Because of the large number of remains of the dead, the ruins of Mohenjodaro in another world are also called Death Hills, and in another world, the destruction of this ancient city is also an unsolved mystery.

The reason why it became an unsolved mystery is mainly because the entire city was first excavated in the 1920s, and the technical limitations of that era resulted in the complete disappearance of many important materials.

To give the simplest example, it was difficult to preserve organic matter in cultural relics at that time, so they could not test the cause of death of the human remains that were found.

But now the situation has changed. With the advancement of technology, it has become much easier to solve such problems. To give the simplest example, they are now able to completely preserve the excavated skeletons and find some clues from them.

Judging from the clues found so far, many people here died in killings, which means that a large-scale war did break out in the city and produced a large number of dead.

On the other hand, the traces left by the floods in the city are also extremely obvious. Many places in the city, especially those near the river, have obvious signs of flooding and erosion.

However, after taking samples from many places in the city, the people on the scientific expedition team can basically determine one thing, that is, the death of a large number of people after the invasion and the large-scale floods are not in the same stratum.

Judging from the current archaeological situation, the mass death should have occurred earlier than the flood, but the gap between the two should not exceed ten years.

At the same time, through aircraft remote sensing Liang En, they were basically able to determine that in addition to the city, there were a series of supporting facilities around it, the most important of which was undoubtedly the water conservancy project along the river bank.

Living near a river has various benefits, especially for those agricultural societies where adequate irrigation and domestic water sources are essential.

What's more important is that there are often fertile flood plains in the middle and lower reaches of rivers. They are very good land for planting or grazing and can support a large population.

However, there are also disadvantages. For example, it is easy to encounter floods on the riverside that wash away a year's harvest, especially for seasonal rivers like the Indus River.

Therefore, if you want to live in this kind of place for a long time, it is necessary to repair water conservancy, otherwise it will be absolutely impossible to form an important settlement.

This can also be regarded as a commonality of ancient civilizations. For example, the world's earliest civilizations, whether in Mesopotamia or ancient Egypt, have a common feature, which is the large-scale water conservancy facilities.

It can even be said that the reason why those countries became the earliest civilizations is related to the need to build various water conservancy projects.

This is actually an inevitable thing. If you want to feed a large population, you will definitely need more farmland. Only when the amount of farmland reaches a certain level is it worthwhile to invest in water conservancy projects.

In addition, if you want to build a large-scale water conservancy project, you will naturally need to mobilize a large number of people in an orderly manner, and this obviously exceeds the upper limit of personnel that the ancient tribes can mobilize.

Therefore, under this demand, the earliest countries were also established, which became the beginning of modern civilization, and the ancient Indian civilized city-state in front of us was no exception.

Over a long period of time, the Indus River has changed its course, and its original river channel has dried up. This is naturally good news for archaeologists like Liang En, because they can easily check the situation along the river.

After inspection, they found that the ancient water conservancy facilities had serious damage overall. At first, these archaeologists believed that the damage came from modern times, but later discovered that these damages were distributed throughout history.

"Mr. Liang, this is our final inspection report." A professor from the University of Peshawar came over and said to Liang En. After this period of inspection, they had some opinions on the water conservancy project promoted by the Mohenjodaro ruins. Got a preliminary understanding.

Especially after Liang En proposed the reason for the destruction of this ruins, they specifically checked some relevant information during the inspection, and indeed found something that could support Liang En's theory.

"According to our inspection, the entire water conservancy project has been destroyed and rebuilt many times. However, judging from the traces, the damage was mainly caused by floods."

"It's just that after the last flood, the residents of this ruins were not able to rebuild it. After that, the entire water conservancy project has been destroyed until today."

"According to our inspection, the last damage to this water conservancy project was at the same stage as the large-scale massacre discovered at the previous ruins in the city. From this point of view, your judgment is completely correct."

Liang En previously believed that the destruction of this site was caused by multiple reasons, and now it seems that this is indeed the case. Through the existing clues, Liang En quickly outlined the reasons for the destruction of this city:

When the Aryans invaded the east on a large scale, although they encountered a setback in China in the north, they made important achievements in the south and occupied the entire northern India.

Among them, Mohenjodaro in India and downstream had stepped up its alert after learning of the attack from the north, but it was still unable to withstand the crazy attack of those Aryans.

However, although the Aryans, as the victors, burned, killed, and plundered the city, it was not very likely that they would kill everyone. More importantly, after the plundering was over, this group of nomads left the city with their loot. , without stopping.

After all, unlike modern times, ancient times did not have many high-level detection methods, so most plunderers other than human settlements did not expend too much energy on hunting down fleeing survivors.

Because if you want to find everyone, the time, energy and resources consumed far exceed what can be obtained, so even if the ancients rob, they will basically only look for fixed targets such as cities or villages.

For those ordinary people who do sporadic activities and don't have much money, as long as they don't happen to run into those attackers, they can basically save their lives, and the possibility of being directly hacked to death is low.

However, this does not mean that they can survive the robbery in peace, because the various resources required after leaving their homes will not be satisfied, and most people are likely to die on the way to escape.

Therefore, for these people, they can only leave their hometown to avoid the enemy's edge, and it is absolutely impossible to leave their hometown easily.

So after the plundering ended, the surviving people in the city returned to their hometown to continue their lives. Especially the people in the surrounding villages mostly survived and quickly resumed their old life on this land.

But what I didn't expect was that because all the original organizers were killed in the last attack, the original organization no longer existed.

This directly resulted in their inability to repair the destroyed water conservancy facilities when another flood came, and they had to abandon their hometown that was no longer habitable.

In the following thousand years, this ruins was completely destroyed and then lost in time. It was not until today that it was rediscovered and excavated.

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