Starting the fourth generation Hokage

Chapter 133: Clean them all up before reinforcements arrive

In fact, if he had the opportunity to look at the feet behind him, he would have discovered that at some point, a three-pronged kunai had been inserted there.

The instantaneous speed of the flying thunder god's space jump is difficult for even the fourth generation Raikage to cope with in the extreme thunder escape chakra mode.

Therefore, the leader of the Cloud Ninja Pioneer who died at the first sight of Flying Thunder God naturally seemed a bit ordinary compared to the countless enemies that Golden Flash had encountered on his way to fame.

Ignoring the body that was gradually becoming cold at his feet, Namikaze Minato calmly waved his right hand, gently swiping away the blood stained on the Flying Thunder God Kunai, and then glanced at the hundreds of cloud ninja who were faintly about to retreat, coldly The way:

"Enter Namikaze Minato, the Fourth Hokage of Konoha.

The place you are now stepping on is the territory of the Country of Fire. If you can withdraw in time, it can be regarded as an unintentional intrusion..."

"if not……"

Before he finished speaking, a powerful chakra aura suddenly erupted from Namikaze Minato's body.

At the same time, orange eye shadow instantly appeared near his blue eyes. Because his sage mode realm at this time was already close to the extreme state, he could completely complete the enchantment chakra within two or three seconds. Condensation is already handy.

Not only that, even the duration of maintaining the immortal mode can reach several hours.

With this guarantee, coupled with the effect of Sage Mode that can make the user a hundred times more energetic, at this time, Namikaze Minato can almost use it as a regular ninjutsu without any burden.

"Quick..., retreat quickly, the golden flash is not something we can deal with..."

"You're right. Anyway, if you encounter him giving up the mission unconditionally, you can be exempted from guilt."

Many cloud ninjas all looked at each other in confusion at this time. I don't know who was the first to have the intention of retreating and made the proposal loudly. Unexpectedly, many people immediately agreed.

Seeing that more than a hundred ninjas, facing only one enemy, were so frightened that they retreated.

Immediately, rebuttals came out from the crowd: "Idiot, this is war time, and there are no rules like normal missions. How can a vanguard force of more than two hundred people not even be able to invade the border of the Land of Fire? "

"Besides, as long as we can hold him back, it won't take long for the main force behind to catch up with us..."

In a panic, the Kumo ninja troops were quickly led by several senior ninjas to contain the troops whose morale was on the verge of collapse. Immediately, he shouted and reorganized the offensive formation.

Namikaze Minato was not surprised at all by this.

In other words, this is the scene he most wants to see. After all, it is boring to chase down an enemy who only turns his back on you and runs away. Golden Flash is not a murderous maniac, and it is impossible for him to have a special hobby for unilateral massacres.

Seeing the dense crowd of Kumo ninjas in front of them, they were quickly dispersing, trying to form an encirclement on themselves. Namikaze Minato, who was in Sage mode, calmly used the power of natural energy amplification to sense the surrounding area, and then discovered that a few kilometers behind him, there were more than a dozen ANBU subordinates rushing towards this direction. , the hurriedly traveling chakra breath. However, on the other hand, the main force of the Kumo ninja troops was not immediately discovered in the direction of the border...

After quickly making up his mind, Namikaze Minato decided not to make any reservations.

Then his hands suddenly formed a cross seal, and immediately a large amount of smoke began to rise above the clearing. When the smoke dissipated, ten identical Namikaze Minato soon appeared.

Originally, he did not dare to use this ghost clone technique casually, because the huge amount of chakra consumed was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But now Minato Namikaze, who is close to the ultimate sage realm, has no such restriction.

"In order to reduce the losses of my subordinates, let's deal with them all before reinforcements arrive..."

The main body of Namikaze Minato suddenly said calmly.

Before he finished speaking, Minato, the shadow clone, immediately understood, and almost at the same time, they started to cooperate with the main body that rushed out first. On the snowy field littered with corpses, facing the swarming Kumo ninjas, eleven Namikaze Minato rushed towards them, and at the same time, all of them threw the Flying Thunder God Kunai in their hands in unison, Then synchronize the sealing again...

The next second, the shuriken shadow clone technique instantly transformed into a large rain of swords.

Among the overwhelming crowd of people heading towards Cloud Ninja...

A few minutes later, when Xiang arrived with all the ANBU members, what he saw was the battlefield that was over.

The vanguard force of the Cloud Ninjas was completely wiped out at this time.

On the blood-stained snowfield, only the blond man stood proudly. It seemed that the battle had just ended, and Minato Namikaze was recycling his special kunai.

"Lord Hokage...

You, you are not injured? "

Xiang realized something very quickly. He made a few hurried jumps and quickly arrived in front of the golden flash who was neatly dressed and could not tell that he had experienced battle. On one side, he secretly looked at it with his eyes, and on the other side, he asked cautiously. .

"It came very quickly..."

Namikaze Minato casually picked up a special kunai scattered on the ground, put it skillfully into his ninja bag, then removed the orange eye shadow from the corners of his eyes, and then said in a warm tone: "When I arrived earlier, I just happened to save Linjiao who was in trouble, and found that the enemy's vanguard troops were not many in number, so I easily dealt with them. "

Not much?

Including Xiang, after hearing Namikaze Minato's understatement, all the ANBU secretly glanced at the corpses of Kumo ninja scattered all over the mountain, and then murmured in their hearts.

Based on the scene in front of me, I am afraid that I can estimate the number of enemies without statistics, and at least it is around one or two hundred people.

Isn’t that much?

Thinking that the Hokage had arrived less than five minutes earlier than them and easily wiped out an army. Since the Chuunin could not witness the battle with his own eyes, he could not help but have the idea that: these Did the enemy resist?

As the leader of the ANBU, Captain Xiang soon began to collect his thoughts.

He quickly asked for instructions: "Hokage-sama, what should we do next?"

"Should we allocate manpower in advance to find out the movements of the main force of Yun Ninja..."

Killing the vanguard force of the Kumo ninja in front of them can only be regarded as a small victory. Basically everyone knows that the main force of the Kumo ninja that comes later is the highlight. The purpose of their coming here is to try their best to stop them.

In order to intercept all the enemies at the border, it is still very important to find out the enemy's movements in advance.

However, Namikaze Minato rejected his proposal and just ordered: "There is no need. The main force of the Kumo ninja will definitely pass by here no matter what, and dividing the troops will only further weaken our already small manpower. strength."

"Anyway, let's clean up the battlefield first. Anbu with medical ninjutsu, go check on Kirikaku's injuries."

"In 10 minutes, I will tell you the next battle plan..."

The ANBU naturally had orders and prohibitions. After Namikaze Minato's order was given, everyone quickly bowed neatly and then quickly and efficiently performed their respective tasks.

Namikaze Minato, who had no sense of relaxation in his heart, was meditating on the next best strategy to stop the enemy.

At the same time, he turned back and glanced at the horizon, only to see that the sky had darkened unconsciously, the setting sun was like blood, and the dazzling afterglow added a bit of tragedy to the battlefield...

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