Starting the fourth generation Hokage

Chapter 156: Hawks and Conservatives

Shimura Danzo's mood changed several times along the way. Although Namikaze Minato withstood the main force of Kumogakure and captured the two-tailed Jinchuuriki, which surprised him, it also left more places worthy of criticism.

Therefore, he has great confidence that at this meeting, the proposal to impeach the fourth generation can be successfully put forward according to the advance plan.

Once the Yondaime steps down, the opportunity he has been waiting for will come.

Soon, Shimura Danzo arrived in front of the Hokage Building, calmed down his rare restlessness, and walked in...

However, as soon as he entered the conference room, he vaguely felt that the atmosphere inside seemed a bit strange.

"Danzo, you're here..."

In the large conference room, on one side next to the long table, Mito Monobu took the lead in saying hello to Danzo who was walking in, and then looked directly at Nara Shikaku opposite, "Since everyone is here Okay, Captain Shikaku, let’s start the meeting..."

It was only then that Shimura Danzo noticed that there were actually a lot of people attending this meeting.

Not only were Koharu Mitotoen and Nara Shikaku who had transferred to the dormitory, but the Sannin were also present, and at the end of the long table, even Uchiha Fugaku was present, which puzzled him greatly.

But soon, he understood that this was obviously not a high-level meeting in Konoha, but a simple post-war summary meeting.

He walked to his seat in a few steps, and after sitting down, Danzo calmly looked at the blond man on the main seat, and found that Minato Namikaze looked leisurely and indifferent, having no idea that he was about to face The situation of being impeached.

Thinking of this, Danzo Shimura smiled coldly in his heart.

At this time, Nara Shikaku had also begun his post-war report.

First, there were casualties in the village. Although Konoha was one against three, the main force quickly defeated the alliance of Iwa ninja and Kusanagi ninja with superior force. At the same time, they wanted to take advantage of the situation to attack the Kumo ninja from behind, but also because Namikaze Minato led the ANBU to resist. Due to the pressure, there were fewer ninja casualties in the village this time.

"This is the current situation...

The Cloud Ninja troops have been completely pushed back to the Kingdom of Thunder, but although they were defeated, they still have strength, so I'm afraid they won't give up.

The Iwa Ninja troops suffered a lot of casualties this time. According to intelligence information, the possibility of them wanting to start a war again is extremely slim, so it won't take long before they should sign an armistice agreement with us.

In addition, the Grass Ninja Village this time, as expected, immediately dissolved its alliance with the Iwa Ninja after their defeat and sued for peace with us..."

Everyone in the meeting suddenly looked a little weird when they heard this.

However, most people who have participated in many wars know that this kind of wallowing behavior in Kusakunin Village is not incomprehensible. Once a small and weak country is caught between big powers, once it is involved in a war, its own country's territory will be treated as a battlefield. Not to mention, if you take the wrong team, the consequences will be as tragic as they are now.

"Are you as spineless as before and immediately suing for peace?"

Shimura Danzo snorted coldly and said bluntly: "Since you choose to be the pawn of Iwa Ninja, you should pay the due price. I think they should be taught some lessons this time. The village still has strength now. It is better to send troops again after a few days of rest." country!”

"This... I'm afraid it's inappropriate..."

Namikaze Minato frowned but did not speak yet.

Among the two advisers, Mito Kadoen was the first to object, "There is not much benefit in sending troops to the Land of Grass. Now we should always be on guard against the Kumo ninja. They are Konoha's biggest enemies now!

After all, their two-tailed Jinchuuriki is now in our hands, and the balance of the tailed beasts is on the verge of being broken...

It is best to accept the peace negotiation immediately. Not only can you get compensation, but you can also get rid of worries immediately. "

Mito Kadoyan's words were well-founded and were quickly recognized by most of the people present at the meeting.

Regarding this, Shimura Danzo could only take back his thoughts bitterly.

The third generation who secretly cursed for his death had a profound impact on Konoha's high-level decision-making circles, because during the three generations' rule, Konoha had always been passive in starting wars and almost never took the initiative in the war.

He had always believed that with Konoha's strength and heritage, he could take the initiative in the war and dominate the five major ninja villages.

