Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 104 Preparations before leaving

Uchiha Feiyu was led here, and Orochimaru was already prepared to attack Danzo. However, seeing the performance of these root ninjas, they seemed to not only want to seize his handle, but also seemed to want to Make things worse.

Orochimaru experimenting on members of the Uchiha clan was a big or small problem in the eyes of Konoha's top brass.

Human experiments are commonplace in Konoha, but experimenting on ninjas from the same village is indeed a huge taboo.

But if that ninja from the same village is an Uchiha, that's another story. Although the current Konoha senior officials have not said that dealing with Uchiha is politically correct, it is obvious that Uchiha and Konoha senior officials are not of the same mind.

If the higher-ups want to suppress it, as long as the news is not spread, then this is just a small handle or stain, but if the news spreads, it will no longer be the Uchiha clan's business.

You can do experiments on the Uchiha clan today, but can you do experiments on the Senju clan tomorrow? Can we still experiment with the Hyuga clan the day after tomorrow?

For Konoha's family ninjas, this kind of breach is absolutely forbidden, so as long as the news spreads, Orochimaru will be lucky to save his life if he doesn't defect, let alone want to be Hokage.

Looking at the root ninja who was caught in the illusion, Uchiha Feiyu shrugged and said:

"It seems that the person at the root is not trying to grab a handle or sow trouble in our relationship. He probably wants you to become a rebellious ninja, or even directly wants you to die, sensei!"

"Hehehehahahaha!! You really underestimated him!"

Orochimaru smiled angrily, his snake eyes shrunk to the limit, vaguely revealing a bit of cold murderous intent:

"I recorded this account for him!"

Uchiha Feiyu twitched the corner of his mouth, found a stool and sat down, looked at his cheap teacher who was getting angry, and directly reminded him:

"Teacher, don't be so busy being cruel now, why don't you think about what you should do next?"

"No matter what, the fact that you experimented with the Uchiha clan is an unchangeable fact. I don't believe that Danzo didn't leave other heads and tails there."

"And as long as you rely on the roots to transport you materials for human experiments, Danzo will always be able to hold your hand."

Orochimaru was silent for a moment, and then said coldly:

"This is not Danzo's problem... Danzo alone cannot possibly fall out with me directly!"

Now Orochimaru has almost been scheduled to become the fourth generation Hokage. Even if he makes any mistakes at this time, Danzo cannot just flip the table just like that. At least he must report and discuss with Konoha senior officials before doing anything. make the final decision.

Not to mention studying the Uchiha clan and Hashirama cells, Danzo has already understood it very clearly, and if Danzo understands, it means that the Third Hokage understands.

Don't look at the Third Hokage's connivance with Danzo. In fact, just looking at the situation of both parties, it is clear who has a higher rank.

Danzo did a lot of things in Konoha Ninja Village. In addition to making the status of the Third Hokage more stable, he also got himself a lot of blame.

If you want to say that this guy's rank is higher than that of the Third Hokage, and he can do this kind of thing without telling the Third Hokage, then only a newly graduated genin would believe it.

So although Danzo was the one who took action in this matter, the person who asked him to take action behind the scenes was definitely the Third Hokage!

"So, Hokage-sama wants to attack you! Because your reputation is too high, teacher, and you are almost destined to become the Fourth Hokage?"

"Then if the Third Hokage really wants to attack you, teacher, what are you going to do?"

How to do it? Orochimaru was never a person who swallowed his anger, especially when he knew that the person who stabbed him was actually his most respected teacher.

How much he respected the Third Hokage before, but how much he hates the Third Hokage now!

The bite of snakes is very painful!

Orochimaru chuckled in his throat, and after a moment he spoke coldly:

"Teacher probably wants me to withdraw from the Hokage competition. Haha, I didn't expect that the old man can't let go of his so-called power even at his old age."

"As for Danzo... he probably had some ambitions after getting my research report, so he wanted to add fuel to the flames and force me away completely!"

