The discovery of the large bathhouse at the Mohenjodaro ruins meant that the excavation work had come to an end for Liang En. He could also hand over the rest of the work to others and prepare to go home.

This is mainly because Christmas is coming soon. Even if Liang En doesn't like Christmas at all, there are some activities that he cannot avoid in his current capacity.

And this is even more true for Joan of Arc. Unlike the original run-down nobles, the Dulis family definitely belongs to a wealthy family, so after becoming nobles, they were quickly accepted by the British upper class.

It's just that this kind of acceptance is just a good beginning, and it will take a lot of time and energy to operate. Therefore, as the heir of the family, Joan of Arc also has a lot of parties to attend.

So after completing the first phase of excavation, Liang En and the others completed the handover work with the scholars present, and then left the site.

"Did you gain anything important this time?" Sitting on the plane returning, Jeanne asked in a low voice. He wanted to know what cards Liang En got this time.

"Of course there are many important gains, and overall I am very satisfied with the gains." Liang En raised his eyebrows slightly, because the cards he got this time were indeed very powerful.

Mohenjodaro can be regarded as a core relic of ancient Indian civilization, so the cards that can be played here are much stronger than those in other places, and a full ten cards were played at one time.

Eight of these ten cards are common consumable cards, but compared with the cards obtained last time, the consumable cards obtained this time are more valuable.

Because this time the consumable cards include one [Identification (N)], three [Detection (N)], three [Legendary Power (N)] and one [Identification (R)], It can be regarded as a huge harvest.

As for the other two card brands, they are the best among the best. Even with Liang En's current level, he felt obviously a little excited after seeing the contents on the cards clearly.

These two cards are related to India and can be regarded as part of traditional Indian culture. From a certain perspective, this is also the essence of traditional Indian civilization.

[Ayurveda (SR): India is a multi-ethnic country with a huge area and a long history, so its traditional medicine includes different medical systems such as Ayurveda, Unani, Sidda, and Yoga.

Among these medical systems, Ayurveda is the collective name for its traditional medicine in ancient India, and it is still vital in the medical care of Southeast Asian countries today.

Ayurveda is composed of two words, "Ayur" means life, and "Veda" means knowledge and science, so Ayurveda is regarded by Indians as a kind of medicine that respects the science of life.

Ayurveda is considered to be one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world. It has been used in countless traditional Indian households for over five thousand years.

What’s interesting is that this system has emphasized the importance of diet and spirituality from ancient times to the present, and it coincides with Chinese traditional Chinese medicine and the medical methods of Hippocrates, the “father of modern medicine.”

This medical view believes that all things in the world, including humans, are composed of five elements: earth, water, fire, air and space (atmosphere). The human body itself is composed of seven basic tissues and three body fluids.

Similar to traditional Chinese medicine, this medicine also believes that the human body has three meridians, the central meridians, the left meridians, and the right meridians, and then seven chakras and twelve thousand meridians are formed.

Diagnosis and treatment tend to be based on the characteristics of the person rather than the characteristics of the disease. For example, the patient's age, living environment, and cultural background are all factors that need to be considered.

By understanding, the doctor would resolve the problem by adjusting the diet, while using a balanced diet, plant and animal remedies, enemas, using cow dung and urine, using leeches to draw blood, as well as mantras and various magical methods to condition the body.

Although there are some anachronisms in it, it is still very valuable on the whole and can be regarded as a crystallization of ancient Indian civilization.

Strengthening card (one-time use). After using the card, the user will gain all the knowledge of traditional Indian medicine Ayurveda. Of course, it is limited to knowledge and does not involve any strengthening. 】

"It seems that when you get older, you can pretend to be an old Indian doctor and fool people to make money. However, if you want to use this thing to treat non-Indians, you may need to adjust it." After using the card, Liang En looked at the words on the card. content, and then complain about it.

This is mainly because this kind of medicine is heavily influenced by Hinduism, so some of it may not be very friendly to non-believers. For example, there are many medicines in it that need to be combined with cow urine and cow dung.

Fortunately, not all prescriptions are like this. At least most of them use spice oils, herbs, milk or cheese recipes that are acceptable to most people.

Especially when treating some long-term and stubborn diseases, the effect of this traditional medicine is not much worse than that of modern medicine, and it is more effective in spiritual comfort.

But compared with the other card, this card does not look so prominent, because the other card brings the quintessence of India: yoga.

[Yoga Master (SR): When most people think of yoga, they think of twisting their bodies into twists, but in fact yoga is more profound than these superficial things.

In fact, yoga is one of the six major philosophical schools in ancient India, which explores the principles and methods of "the unity of Brahman and self". What modern people call yoga, which is often seen, is mainly a series of methods of cultivating the body and mind.

Around 300 BC, Patanjali (Hindi:), the great sage of India and the ancestor of yoga, created the Yoga Sutra, on the basis of which Indian yoga truly took shape.

Yoga practice was officially formulated as a complete eight-limb system. Yoga is a system that helps humans realize their full potential by raising consciousness.

Yoga postures use ancient and easy-to-master techniques to improve people's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual abilities. It is a way of exercise that achieves the harmony and unity of body, mind and spirit.

Enhancement card (one-time use), consuming this card allows the user to acquire knowledge equivalent to that of a yoga master. At the same time, the connection between the soul and the body will become closer, and the body's flexibility and balance capabilities will also be greatly improved. 】

"A very good harvest." Liang En is still very satisfied with this card, because compared to the previous card, this card gave him a long-lost improvement.

Especially compared to the strengthening of the body, Liang En pays more attention to the combination of body and soul. Because he discovered that he was actually closer to the legendary spellcaster in terms of supernatural strength, any soul enhancement was valuable.

Unfortunately, this kind of opportunity is too rare, so it is indeed an unexpected surprise to be able to obtain this card unexpectedly in India.

"I have to say that the existence of the soul is the most complicated situation even in the extraordinary realm, so it is so difficult to strengthen it." Liang En sighed when the plane was about to land in London.

"Fortunately, there are medicines that can improve the level of the soul in the inheritance of alchemy. Unfortunately, I have only collected a little more than half of the various raw materials, and my strength is also insufficient. If I want to make medicine, I must at least Two or three years later.”

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