After changing transportation several times, Liang En and the others entered the old city of Karachi. Compared with the modern new city, the surrounding area suddenly became much dirty and chaotic.

For example, compared with modern urban areas, the buildings here are obviously built privately and randomly. Many buildings look shaky and have obviously not obtained any safety certification.

In addition, whether it is the cross-flow of sewage caused by the lack of sewers or the dense cobweb-like wires above the head, it shows the chaos here.

The same goes for the people on the street. Unlike the more European and American and fashionable people in the new city, the people here dress obviously more traditionally.

Fortunately, Liang En and the others had dressed up beforehand, so they could now blend into the surrounding environment relatively safely.

Interestingly, there are more women on the streets here than in other places, making Joan of Arc inconspicuous when she appears on the streets.

After all, survival is the most important thing. Many rules or traditions are vulnerable to survival. For example, in this area, because of the poverty of the people, everyone needs to work as hard as they can to survive.

What's interesting is that although there are schools, supermarkets, bus lines and even cafes and hospitals here, there are very few police officers. Unless a vicious criminal case occurs, the police will not enter this area.

Of course, most of the time when the police enter this area, they are just collecting corpses. They will enter in full force and retreat quickly, and will not stay here for too long.

But what’s interesting is that the entire region has also formed an internal circulation environment with its own set of rules, so overall it’s not as bad as imagined.

But from another perspective, this place is indeed a good place for those private intelligence agents to hide: there are many sources of information, it is convenient to hide, and most importantly, the security is higher than imagined.

According to the amount of information obtained previously, he quickly followed them along the narrow and confusing road to the outside of a small courtyard, and then knocked on the door of the courtyard according to a certain rhythm.

The owner of this small courtyard is an old man in his sixties. When he opened the door, there was even a fat orange cat following at his feet. Behind him, you could see that there was a very well-kept little cat hidden in the courtyard. garden.

"Okay, I think we have already discussed in advance what we are here for." After identifying each other, Liang En, who was sitting in the living room, spoke proficiently in Urdu and got to the point. "Please tell me the clues you have here."

"You Chinese are always in such a hurry." The intelligence dealer named Black Cat sighed, and at the same time took out an envelope from under the table and handed it to Liang En.

"The timing of your arrival is very good. I only received and confirmed the existence of this news this morning. Of course, the only thing that can be confirmed is the news given to you. I can't be sure other than the news."

"Understood." Liang En took the envelope and nodded. The reason why this intelligence businessman is famous is that he can guarantee that the information he gives is true, but how to understand it is another matter.

After placing a stack of euros on the table, Liang En and the others left the place as quickly as possible. After making sure there were no followers behind them, they returned to the hotel. Then they took out the envelope and poured out the contents to study it.

Except for a note, all the items inside were photos. After sorting these things out, Liang En quickly had a certain understanding of the whole thing.

"Our previous analysis was indeed correct. Those people disposed of the obtained vehicles and firearms here. From this point of view, the people behind the other party should not be too powerful."

After reading all the information, Liang En began to analyze the situation to Joan of Arc. The first one he analyzed was the specific situation of this group of attackers.

"Because if they are really powerful, they will basically choose to destroy those vehicles or weapons and completely destroy the corpses instead of selling those things through the underground black market like now."

"Then why not set a trap?" Jeanne asked curiously. "For example, I sell these things somewhere to disrupt everyone's vision."

"This method is very consistent with the method in novels or movies, but in fact it is almost impossible." Liang En said with a smile, "Because this method can easily reveal some important information accidentally."

Many times, what seems to be a smart approach will appear to be very stupid in actual operation. For example, this kind of misleading approach will not only fail to mislead without sufficient preparation, but will actually cause fire.

However, sometimes many people will still operate even if they know that the situation is wrong. For example, in the current practice of selling these vehicles, the photos in the envelope are photos of the modified vehicles, and an address is written on the note.

"Should we check those vehicles for sale next?" After looking at the photos together, Jeanne unconsciously tapped the table with her fingers and asked.

"I personally feel that there may be some clues left on those vehicles that will allow us to find some reasons as to why those people disappeared."

"This is indeed a valid suggestion, but I have a better idea." Liang En nodded and praised, and then said. "Like targeting people who are selling their vehicles."

"How is this possible?" Joan of Arc frowned, "Don't forget that the whole thing happened two days ago. How could you determine our target?"

"Because the other party drove a total of four cars." Liang En took out one of the photos and said, "Obviously the other party planned to sell three cars and then return with the fourth car, but the fourth car was obviously very special."

As he spoke, Liang En picked out the photo and placed it on the table, and under his guidance, Joan quickly spotted the front of the car at the edge of the photo.

This is a small off-road vehicle that looks about the same size as a Suzuki Jimny, but it looks tough enough in terms of appearance.

This is the Force Gurkha off-road vehicle produced in India. Its appearance is borrowed from Land Rover, but in fact all the core technologies inside come from Mercedes-Benz.

What’s interesting is that the price of this car is not expensive, only seven to eight thousand euros, but for various reasons it is only sold in India.

Apart from India, this car can also be sold in Bangladesh, but it is very rare in Pakistan, so you can quickly search for something just based on this car.

As they expected, after using Golden Dawn's manpower to conduct an investigation, they confirmed who the owner of this vehicle was.

"The next work is much easier." After getting the address, Liang En hung up the phone and said to Joan of Arc, "We just need to go to the owner of this car to check. Then look for any clues."

After making the decision, Liang En and the others quickly packed up their equipment and came downstairs. Then they got into the car that had been prepared and drove out of the city.

"If there are no accidents, we will arrive at our destination at 3 am." Liang En, holding the steering wheel, looked at the dim road and said, "I hope everything goes well next."

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