On the night after receiving the Turkish officials, Liang En and Joan of Arc received an invitation from Professor Liu to go to the Chinese Archaeological Team's station to attend their celebration ceremony.

They naturally have reason to celebrate. Although they are not the discoverers of Troy, they can be called the discoverers of the most important treasures like Liang En. It will leave its name in archaeological history.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Liang, you have helped us a lot." As soon as they entered the prefabricated room where the Chinese archaeological team was located, Professor Liu greeted him with a smile on his face.

"It's nothing, I just helped you casually. This achievement is inseparable from your own efforts." Liang En smiled gently. "By the way, I just smelled a scent. Is the banquet going to be Chinese food today?"

"Yes, this is a Sichuan cuisine chef we invited from Istanbul. Although there are few Chinese restaurants in this place, it is not easy to find an authentic Chinese chef." Professor Liu took Liang En to hold a banquet I complained while walking in the backyard.

"When we got off the plane, we saw that there were many Chinese restaurants on the road. However, after asking around, we found that they were either opened by Vietnamese or Koreans. It was not easy to find this authentic Chinese chef."

"That's how it is here. The Chinese restaurant is run by a group of Southeast Asians, and the Japanese restaurant is full of Chinese chefs, while Japanese chefs are often found in American or French restaurants. It's quite strange." Liang En shrugged.

From a certain perspective, countries in the Confucian cultural circle of the Western world have achieved internationalization ahead of schedule, which is why such a magical staffing plan has emerged.

Of course, the more high-end restaurants of this type are a different matter, at least they can basically achieve the original taste in terms of chef configuration. For example, the Bobo chicken and couple's lung slices that have been placed on the table are both tasty and delicious.

The celebration banquet started soon after everyone sat down. Because Chinese people are more accustomed to discussing things at banquets, Liang En has been communicating with Professor Liu about the excavation work since he sat down.

"Thanks to you this time, we have gained some say in the archeology of Troy, so we can just right our Erlitou's name internationally."

Ten minutes after the banquet started, Professor Liu told Liang En the reason for their celebration. What they celebrated this time was not only the excavation of Troy, but also the fact that the Erlitou site in China could be obtained through the discovery of Troy. recognized.

"Did you succeed? Great!" Liang En naturally knew about this, because he had also signed his name on the application form as a witness before.

But he did not expect that the UNESCO World Heritage Committee would move so quickly, because according to common sense, unless an international organization encounters some special events, everything will be slow.

"We can't be 100% sure yet, but at least from the information we have now, it shouldn't be a big problem." Professor Liu nodded.

"Thanks to the discovery of Troy and our contribution to the excavation of Troy and the first-hand information we obtained, they have been completely convinced by me."

The Erlitou ruins can be regarded as a pain point in Chinese archeology. In the 1950s, archeology discovered the Erlitou site, which was initially thought to be the capital of the Xia Dynasty. This could confirm the existence of the Xia Dynasty.

This site is located in the Yanshi District in the eastern part of the Luoyang Basin. The richest cultural relics on the site belong to the Erlitou Culture, which dates from about 3800 to 3500 years ago, which is equivalent to the Xia and Shang dynasties in ancient documents.

The site borders Guluo River to the south, Mang Mountain to the north, and the Yellow River at the back. It covers three natural villages, including Erlitou, Gegatou and Sijiaolou, with an area of ​​no less than 3 square kilometers.

During the excavation of the entire site, it was confirmed that it was a carefully planned, large and orderly, unprecedented dynastic capital. It can be said that ancient Chinese cities and political systems originated from this.

Since the excavations began in 1959, a large number of clues have been found here, and through these clues they quickly obtained a large number of very important clues.

For example, they can determine that the remains can be divided into four periods. Relics such as palaces, residential areas, pottery workshops, copper casting workshops, cellars, and tombs were discovered among the ruins.

In addition, a large number of stone tools, pottery, jades, bronzes, bone horns, clams and other relics were unearthed. Among them, the Bronze Jue is the earliest known bronze vessel in China.

Because of these discoveries, the Erlitou site has important reference value for studying major issues such as the origin of Chinese civilization, the rise of countries, the origin of cities, the construction of royal capitals, and the customization of royal palaces. It is considered one of the most important relics in ancient China.

But from the day the ruins were excavated, the Erlitou ruins have been generally questioned by Western scholars.

Even if everyone can determine that the Erlitou site is about 3800 to 3500 years ago, the time is consistent with the Xia Dynasty; it is located in the Heluo area, and the geographical space is consistent with the Xia Dynasty activity area described in official histories such as "Historical Records";

The site covers an area of ​​no less than 3 square kilometers and contains palaces, residential areas, pottery workshops, copper casting workshops, cellars, tombs and other relics. It is a well-planned, large and orderly, unprecedented dynastic capital;

There are countless cultural relics unearthed, but the style of the cultural relics is very different from that of the Shang Dynasty, which shows that it is different from other regimes of the Shang Dynasty. At the same time, the scale is definitely not that of other tribes.

Unfortunately. Even though various evidence points to the Xia Dynasty and the Xia capital, because no written evidence was unearthed from the Erlitou site, the international archaeological community further recognized that this was the capital of the Xia Dynasty under doubts from all parties.

Therefore, according to the current international archeology schoolmates, we can only say that Erlitou is the "earliest China" - the earliest wide-area royal state in East Asia. However, it cannot be conclusively confirmed that it is the capital of Xia, let alone the existence of Xia Dynasty. .

However, the situation has changed now. One of the major aspects is that China's national power is far from what it was in the 1950s, so it has more say in the international community.

The other part is that this Troy excavation gave everyone a good excuse, because no one found any writing in this ruins after digging for such a long time.

This also gave China an opportunity, especially now that the Chinese archaeological team had a very in-depth understanding of Troy, so they quickly put forward their own opinions.

That's why under the same circumstances Troy is considered Troy by everyone, but Erlitou in China is not considered the capital of the Xia Dynasty.

Even purely from the perspective of records and evidence, the evidence that Erlitou was the capital of the Xia Dynasty is obviously more detailed, and there is much less speculation.

Because of Troy's important position in the West, he had to make concessions when faced with China's doubts in order to gain China's support for Troy.

"This thing is still a secret, but there is no problem in telling you." Professor Liu said softly. "Based on the results of our discussions, Erlitou will be included in the World Heritage List together with Troy as the capital of the Xia Dynasty."

"Congratulations, congratulations." After listening to Professor Liu tell the story, Liang En congratulated her from the bottom of her heart. Because he knows that Erlitou has always been a regret in the history of Chinese archeology in both worlds, and it is great to be able to make up for it now.

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