Starting the fourth generation Hokage

Chapter 132 Appearance (3)

Facing the sudden attack from the rear, the Cloud Ninjas quickly reacted and prepared to fight.

But the next second, several of the more than ten shurikens that flew at them suddenly exploded and turned into a strong golden light, which instantly blocked the vision of almost everyone with its dazzling and dazzling light.

"Flash bomb?!!"

"Be careful, get out of the way!! "

As a ninja, people with a little combat experience usually understand the characteristics, usage methods and countermeasures of various ninja tools.

Facing the flash bomb thrown by the enemy, there are only two countermeasures, either defending on the spot or quickly evacuating the current range to avoid the enemy's various attacks when the vision disappears.

At this time, the Cloud Ninjas also had such thoughts and reactions in their hearts.

However, just as they shouted and were about to take countermeasures, this briefly shrouded golden world, The killing intent was already approaching.

The next second, countless sharp blades cut through the body, and a large number of screams began to resound instantly.

Shouts, screams, chaos, death, everything, all merged and intertwined in the short few seconds after this golden world enveloped it. No one knows what happened in this sudden moment, because the vision is blocked by the golden light. But what is certain is that this briefly appeared golden world seems to hide the power of the god of death.

Because judging from the sounds inside, it can be heard that countless cloud ninjas seem to have suddenly encountered a large number of powerful enemies, with As for the battle, it became a one-sided massacre, and the lives of countless cloud ninjas were being harvested in large numbers and quickly.

Outside the field, the remaining surviving cloud ninjas who were not covered by the light were all full of doubts and were on guard while retreating.

After a few seconds, the chaotic screams finally stopped.

The dazzling golden light began to retreat, and the real world returned. The remaining hundred cloud ninjas hurriedly looked over, and then they saw only a tragic scene that frightened them. They saw that the original open space had already turned into a terrifying Shura field.

Everywhere they looked, there were tragic scenes of corpses everywhere.

The previous A large number of Kumo Ninjas were now dead, and all fell to the ground. Almost all of them were stabbed or cut in the fatal places by sharp blades. It was clear that dozens of lives that were alive a few seconds ago were now all dead...

However, in this Shura field, there seemed to be a person standing proudly.

The blond man, wearing a flaming white robe, was walking out of it calmly. The bloody three-pronged kunai in his hand clearly proved that he was the one who slaughtered dozens of Kumo Ninjas in just a few seconds.

"Gold...Golden Ninja, a kunai of a special shape?!"

"Is it the Flying Thunder God Technique?!...It's the golden flash of Konoha!!!"

"No, it can't be...How is it possible? How could the Fourth Hokage appear here?! ”


After Minato Namikaze was recognized, no one cared about the death of the Cloud Ninja earlier, because if the monster that could kill so many people in an instant was placed on Konoha’s Golden Flash, then all this would be justified.

As Minato Namikaze’s identity was recognized, the remaining hundreds of ninjas on the Cloud Ninja side suddenly panicked on a large scale.

For Konoha, Golden Flash is the reputation of the ninjas of their own village, but for the ninjas of the enemy country, it is a bad reputation. The dazzling gold is actually the color of the god of death. Because Minato Namikaze harvested the lives of ordinary ninjas in missions and wars, it was really too much. In order to reduce meaningless losses, there is an unwritten rule that you can abandon the mission directly when encountering the golden flash.

However, in reality, there are very few people who can escape unscathed after encountering the golden flash...


Linjiao saw Minato Namikaze approaching him as if no one was around, and was a little excited. When he heard the latter's voice in the morning, he had already quickly terminated the Life Jade Burning Technique.

The cloud ninjas who surrounded him also retreated a distance early because of Minato Namikaze's sudden appearance.

"It seems that I came in time."

Seeing that he did not lose a capable subordinate, Minato Namikaze breathed a sigh of relief and smiled warmly.

Then, he quickly regained his seriousness and said in a comforting tone: "Rest assured, leave it to me next. "

After hearing this, Linjiao did not hesitate at all. Even though he was injured, he immediately knelt on one knee and responded with great respect. Although he did not find any reinforcements following Minato Namikaze at this time, in Linjiao's eyes, the man in front of him with the golden hair and divine robe, who bore the name of Konoha Kage, was enough to resist any number of enemy troops. Because the golden flash of Konoha has never been defeated since it became famous! After Minato Namikaze passed Linjiao and turned his gaze to the remaining 100 Cloud Ninjas, the captain of the Cloud Ninja Vanguard who had long seen the opportunity to retreat to a safe distance not far away, finally couldn't help but start to panic a little. But after forcing himself to have courage, he still pretended not to be timid, met the blond man's gaze and said: "The Fourth Hokage is at the front line in person, it seems that Konoha really has no soldiers to use..."

However, Namikaze Minato didn't seem to care much about this. Instead, he smiled lightly and said: "Kumogakure does have a lot of troops, and his style of taking advantage of people's danger to fight without warning is the same as before. It's just that if there is no night moon haze, Come here in person, I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to see the gate of Konoha..."

Although these words came from Namikaze Minato's mouth, although they were extremely arrogant, all the Kumo ninjas could only look at each other in shock after hearing the words.

The crowd of hundreds of people was silent for a moment, cowering in fear.

After all, the residual warmth on the bodies of dozens of companions not far away has not completely retreated yet...

On the other side, the Kumo-nin vanguard captain was struggling internally. He could give up the mission when he encounters a golden flash, but now they are in a war, and there are more than a hundred Kumo-nin ninjas. Do they want to flee without fighting?

"Don't be afraid. Although the Fourth Hokage of Konoha is powerful, he only has one person. Our main force..."


Suddenly, the shouts of the Kumo ninja vanguard captain who was trying to boost morale suddenly stopped.

At the same time, a touch of bright red blood also floated in the air, and the bright red thing rising up was naturally the Flying Thunder God Kunai held by Namikaze Minato.

The vanguard captain of the Cloud Ninja had his eyes widened at this moment. In his dilated pupils, the figure reflected a second ago was still the blond man standing behind him. His throat was cut by a sharp blade, which soon caused blood to spurt out and made him unable to breathe. Then he fell to the ground. Before he could think more, the consciousness in his body began to be gradually pulled out...

Until his death, he still didn't quite understand how Namikaze Minato disappeared from his eyes in an instant, then appeared behind him, and then slit his throat with a kunai.

Because all this happened too fast...

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