Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 105: Trouble in Konoha

After hearing what Uchiha Feiyu said, Orochimaru was also shocked. He thought about it carefully and felt that this was really something Danzo, an old man, could do.

Killing the parents of a promising seedling, making him an orphan, and then guiding hatred to take advantage of the situation. After this set of procedures, most of the young ninjas have to be completely brainwashed.

"So, Feiyu-kun, Danzo has come to you before?"

"No, according to the memories I searched, Danzo probably felt that my potential was too low and finally gave up."

"Potential too low?!"

"Because after my parents died, my Sharingan was still a magatama and had not evolved. In the eyes of our Lord Danzo, this should be a sign of low potential!"

Orochimaru twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, thinking that this may not be because of your low potential, but because you have a cold nature and don't care at all.

Of course, he still wouldn't say such words. After all, his apprentice's strength has grown by leaps and bounds. Just looking at this perverted illusion, he is probably no match for him. He doesn't want to directly look for a beating.

"It's a pity... My apprentice is progressing too fast. By the time I decide to use him as a container, I am no longer his match..."

But even if Uchiha Feiyu's strength is not as good as his own, Orochimaru probably won't use Uchiha Feiyu as a container.

He remembered very clearly that the original Lich Reincarnation Ceremony was given to him by Uchiha Feiyu, and Uchiha Feiyu also learned the art of spiritual transformation, and he was definitely very accomplished in the soul.

If I use him as a container, God knows, will I be directly tricked by him?

This kid is not a fuel-efficient lamp. His indifference to other people's lives makes Orochimaru himself a little scared. He will definitely not care about the relationship between plastic master and apprentice.

At this moment, Danzo, whose throat was pinched by Uchiha Feiyu, had difficulty breathing. His face was red and his eyes were bulging. He looked close to death. Orochimaru glanced at him and shook his head:

"Although this guy's life is indeed useful, but since he has a grudge against you, Mr. Feiyu, it's better to kill him as soon as possible."

Uchiha Feiyu nodded, exerting slight force on his hand, and with a click, Danzo's neck was completely twisted.

At the moment when he was on the verge of death, the strong mental stimulation allowed Danzo to finally break through Uchiha Feiyu's illusion, but at this time he was completely unable to struggle and could only stare at Uchiha Feiyu with a pair of unblinking eyes. Finally took his last breath.

The current Danzo didn't have so many eyes on himself, and there would be nothing left to do if he died. Uchiha Feiyu directly collected his soul, and then burned his body cleanly with a fire.

If I say I want to exalt you, then I will completely crush you into ashes!

"Next, there are these root ninjas. It would be too wasteful to kill them directly... Then let them fulfill Danzo-sama's wish!"

"Danzo-sama has two wishes in total, one is to destroy Uchiha, and the other is to become Hokage..."

"Then let some of the root ninjas attack the Uchiha, and some of them kill the Third Hokage!"

Danzo's brainwashing and education of his subordinates finally took advantage of Uchiha Feiyu. As long as he activates the five-sense manipulation and makes those root ninjas think of himself as Danzo, no matter what kind of outrageous task it is, these tool men will complete it wholeheartedly. .

Just be careful not to call too many root ninjas at one time, otherwise the five senses manipulation will not be able to control so many people.

Fortunately, there were only two to three hundred ninjas in total, and half of them were not at the headquarters. Uchiha Feiyu spent more than a dozen times calling people in to issue orders one by one, and the matter was completely settled.

Afterwards, Uchiha Feiyu took all the information from the root and looked through it with a smile on his face and asked about Orochimaru:

"Teacher, what exactly will happen if I spread these materials throughout the Ninja Village?"

Orochimaru picked up a piece of material and looked at the records on it. Basically, the roots did some dirty work.

For example, to plunder some ninja children who have no background and have great potential, before that, kill the parents of that ninja.

Another example is spying on the secret techniques of certain ninja families, catching them while they are performing tasks, and using the abilities of the Yamanaka clan to extract ninjutsu from their brains.

