Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 991 Gold and Silver

Homer's epics should be regarded as essential entry-level knowledge for European archaeologists and historical scholars. At least for those European historical scholars, if you say you know nothing about Homer's epics, you are no different from being illiterate.

Therefore, the historian sent by the Turkish government naturally understands "Homer's Epic", and he can even be regarded as a lover of Homer's Epic, which is why he seemed so excited after seeing these jewelry.

For the purpose of convenient work, cultural relics from many treasures are placed here. It was the result of everyone starting to explore around this location as the center of the circle after the first treasure was discovered.

Just when the first batch of treasures was delivered to the laboratory, Liang En and the others discovered a second, much smaller treasure hiding place a few meters away from the first batch of treasures. Well, they then found it along the wall. Three more treasures were found.

Among them, the first and largest treasure to be discovered is a large pile of gold, silver and bronze objects. Both the quantity and quality are amazing, including gold headdresses, gold and silver bracelets, necklaces, earrings, Wine glasses, bowls, plates, etc.

To be precise, this batch of items includes a gold crown with exquisite craftsmanship, 6 gold bracelets, a tall gold cup weighing 601 grams, a tall amber gold cup, and a large silver medallion with 60 gold earrings. Utensils, etc.

There are 8,700 items of different styles made of gold alone. In addition, there are perforated prisms, gold buttons, perforated small gold bars and other small accessories, as well as silver and copper vases and bronze weapons.

Of course, the more than 8,000 pieces of gold jewelry here refer to the total of more than 8,700 pieces of independent gold jewelry when they were excavated, but in fact many of them are just different parts of one cultural relic.

There are two most dazzling things among this pile of cultural relics. One is a pure gold headband made of 16,353 pieces of gold foil. The second is the gold crown, which consists of a string of exquisite necklaces that can be wrapped around the wearer's head.

In detail, the gold crown ornament hangs 70 short and 16 long gold chains, each of which is composed of heart-shaped gold foil. The tassels on the short chains hang on the wearer's forehead, and the long chains hang down on the wearer's shoulders. .

In another world, Schliemann, the discoverer of Troy, concluded that these two pieces must be Helen's relics. Only the most beautiful women in the world are qualified to wear such exquisite jewelry.

So he put this gold ornament on Sophia's head. The shining headband highlighted Sophia's beautiful face. Her face was completely embedded in gold, which made Schliemann look at the goddess in his dream.

Later, Sophia was wearing that beautiful headdress in the portrait, so that future generations were lucky enough to see her face, and it also became the most representative photo in the archeology of Troy.

It’s just that the history of these treasures was full of ups and downs. After digging out the treasures, Schliemann did not tell the Ottoman Turkish authorities, but transported them directly to Greece.

The reason is that if the Turks get them, they will be melted down, and their value will not exceed 12,000 francs. "But in our hands, this treasure has immeasurable academic research value."

The first thing he thought of was the Greek government. After all, he had a special fondness for Greece. However, the Greek government did not dare to accept them under the strong pressure from Turkey to return these cultural relics.

Schliemann could only turn to Italy, France and Britain to acquire them for personal honor. He was even willing to give 40,000 pounds to Russia, but still no country accepted it. He eventually sent them back to the Royal Museums in Berlin, Germany, for storage.

As a result, the Allied forces bombed Berlin during World War II, so a large number of art treasures, including the Trojan Treasures, were packed and hidden in underground air-raid shelters to prevent accidents.

Troy's gold treasures were also boxed and hidden in the basement of a large fortress at Berlin Zoo Station. It was personally taken care of by the curator and was not packed into boxes for shipment to western Germany. As a result, it disappeared without a trace during the Battle of Berlin.

Until 1993, in order to coincide with the visit of the newly born Russian president to Greece, a treasure exhibition was held in Athens. Among the exhibits were the Trojan treasures that had been lost in Germany for nearly 50 years.

It is said that while two art students were helping out at the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, they stumbled upon some dusty materials that recorded clues to the Trojan gold treasures that were shipped from Berlin after World War II.

After the truth was exposed, Russia simply stopped hiding it. It was publicly exhibited in 1995 and placed in the Pushkin Museum, the largest collection of foreign art in Moscow.

Obviously in this world these treasures do not need to experience those wanderings, they will stay in the place where they were unearthed, but the lack of legendary experience will not affect the value of these jewelry.

As a person who has mastered ancient jewelry making techniques, Liang En naturally knows that making such exquisite jewelry requires top jewelry craftsmen to spend a lot of effort and time.

Therefore, being able to produce such treasures shows that this city was indeed prosperous and developed in distant times, because only a developed economy can support this kind of excellence in luxury manufacturing technology.

It has to be said that unlike those broken walls and lonely stone piles, these gold and silver jewelry are more reminiscent of that legendary era and the legendary rich Troy.

This is why Liang En feels that Homer is likely to combine stories from several eras, because they found many inconsistencies during the excavation here.

But what it means is that among the nine layers of ruins, none of them can match the ancient Troy. But if the nine layers are regarded as a city, then everything will match up.

This is naturally inaccurate from a historical academic perspective, but considering that Homer's epic itself is a synthesis of a large number of oral epics, it is already very accurate.

It can even be said that it was precisely because of the description of Homer's epic that everyone was able to focus on this ruins and then found this ruins that had been dusty for thousands of years.

"A heritage park and a Trojan museum will be established in this place." After listening to Liang En's general introduction to some information about these jewelry, the scholar representing the Turkish official said.

"There is no doubt that this is a very important discovery, a world-class discovery, and I think we have an obligation to show everyone the specific conditions in this area."

For the Turks, the greatest advantage of this ruins is that it can be regarded as the beginning of Western historical legends, so it will bring sufficient benefits to the country in every aspect.

To be honest, if Liang En and the others hadn't repeatedly stated that there was not enough reliable evidence at the moment and there might be problems if they released the findings rashly, their president would probably have directly announced the existence of Troy.

But even so, some security personnel have frequently appeared near the archaeological site recently, seemingly doing inspections before the arrival of some big shots.

Think about it, although scholars are cautious and will not publish anything related to this ruins without certainty, but publicity is another matter.

Especially when it comes to propaganda, Turkey traditionally likes to win by the number of its ancestors, so relics like this will naturally receive 300% attention.

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