"Being British, they have very reliable relationships in these former colonies, so after setting off from the Pakistani capital, the six-man team hired a full 15 armed bodyguards."

After printing out all the information, Liang En quickly put the printed information aside, and then sat with Jeanne to analyze the specific situation.

"These people are all from Pakistan's elite troops, and the weapons they carry are not simple pistols, but assault rifles, precision marksman rifles and light machine guns."

"So theoretically speaking, this group of people shouldn't have been killed so easily, or even if they were really killed, there wouldn't be any information at all."

"Could it be that the inside should be combined with the outside?" Joan of Arc said after tapping her chin lightly. "You know that many important attacks in history were accomplished by coordinating the inside and the outside."

"It's unlikely, because Golden Dawn sent people to launch a large-scale investigation after they disappeared. It can basically be confirmed that those security personnel are not insiders." Liang En said seriously.

"I have asked several Chinese people I know to help with the investigation. I believe they should be able to obtain some information that Westerners cannot."

Liang En's choice was correct. The Chinese were indeed able to obtain some special information in Pakistan that Westerners could not obtain. In just two days, they got some information that had never been discovered before.

According to the information given to the Chinese people, this group of people was very conspicuous on the road, so they naturally left a lot of clues. After sorting out all these clues, it can be confirmed that the other party has indeed arrived in Harappa, but after Left the next day.

As for where the other party went after leaving, no one knew. The only thing that could be confirmed was that the vehicle was driving south. However, in the absence of various monitoring systems, no one knew where those vehicles went.

According to a reliable source, the other party once appeared in the urban area of ​​Larkana, Sindh Province in the south, but disappeared soon. No one knows where he ended up.

"So if you want to find the other party next, you may have to conduct an on-site investigation." After summarizing the information, Liang En said with a frown.

"But are you planning to make this trip? After all, this should be regarded as a matter of the Golden Dawn as a whole. We don't have much power on the surface. In theory, there is no need to do this," Joan of Arc asked, looking at Liang En.

Because rights and obligations are equal in an organization, from this point of view, it is enough for Liang En to submit these information to Golden Dawn. There is no need to go there himself.

"I didn't plan to make a trip at the beginning, but I had a hunch that I might be able to find something interesting this time." Liang En said as he subconsciously tapped the city of Larkana on the map with his finger.

"Although I don't know exactly what this place is, I think there should be some very valuable secrets waiting for us in this place."

"If this is the case, then it is indeed suitable for us to go there." Joan of Arc nodded. After Liang En's historical explorer level was upgraded to an advanced level, his ability to operate extraordinary powers began to gradually become apparent.

For example, many times, even if you don't actively use cards, the extraordinary power of those cards can be directly reflected and play a series of roles in life.

To give the simplest example, as he understands the power of divination, he will naturally have a series of premonitions about the future in many cases.

This time, Liang En had a clear hunch that if he was closely involved in this matter, they should be able to make an important gain.

After confirming this, they immediately made comprehensive preparations for the operation. Two days later, they took a plane to Karachi and then started their own trip.

Karachi is the largest city in Pakistan, located on the southern coast of Pakistan, northwest of the Indus Delta, bordering the Arabian Sea to the south, and on the plain between the Guleri and Malir rivers. It has a population of approximately 20 million and an area of ​​3,527 square kilometers.

However, like most countries in South Asia, the attraction of big cities and the diversity of cultures and ethnic groups have caused people from the entire country, especially the poor, to flock to this city from all directions to make a living.

According to historical records, it took less than half a century to increase from 300,000 in 1954 to more than 20 million. Especially after entering the 21st century, the average annual growth rate of 800,000 has caused the vicious expansion of the population and scale of the city, which has brought great pressure to employment, housing, transportation, water and electricity, etc.

More than 30% of the city's labor force is unemployed, and more than half of the population lives in crowded slums that lack necessary facilities for daily life. Frequent power outages and water shortages have had a serious impact on people's lives and commercial activities.

The large population also makes this place full of dangers. In order to compete for food, water and shelter, organizations began to compete, and territorial disputes continued to break out.

A joint intelligence agency investigation has revealed that much of the violence in Karachi is caused by partisan, ethnic and religious conflicts.

According to government statistics, there are more than 2,000 victims of various violence in Karachi every year, and in the first eight months of 2013 alone, this number has exceeded 2,000.

So for Liang En and the others, who chose this location as their first stop, it was not easy to collect enough intelligence in this chaotic city.

Especially according to the information they collected through various channels, it would be difficult to ensure the safety of personnel if they leave the new urban area of ​​​​the city and enter the old urban area.

Therefore, in order to deal with this situation, Liang En and the others also made sufficient preparations. After dropping off their luggage at the hotel, they quickly left the hotel and entered a shopping mall, where they put on a complete set of local clothes and put on makeup.

By the time they came out, they had completely changed their appearance: Joan was wearing an orange-red robe from a local woman, Changchuan, and a brown turban on her head, while Liang En was wearing a local robe, with a large beard.

In addition, they also used some potions to simply put on makeup to ensure that they would not attract too much attention when moving in the city.

"We need to enter the old city now." Liang En and Jeanne checked each other's clothing and disguises, nodded, and then said. "I have contacted an information dealer before, and he may have corresponding information."

After all, three vehicles and more than a dozen heavy weapons disappeared in one breath. As long as the other party has a normal mind, he will find a way to dispose of those things, and the best place to dispose of them in the south is Karachi, the largest city.

As for this information dealer, it was a local contact person contacted by Pierce's family. Although the official secrets were basically inaccessible, almost all the information hidden in the shadows under the light was understood.

For Liang En and the two foreigners, if they choose to intervene in this matter, they must get local support, and this intelligence agent is one of the few people they can rely on.

Of course, they also have backup plans, but neither Liang En nor Jeanne hope that their backup plans will come in handy, because that would cause too much noise.

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