For example, some information about White Fang's death, including the genjutsu ninja who contributed to the cause, and how to guide White Fang's teammates to bite White Fang back.

Fortunately, Hatake Sakumo is now possessed by the White Fang dagger in Kakashi's hand. Otherwise, after reading these records, he would probably feel sorry for himself and be angry to death.

"It will probably cause turmoil in the entire Konoha... But the old man has thrown the blame perfectly, and these things cannot be implicated in him."

"Yeah, it's true that he can't be implicated, but with so many horrific things happening in Konoha, doesn't he, the Hokage, know about it at all?"

"If he knows and doesn't deal with it, then he is completely bad. If he doesn't know, it only means that he is a fool... You said that if the information spreads, in the eyes of other ninjas, our Third Hokage will Is it bad or stupid?"

After hearing this, Orochimaru showed a gloating smile. No matter if he was stupid or bad, after being labeled with this, the unbreakable rule of the Third Hokage in Konoha would probably collapse completely.

The night fell quietly, and hundreds of Root ninjas slowly came to the outskirts of the Uchiha clan.

Time passed by bit by bit. Just when the moon quietly climbed out, there was a deafening explosion from the Hokage Building of the Konoha Ninja Village behind. Suddenly, the entire Konoha Ninja Village was alarmed.

"Who is it?!"

"It's the Hokage Building. What happened there?"

"Someone must be assassinating the Hokage. Let's go to support him!"

A large number of ninjas jumped out like fleas, and the Uchiha clan was also in a panic. Taking this opportunity, hundreds of Root ninjas on the outskirts of the Uchiha clan rushed in silently and took action when they saw the Uchiha ninjas.

"Who is it?! Ugh!"

"Be careful... Why are the ninjas from the Anbu attacking us?!"

"Damn it, these are not Anbu ninjas but Root ninjas! What on earth do they want to do? Does Konoha want to destroy our Uchiha clan?!"

"Stop talking nonsense, they are about to rush to the family area, kill them quickly!"

The ninjas from the Root never like to talk much, and they are even more silent when performing tasks, just killing people with their heads down.

The ninjas from the Uchiha clan were somewhat restrained at first because of the Anbu costumes of the other party, but as the ninjas from the Root killed more and more Uchiha ninjas, they also let go of the restraints.

Especially after noticing the signs that the ninjas from the Root were rushing to the family area, the Uchiha clan went completely crazy, and each of them burst out with powerful strength.

Although those who can enter the Danzo Root are called elites, in fact, these ninjas are just elite Chunin, and the training method of the Root is destined to have a high lower limit and a low upper limit.

When the Uchiha clan really went all out, the ninjas of the root instantly fell into a disadvantage. They could not compete with the Uchiha clan in terms of numbers or high-end strength.

The only advantage is that they are fearless and do not care about the Uchiha clan civilians involved. They release all kinds of powerful ninjutsu unscrupulously.

Therefore, when more than half an hour passed, the Uchiha clan finally killed all the root ninjas, and half of the clan land of the entire Uchiha clan was destroyed.

Not only that, what made a group of Uchiha even more angry was that after they killed these root ninjas, they found that the bodies of the dead Uchiha had disappeared without a trace.

On the Uchiha side, Uchiha Feiyu secretly picked up the bodies with his own five senses and controlled the ability to secretly pick up the bodies, and got more than 70 bodies of the Uchiha clan in one breath.

On the other side of the Hokage Building, Orochimaru looked at the black-faced Third Hokage and showed a rampant smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Teacher, what are you waiting for? Waiting for your Shadow Guard or the Anbu? This time, there are more than 50 ninjas from the Root. You won't get any reinforcements in at least ten minutes!"

Compared to the Uchiha clan, Orochimaru still misses his teacher more, so when the Root ninjas split into two groups, he chose to go to the Hokage Building.

"Orochimaru, why did you do this?!"

The Third Hokage roared, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and the black air on his face lingered, making him a little shaky.

