Taking out the second tail to give Konoha another tailed beast was Danzo's suggestion before Namikaze Minato returned to the village. Google Search Reading If he hadn't come back early, he might not have started to implement it. If he did, of course Yakushi Noonoyu wouldn't have the chance to exchange it...

In fact, as a person very close to Danzo, Orochimaru was not surprised to hear about this incident.

However, at this moment, Namikaze Minato's mood was extremely complicated. He looked at Orochimaru's long golden pupils, filled with abyss-like desire, and felt a deep sense of helplessness. He felt that it might be difficult for him to tie Orochimaru to Konoha...

Because, just before the meeting started, he received a piece of news saying that dozens of wounded soldiers and medical troops who were finally preparing to evacuate the Country of Grass had all been confirmed to be missing. And the person in charge of the team that was finally brought back was Orochimaru. This news shows that Orochimaru's desire to pursue immortality by any means can no longer be stopped.

It used to be one or two people, but now dozens of people are kidnapped at once. This matter has become so big that the village cannot turn a blind eye. It is imperative to thoroughly investigate the truth and provide an explanation to the families of the missing persons.

However, Namikaze Minato knew that a thorough investigation could be omitted.

Because there is a one thousand percent chance that this matter was written by Orochimaru, and even if it was investigated, it would be difficult to get any results.

Just when he was considering whether to announce this incident at the meeting, the long-awaited discordant voice finally came.

"Hmph, I don't agree with the Fourth Generation Eye's contribution!"

As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Danzo Shimura, who felt the scorching gazes from everyone, did not care and continued to criticize: "As a ninja, the Fourth Generation did fight bravely and accomplished extraordinary feats, but as a Hokage, the Fourth Generation was brave enough to plan. insufficient."

"Danzo, what do you mean by this?" Koharu asked in confusion when he went to bed.

"If there are any post-war arrangements that are not handled properly, Danzo-sama, just say so..." Danzo's words made Nara Shikakuya slightly startled. This combat deployment was actually made jointly by him and Namikaze Minato. The lack of planning also naturally denied him, so he thought that some post-war handling work may not have been done well.

However, Shimura Danzo ignored these two people, but raised his eyes and looked directly at Namikaze Minato on the main seat, and said in a questioning tone: "The Yondaime, I heard that you were in the battle to capture the second tail jinchūriki of the Kumo ninja. , almost caused the nine tails in the body to go berserk, is this true? "

"What? There is such a thing?"

"Kyuubi went berserk?! This is no small matter..."

Almost most of the people present had experienced the previous Nine-Tails Rebellion. At that time, the scene of the demon fox raging like a natural disaster, and the powerlessness of Konoha's ninjas in the face of it, were all vivid in their minds.

When the two consultants heard this, they subconsciously felt scared.

Without waiting for Namikaze Minato to answer, Mito Katoen also asked seriously: "Yondaime, has this really happened?"

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to Namikaze Minato.

Jiraiya's eyes were concerned, Orochimaru looked interested, and Tsunade, Uchiha Fugaku and Nara Shikaku were slightly shocked.

As for the person involved, Namikaze Minato, although he was calm on the surface at this time, he was already shocked in his heart. He didn't understand how Danzo knew about this matter. I originally thought that in this meeting, Danzo would most likely criticize himself for wanting to replace Yukito with Nonou, but he never expected that the fact that Kyuubi almost went berserk would become a handle.

Thinking that if he didn't admit it, he might give more excuses later, Namikaze Minato hesitated and then admitted frankly.


"Did you see it? As the Hokage of Konoha and the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki of the village, he actually took the risk to make the Nine-Tailed Beast in his body almost go berserk for the sake of the two tails. I said that this kind of decision is not the same as that of the Shadow of Konoha. The identities don’t match, is there a mistake?”

Seeing that Namikaze Minato actually admitted it directly, Danzo felt happy.

Namikaze Minato frowned and fell into a brief silence.

At this point, he no longer had time to think about how Kyuubi almost went berserk and how Danzo knew about it. The most important thing now is that he really can't think of any excuse for this accusation.

What's more, taking the risk to capture the tailed beast at that time was indeed a bit impulsive.

Everyone present had different expressions for a moment after seeing Namikaze Minato's admission.

Namikaze Minato, who was praised a moment ago, suddenly became the subject of controversy. Jiraiya, who cared most about Namikaze Minato, probably couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but said: "Danzo-sama, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. The Fourth Generation must have had his own considerations at the time to take the risk and make such a decision, but would it be too much to say that Minato didn't have the Hokage's decision?

Besides, judging from the results, the Fourth Generation didn't let Kyuubi go berserk in the end, right? "

After all, he is a mentor, and he will not hesitate to protect his shortcomings. However, although Namikaze Minato was grateful, he didn't feel that Jiraiya's words would have any effect.

After Danzo heard this, he was indeed rude and immediately responded: "Jiraiya, you have a simple warrior mentality. You are on missions all year round and you don't understand what kind of structure the Hokage should have and how the Nine How important the tail jinchūriki is to the village.”

"As a Kage of Konoha, you should even put the importance of Kyuubi above your own life when necessary!"

"The Yondaime was just lucky this time, but what about next time? Can you imagine what kind of dangerous situation the village will be in if Konoha's Nine-Tails fails?!!"

Although Danzo's words were a bit alarmist, he still made Jiraiya speechless.

What was not good was that the two advisors at this time actually agreed with Danzo's point of view.

Mito Kadoyan said bluntly: "The Fourth Generation, I didn't expect that such a dangerous thing would happen during the battle to capture the second tail. You didn't tell us before..."

"We agree with Danzo's point of view on this matter..."

Not surprisingly, as conservatives, Mito Monen and Koharu Koharu also sided with Danzo on this matter.

However, at this time, Namikaze Minato still didn't feel panic at all, because he suddenly wanted to see what tricks Shimura Danzo, who had no idea about his imminent downfall, could finally use.

Sure enough, Danzo, who had finally gained the upper hand, raised the corners of his mouth inaudibly.

Launching the pursuit of victory, he changed his voice and said: "Actually, besides this, there is another more important event. I hope that the Fourth Generation can give a reasonable explanation."

"I heard that the Fourth Generation vetoed the decision to draw out the Two-Tails, and wants to exchange prisoners with a captured Konoha Anbu who fell into the hands of Kumogakure?"

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