who has visited the ruins for so many years, can still clearly distinguish that these dilapidated structures are steps carved into the stone.

If placed in Europe, China or even North Africa, it would be normal for such steps to appear. They could be the last remaining parts of some ancient buildings, but the situation here is different.

Before coming here, Liang En never knew there were any ancient ruins in Angola, but judging from the traces on the site, this cave is at least a thousand years old.

"Call the local kings and chiefs first. The scene here is too complicated and the news is basically uncontrollable." Liang En ordered Jeanne after glancing at the locals who were looking not far away. "It just so happens that we can ventilate the cave so we can go in later."

The reason why he made this judgment was that he found that there were many plant roots hanging down from the roof of the cave like curtains inside the cave. This clearly indicated that the cave was not sealed and there was no need to worry about oxidation damage.

Half an hour later, the Tuwang and the two chiefs drove to the construction site under the protection of the guards, and then went to the mountain with the help of the attendants.

"What did you find, Chief Liang?" After arriving on the mountain, King Tu looked at the dark cave in front of him and asked, "I heard you found something very important here."

"Yes, a very important relic -" Liang En nodded and introduced the current situation, and finally asked: "This is the land of your ancestors, so do you have any impressions of this place?"

"Hmm - no, I can guarantee that in our legend this area is just a barren mountain." King Tu said after discussing with several chiefs very seriously.

"In our legend, our tribe originally lived further north. It was only about thirty generations ago that we moved here. However, when we came here, it was just a wasteland. There were no people and no traces left by anyone."

Although Africa lacks written records, it does not mean that they will not pass on their own knowledge. For example, among tribal chiefs and elders, a lot of ancient knowledge is compiled into songs and sung.

Of course, this method of transmitting information is not without its flaws. For example, some things are easily distorted and deformed during word-of-mouth transmission. At the same time, the unexpected death of certain key figures can also lead to the severance of the inheritance.

Taking Africa as an example, slave hunting and colonial rule in the Western world caused a large number of cultural inheritors to die unnaturally, and their deaths completely destroyed the civilizational heritage of sub-Saharan Black Africa.

From this point of view, Liang En's current tribe is lucky. Because the land is not on the coast and is desolate, not many people went deep into the interior to deal with them specifically, so these histories have been preserved.

However, judging from the narratives of the earth kings and chiefs, they were not the builders of this ruins, and before they came, this place had been in an uninhabited natural state for a long time.

"A relic of an older civilization with a high level of civilization? It seems that the things in this cave may be more important than imagined." After getting the information from the Tuwang and the chief, Liang En thought as he looked at the entrance of the cave.

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