Sure enough, he still has to take the position of Hokage. What Konoha absolutely needs is a strong leader...

"Captain Shikaku."

While everyone was talking about it, Namikaze Minato glanced at Nara Shikaku.

The latter immediately understood, and then made his final statement: "On the issue of peace negotiations between the Kusanagi, the fourth generation and I are of the opinion that we should not respond for the time being, and then wait for the price, and finally, with the purpose of obtaining more compensation, Accept reconciliation again..."

As soon as these words came out, they naturally attracted a wave of approval.

Mito Kadoen and Koharu, who had transferred to the dormitory, looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes. This compromise strategy was undoubtedly the best solution. They didn't know whether this proposal was proposed by Nara Shikaku or Namikaze Minato. If it was the latter, then the political growth of this young fourth generation was really eye-catching and surprising.

Afterwards, at the meeting, the leaders in charge of the previous wars were commended.

In particular, Tsunade and Jiraiya, as well as Uchiha Fugaku, all made significant contributions. After all, the first two people have experienced at least two ninja wars, so they don't care much about the post-war merits and rewards.

On the other hand, Uchiha Fugaku, because it was the first time he was commended on such an occasion, and the contribution of the entire Konoha police force was also affirmed, so he felt somewhat flattered in his heart, and his slightly excited expression was palpable.

"Since we are talking about military exploits, in my opinion, in this battle with the Kumo ninja, the ones who deserve the most credit should be the Yondaime Hokage and the entire ANBU unit!"

At the end, Nara Shikaku finally changed his voice and looked at the person in charge with admiration: "The Yondaime was able to lead dozens of ANBU, blocking the main force of Kumo ninja for a day and a night, and also captured the enemy's second tail. Jinchuriki is definitely a feat that shocks the ninja world.”

"I think Konoha is very lucky to have such an excellent Hokage as the Fourth Generation as the leader of the village!"

I have to say that Nara Shikaku’s praise was spot on.

So much so that Namikaze Minato himself felt a little blushed after hearing this. Although he did discuss with Nara Shikaku before the meeting how to conduct the commendation session at the post-war meeting, he could guarantee that these flattering words were definitely not discussed in advance. Within the scope...

"Well, the fourth generation's performance in the war in the past few days should indeed be ranked first."

In a rare gesture of approval for Minato Namikaze, Mito Kazuo, Koharu, who was sleeping on the other side, nodded slightly and also expressed his approval.

"Haha, the fourth generation is as excellent and perfect as ever in all aspects..." Jiraiya also laughed, obviously very happy. In his opinion, the better Namikaze Minato is, the more he will be honored.

After all, he loved showing off as the teacher of Namikaze Minato.

On the side, Tsunade and Uchiha Fugaku, who was at the bottom, did not speak, but they looked at Namikaze Minato with expressions of gratitude and reverence.

Of course Tsunade was grateful because, without Namikaze Minato's advance arrangements, she would have definitely been defeated by Mickey Guy's team who knew her weaknesses at that time due to her fear of blood. If that were the case, not only would her reputation as a Sannin be completely ruined, but the village and the medical department would also be absolutely devastated. If Konoha headquarters was hit hard, the entire war situation might be rewritten.

As for Uchiha Fugaku, since the Nine-Tails Rebellion, he has deeply felt that the current Fourth Generation Hokage's attitude towards him, Uchiha and the police force is obviously more trusting and closer than before.

For him, in this battle to defend Konoha, making meritorious service was just secondary. Only the police force and Uchiha were recognized and praised on such an occasion. That was the biggest gain he got from participating in the meeting as the leader of the Uchiha clan.

And these, of course, are inseparable from the trust of the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.

He had no doubt that if faced with the same war situation during the third generation of rule, the police force would never have had such a chance to perform, let alone Uchiha receiving praise and recognition on such an occasion...

"Hehehe, the Yondaime is indeed the outstanding successor chosen by Sarutobi-sensei after abandoning me..."

Orochimaru, who had been silently watching from the beginning of the meeting until now, suddenly opened his mouth and said with a smile: "I am very interested in Kumogakure's two-tailed Jinchuuriki."

"I wonder if the Yondaime will allow me to participate in the plan to extract the second tail?"

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