According to the plan, the ship ordered by Liang En and the others would arrive in three months. Unexpectedly, the ship arrived successfully the day after taking the Tuwang and the chiefs to visit the ruins on the mountain.

"Why so fast?" Just after the two ships docked, Liang En asked the person in charge who came with the ship, because they had been saying that all the shipyards were under construction and they had to wait until the ships were completed. Take their orders.

"The main reason is that someone abandoned the order before." said the manager responsible for the African business under Elizabeth. "I saw that those ships met our requirements, so I bought these three ships back at a 20% discount."

"And in addition to these three boats, the other party has three other boats that are also in the dock and are also discounted. We can buy them back if we want."

"I think it's okay to add three more boats." Liang En nodded, "At least for us, if there are six boats, the construction of the entire reservoir will be faster."

"And the country itself lacks some means of transportation, so these ships can be used elsewhere even if they are temporarily useless locally after the reservoir construction work is completed."

Different from ordinary inland river ships, these ships have certain ocean navigation capabilities, considering that the entire route not only needs to go down the river, but also needs to sail nearly 100 kilometers offshore.

This also means that these ships are highly adaptable. Even if they are temporarily unable to operate in inland river basins, they can still find their own business direction in this country with great demand for offshore shipping.

However, these ships cannot be put into use directly. Although hired captains and mechanics can drive these ships away, it is a risk to act directly without adequate armed protection.

Fortunately, as the chief, Liang En now has permission to form a guard, so this ship can undergo some targeted simple modifications to improve its combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, there is everything on the construction site. Although there is no way to find a real shipyard that carries out large-scale modifications, some simple modifications can still be done.

These modifications include adding a layer of steel plates to some key parts of the ship, and setting up several fixed machine gun positions for general-purpose machine guns and even heavy machine guns.

For such a country that has experienced a long civil war, it is not difficult to obtain various firearms, so just three days later, they successfully placed some 14.5mm heavy machine guns on the deck.

"Very good, I think these ships will soon be able to be used for important material transportation." Looking at the ships completing the installation work by the river, Liang En nodded with satisfaction.

With a series of facilities installed on the hull, the ship has become suitable for sailing in this somewhat dangerous place.

In other words, these ships will be directly invested in the current reservoir construction work, increasing the construction speed of the reservoir as much as possible, and advancing the completion time of the reservoir as much as possible.

After completing all the work in this area, it was time for Liang En and the others to leave. Fortunately, on the day they left, an expedition team composed of China, Britain, and France also came here.

Although the value of the ruins is not great from an economic perspective, it is definitely an important discovery from an archaeological perspective.

Especially since this trip around Africa had only been recorded in very few literary records before, being able to confirm this this time is definitely a key to unlocking this mystery.

"Yes, this is how I discovered this ruins before. You can use the information as you like." After a brief exchange with the Chinese people, Liang En handed over the information to them face to face.

"The core purpose of these materials is comparison. For example, after a simple comparison, you will find that the style of the entire ruins is very similar to the Phoenician cemeteries in North Africa and the Middle East."

"The most important thing is that although the cave inside is naturally formed, choosing Shandong, which is naturally formed in this way, also expresses compliance with the Phoenician tradition."

"Because traditional Phoenician cemeteries tend to be shaft-shaped tombs, and the style of this cave does look like that kind of tomb, especially the location of the altar, pillars and urns inside."

"Yes, it is indeed the case." Dr. Liu, who led the team, said that this time several countries formed a joint archaeological team, and as the joint archaeological team, Dr. Liu, who was the oldest and had the most achievements, was elected as the team leader.

Of course, there is another reason why he was elected as the captain, that is, he is the one with the best temper among the leaders of the three countries, and he can ensure the unity of this international team as much as possible.

Especially for this joint archaeological team, since they came together, it means that they have already had a certain degree of internal cooperation, and their opponents are other people. At this time, they need to cooperate even more.

For Liang En, he is willing to lean towards people who are friendly to him in this kind of matter, so this archaeological team composed of people from multiple countries will enter the site 2 to 3 months earlier than other teams.

However, it would not be appropriate if you want to delay other people's time. Even if this land is Liang En's private land, a long delay will affect Liang En's reputation in the historical and archaeological circles.

Considering that the identity of a historian and archaeologist is more important to Liang En than a landowner or chief, he can only use legal and compliant methods to delay others, but he must not complete the matter.

In addition to allowing the joint archaeological team to enter in advance, Liang En's greatest help was to hand over to them the materials found during his previous scientific expeditions, which allowed them to start their research work from a better basis.

According to Liang En's estimation, his information should be able to help the members of the archaeological team save 5 to 6 weeks, and it should be enough to further widen the advantage between them and others.

For these professionals, especially those who can be called elites, this little advantage is enough to allow them to research something earlier than others, and this can be regarded as a big gift package given to these people by Liang En. .

According to his point of view, at this time, it is best to publish a series of papers in a short period of time to heat up the ruins. Once a certain reputation is established, subsequent operations will be relatively simple.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to promote this ancient Phoenician cemetery, especially from an archaeological perspective.

Because these Phoenicians were not only the best navigators in the entire Mediterranean region BC, but also the pioneers of the European navigation industry. They were considered a very key group of people in modern European history.

In this case, all ancient ruins related to them will become very attractive, and naturally attract more people's attention to them.

"I hope everything goes smoothly for us." After finishing all the work, Liang En said very seriously. "At least for me, I hope to see a prosperous land next time I'm here."

"It will definitely happen, Liang." Joan of Arc gently held Liang En's hand and said, "I firmly believe that this land will get better."

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