Unlike when they came, because the people who came together this time needed to temporarily leave manpower to train the Guards, they would not return to the training camp on the Sinai Peninsula.

According to the plan, they will stay locally for about two months and conduct basic training for the recruited guard members, and then start rotating with another group of personnel.

Because of this reason, Liang En and the others did not need to take another vehicle all the way back when they went back this time. Instead, you just need to get on a plane from nearby and then transfer.

In this way, the original trip of several days was compressed into a few hours, and they successfully returned home that night.

At this time, both sides of the Taiwan Strait finally had time to check out what they had obtained from their trip to Africa. Probably because the scale of this ruins was too small, only five cards were given in total.

Four of the cards are consumption cards, but because this thing is a thing loaded into the legend, I got two [Legendary Power (N)], one [Detection (N)] and one Zhang [Appraisal (N)].

From a certain perspective, the consumption of cards this time was even better than the previous times, but when he saw the skill cards, he realized that this was just a balance.

[Trade (Colonial) Map (R): In that era BC, the Phoenicians were the best navigators, adventurers and traders in the Mediterranean. Their earliest homeland was in the Middle East, but later they spread throughout the Mediterranean.

According to records, their activity range centered on the Mediterranean Sea, expanded eastward to the interior of the Black Sea, westward to several islands off the Mediterranean Sea, once surrounded Africa to the south, and reached as far north as Ireland.

Although they never established a unified country, their colonial sites were distributed in North Africa and Europe, and they established an entire trade route connecting Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Skill card (permanent), the user can open this map in the soul at any time. The map records various trading locations controlled by the Phoenicians in that era BC and information about these locations. 】

"It's a somewhat interesting ability, but its practicality is very average." Liang En thought carefully for a few seconds and then said, "But thinking about the consumption cards obtained this time, it is compatible with this discovery."

After looking at the harvested cards, Liang En nodded with satisfaction. Although the cards this time were not satisfactory to him, considering what he found, the cards this time were already very good.

Liang En, who returned home satisfied, rested for two days and then started writing a new paper. The content of the paper was mainly about the Phoenician voyage around Africa.

After all, in the past, such records were only written in writing, but now that important cemeteries have been unearthed, the number of things available for research on the whole matter has suddenly increased several times, and there is naturally a lot that can be written about.

Especially after moving to a bigger house, this kind of writing feels better than before. Especially the study room with the large bay window makes Liang En feel very satisfied.

So from a certain perspective, although money cannot solve all problems, at least most of the problems can be solved with money, but most people do not have enough money to solve the problems.

It's a pity that every time he wants to write quietly, he always encounters various problems. For example, something unexpected happened inexplicably this time.

For example, after he had just finished writing a paper on ancient Phoenician navigation, he received an urgent call from the Golden Dawn.

Although there are basically no mandatory tasks for this loose fan club, there is an emergency phone number that is used to notify everyone of emergencies at short notice.

Of course, this method of communication is used very infrequently. The last time it was used was an emergency alarm after Liang En was attacked by the Thule Association.

"A member of the Golden Dawn, Professor Jones, a professor of South Asian history at Cambridge University, disappeared during an investigation in South Asia." Liang En read the contents of the notice in a low voice. "I hope members can help."

"South Asia? The security level in that area should be quite high." After listening to Liang En read the contents of the document, Joan frowned slightly.

"Judging from the information I have, this professor is also a very professional professor. He should also have enough knowledge about this area, so he won't be unprepared, right?"

"Yes, but now we realize how big the problem is." Liang En nodded. "It's really weird that the other party can still disappear when they are fully prepared and have security personnel."

"That's right, this is completely different from my time." Joan of Arc nodded. "There is a high probability that the other party has prepared more than one communication plan. Being able to annihilate the whole army is indeed worthy of attention."

Soon, Liang En took out a USB flash drive with a titanium alloy shell and inserted it into his laptop, then connected to an internal website to check the specific situation this time.

As an ancient organization, Golden Dawn also has its own website on the dark web for internal use, and these websites can be used to transmit a series of relatively secret internal information.

Sure enough, there is more content in the website. According to the information collected so far, the other party went to Lahore, an important town in northern Pakistan, and then planned to go to Harappa, located southwest of the city, to launch an important investigation.

Harappa is a city located in the Ravi River Basin of present-day Punjab Province, Pakistan, about 35 kilometers away from Sahiwal. It is an ancient city ruins of the Indus Valley Civilization.

A culture called Harappan, named after your local place, originated in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent around 7000 BC. It flourished in 2500 BC and declined in 1900 BC.

It is now widely believed that many of the achievements and "firsts" of Egypt and Mesopotamia may actually belong to the Indus Valley Civilization. In the early days, Harappa established strong trade relations with Egypt, Mesopotamia, and possibly China.

The entire site here was discovered in 1920-1921, but it had been used as a quarry before, and many buildings were excavated very early, so they were in a very poor state.

To make matters worse the above ground portion was destroyed during the construction of the railway between Lahore and Multan. Only a few cemeteries have survived, revealing the rich and colorful culture of the time.

Because of the importance of this ruins, Professor Jones chose this ruins as the destination of this research and organized a team to conduct surveys in this area.

It is well known that because the north is the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, the entire area is not very safe, especially because some terrorists like to operate in this area.

But for Professor Jones, who has been studying the history of South Asia for many years and has traveled here many times, these things were also within his expectations. Therefore, when he went to the north, he specially hired some armed bodyguards.

But no one thought that this seemingly routine operation would cause such a big problem, so that the entire team could disappear from the world.

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