"It's just that he didn't expect Feiyu that you don't care about the so-called Uchiha clan at all, so this kind of mistake happened."

"Since they either want me to quit or want me to leave, then I might as well grant their wishes!"

"I just hope they can bear the consequences of my leaving!"

Seeing the cold determination on Orochimaru's face, Uchiha Feiyu knew that this man was planning to cause trouble, which made Uchiha Feiyu couldn't help but reveal a smile:

"If that's the case, how about adding another one of mine, teacher?"

"Anyway, I'm an Uchiha. No matter how far I develop in Konoha, I can't do anything like this. I don't have any attachment to the Uchiha clan. I might as well make a big fuss with you."

After Orochimaru heard this, he looked at Uchiha Feiyu. He didn't think that Uchiha Feiyu had a deep relationship with him. On the contrary, Orochimaru, who knew his apprentice, knew very well that this guy's In some aspects, his personality is very similar to his own, even more ruthless.

The reason why he wants to make a big fuss with him is definitely not because of his current situation, it can only be because doing so will be of great benefit to him!

‘Can you become stronger just by killing people? In other words, you can continue to make progress by relying on the blood and bones of ninjas... No wonder, apprentice, you are such a life-loving person, and now you want to cause trouble directly in Konoha. ’

Orochimaru lowered his eyes and did not express his thoughts. No matter how many little calculations Uchiha Feiyu had in his mind, as long as Uchiha Feiyu could help, they would definitely be able to cause even greater trouble in Konoha.

"But Mr. Orochimaru, I also have a ninjutsu that I hope to learn from you."

"Ninjutsu? Tell me, what kind of ninjutsu is it?"

"Reincarnation from the dirty soil!"

When Uchiha Feiyu returned to the roots of Konoha, he was holding a blood-stained bundle in his hand.

The baggage is the size of a football, and blood is seeping out from under the baggage drop by drop. Any ninja with some experience can figure out what is in the baggage - it should be someone's just-decapitated head.

"I'm going to see Danzo!"

Uchiha Feiyu spoke with a somewhat tired voice. The two root ninjas guarding the door looked at each other and without saying anything else, they led Uchiha Feiyu towards Danzo's office.

When Uchiha Feiyu walked through the long passage and arrived at Danzo's office, he saw this old bastard sitting on a chair with his eyes closed and calm and calm.

"You're back? Seeing how anxious you are, it seems that those conducting human experiments are not ordinary people."

Danzo spoke in a faint voice, especially when he saw the blood-stained package held in Uchiha Feiyu's hand, he was even more surprised.

I really didn't expect that Uchiha Feiyu actually killed Orochimaru. This is really - great!

In any case, Orochimaru is the most popular Hokage candidate today, and he is also Uchiha Feiyu's teacher. Even if Uchiha Feiyu had a reason for his incident and gained the reputation of justice, it would be difficult for him to survive after doing such a thing. On the surface, he became a ninja.

When the time comes, let Uchiha Feiyu enter the root and become his subordinate. In that case, the possibility of becoming Hokage will be greatly increased!

Without Orochimaru, the other two Sannin had no interest in Naruto, leaving only the junior Golden Flash...

While Danzo was still thinking carefully, Uchiha Feiyu had already thrown the package of human heads on the table. He used clever force and opened the package as soon as it landed on the table.

I saw the head in the package with gloomy eyes and a bit of ruthlessness, with messy hair standing on end, a face covered with wrinkles, one eye tightly wrapped with a bandage, and a pair of X-shaped eyes on the chin. scar.

Who is this person? It's not Orochimaru at all! Wait, why does this look look so familiar...isn't this my head? ! !

No, this is an illusion!

Danzo just reacted and immediately controlled the surge of chakra in his body. The force was so fierce that blood spilled from the corners of his mouth. However, despite this, the head in front of him did not change at all, and seemed to be laughing at him. Useless effort.

how so? Unable to use chakra to interrupt... Could it be the Mangekyō Sharingan genjutsu?