His face turned black, not because of anger, but because he was bitten by Orochimaru's silver-scaled venomous snake.

Because the news of the human experiment had not spread yet, the Third Hokage didn't know that Orochimaru had already made up his mind to defect, and thought that his apprentice was looking for him for something, but he didn't expect that Orochimaru would take advantage of his unpreparedness and release the venomous snake to bite him directly.

Fortunately, after Orochimaru cultivated the Silver Scale Viper, Konoha's medical department specially developed anti-snake venom serum to prevent accidental injuries. Orochimaru did not hold back because he did not think he would defect.

Otherwise, with the poison of the Silver Scale Viper, Sarutobi Hiruzen would not have to fight anymore and could just wait to die.

Even if the anti-snake venom serum was used, the poison of the Silver Scale Viper was so terrible that the Third Hokage could not easily withstand it.

The snake venom directly cut off half of the Third Hokage's chakra, and made his body function decline significantly. The most important thing is that he is too old, and these losses may not even be recovered in the future.

Facing his apprentice, the Third Hokage was really a little overwhelmed.

"Hehe, teacher, do you really not know why I attacked you today?! Or are you playing dumb?"

"Do you want me to remind you? Uchiha clan, Hashirama cells, human experiments!!!"

Orochimaru sneered and stretched out his hand. Nine silver-scaled venomous snakes instantly twisted and merged in his hand, turning into a curved silver snake sword, aiming at the Third Hokage.

The Third Hokage secretly groaned in his heart, but his expression remained calm:

"Orochimaru, what are you talking about? Did you conduct human experiments?"

"Hehe hahaha, you are worthy of being the greatest and most glorious Hokage of Konoha, and you can't be tainted by darkness at all... But do you think I'm an idiot?!"

"As a Hokage, if you don't even know what Danzo and I did, then I can only say that you are simply an incompetent idiot!"

After hearing this, the Third Hokage gnashed his teeth in anger, but he really couldn't refute it, so he could only shout loudly:

"Nonsense! Orochimaru, it seems that I can only capture you and let you calm down!"

After talking for so long, the poison in Sarutobi Hiruzen's body also subsided by half. He saw him forming seals with both hands, and with a bang, a huge ape was summoned by him.

"Ape Demon, turn into a golden hoop stick and prepare for battle!"

"That's right, old man! If you have anything to say, wait until the battle is over and the one who can stand can say it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the master and apprentice rushed directly to each other!


Carrying a huge scroll, Uchiha Feiyu quietly came to the vicinity of the Hokage Building.

At this moment, the ninjas of the root have suffered heavy casualties, and a large number of Konoha Anbu ninjas finally broke through the blockade of the root and entered the Hokage Building.

And Uchiha Feiyu relied on his own illusion ability and secretly followed in, only to see that the original Hokage Building had been completely blown to the ground.

The Third Hokage held the Diamond Rod in his hand, his body was covered with wounds, and he looked shaky. As for Orochimaru, he was even worse, his legs were smashed into meat paste, and there were several human skins he had shed on the ground.

"Orochimaru... what else do you have to say?"

The Third Hokage adjusted his breathing slightly, looked at his former beloved disciple in front of him, and spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Hehehehehehe... Teacher Sarutobi, you are worthy of you! Even if the sneak attack was successful at the beginning, I am still not your opponent now..."

"But it's good this way, at least this way, you can have enough time to regret!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a long breath. In fact, he was already very regretful now. He really didn't expect that his plan for Orochimaru would eventually leak information.

He didn't expect that Orochimaru would actually use such a fierce method to retaliate against him.

After today's battle, the entire Konoha suffered a lot of losses, and other ninja villages also saw the problems of Konoha. The current Ninja World War is not over yet. He is sure that Konoha will probably suffer another round of crazy attacks next.

"I do regret not dealing with your problem earlier! Now, I will make up for my mistake!"

Gritting his teeth, the Third Hokage looked at the Anbu ninjas rushing over and waved his hand:

"Catch Orochimaru first and put him in jail!"

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