"What exactly do you want to do? Uchiha Feiyu! I obviously asked you to investigate and capture Orochimaru, the Uchiha clan's human experimenter. Why did you use genjutsu on me?"

"Huh!? How did you know that it was Orochimaru who was conducting human experiments? You knew it too quickly!"

Uchiha Feiyu said with a smile on his face, and Danzo was suddenly shocked, knowing that he had let it slip. However, he had also experienced many storms and waves, and he still said with a serious face:

"The ones sent to investigate are my root ninjas. They will naturally report to me. Isn't it normal that I knew the result before that?"

"Uh... But those root ninjas under your command were already under my illusion when they left the gate. I have read the information reported every time. Why didn't I see this information?"

"You!! What have you done?! How dare you betray me!!"

"Why are you shouting so loudly? Danzo-sama."

Uchiha Feiyu rubbed his ears, looking like he was shocked by his voice, and said calmly:

"Anyway, in the past six months, the entire root has been almost shrouded in my illusion. This kind of thing is not surprising at all, right?"

Half a year! ? If it was true that the Nebe ninja had been under a genjutsu half a year ago, what secrets could the Nebe have that he could hide from the Uchiha brat in front of him?

Not only that, although Orochimaru's research was conducted by himself, it was Nebu who helped him, and in the end Nebu also received the results of his research. If this kid had controlled Nebu for half a year, he must have known about Uchiha. matter……

There are also a lot of secrets hidden at the root, handles on various ninja families, and all kinds of dark materials...

Danzo felt as if his heart had fallen into a bottomless abyss, and a stream of cold air stretched from the soles of his feet to the Tianling Cap. It was obviously summer, but his whole body almost started to tremble:

"Kill him! Kill Uchiha Feiyu for me!"

"Tsk... You really don't understand good people's hearts! Obviously I completed your mission very well. I found the mysterious organization that used the Uchiha clan for experiments, and I also got the head of the leader of the mysterious organization..."

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled and pointed at Danzo's head on the table, his face full of sarcasm:

"Look, isn't this the mission target you are looking for?! Root leader Shimura Danzo, the culprit who attacked Uchiha!"

As Uchiha Feiyu spoke, the ninjas who were secretly protecting Danzo came out one by one, with the three magatama spinning in their eyes, completely ignoring Danzo's yelling, and walked out of the door directly.

"Damn it!"

Danzo stretched out his hand with hatred on his face, trying to control those Root ninjas, but found that those Root ninjas did not react at all.

"How could it be? My cursed seal..."

"Have some common sense, Master Danzo. Your five senses have been controlled by me. How can you be sure that you are making a seal?"

"Damn evil Uchiha brat! The teacher is right. The Uchiha clan is the biggest destabilizing factor in Konoha and should be completely destroyed!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right. I think so too. So in order not to be destroyed by you, I will scatter your ashes now!"


In reality, Orochimaru stood beside Uchiha Feiyu, watching Danzo dancing and shouting at the air like a monkey, with a bit of fear in his eyes.

"What a terrible illusion. It silently controlled the Root for half a year, and no one noticed it?"

"To be precise, I didn't control the Root, but manipulated their five senses to make them ignore me. Otherwise, it would be very troublesome to weave illusions for each of them and make their five senses feel real."

"And this illusion also has a certain distance requirement. It can only be truly controlled at a distance that is almost within my sight."

Uchiha Feiyu said while strangling Danzo's throat and turned to look at Orochimaru:

"Do you still need this guy? If not, I will kill him directly."

"You seem to have some hatred for Danzo... Logically speaking, keeping this guy should be a better choice! Even if you leave Konoha, I believe that this dark ninja world will not be reluctant to cooperate with us."

"There is indeed a little personal hatred. I have read the memories of many Root ninjas. This old thing seems to have something to do with the death of my parents."

"It's just that I used to need him, so I didn't kill him directly. Since I am ready to leave, it is natural to take revenge and avenge."

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