Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 107: Sand Village, the torture of illusion

The Land of Wind, the Devil's Desert.

A figure in a white robe slowly walked out from the yellow sand.

The endless wind and yellow sand died down in front of this figure, turning into a gentle breeze. Even though it seemed that he had walked a long distance, there was still no sand on him.

The walker in the desert was Uchiha Feiyu. Before coming to the Land of Wind, he had already drained all the thousands of souls under his control.

The illusion space, which lasted for nearly decades, allowed Uchiha Feiyu to make unimaginable progress in the changes in the form and nature of chakra, and all the ninjutsu he mastered became more powerful.

Now he can be in the desert without being affected by the wind and sand, which is the effect of the sand ninja's sand control technique.

Just slightly controlling the chakra in his body to operate, without even consuming anything, can affect the wind and sand outside. This is the ability he has gained after practicing the changes in the form and nature of chakra to a very high level.

"Finally arrived, the Kingdom of Wind is really big!"

Looking at the canyons and oases that appeared in the distance, as well as the village that looked like a yellowish earth color, Uchiha Feiyu sighed deeply.

Although he was not suffering from the wind and sand, it was not a comfortable feeling to trek through the desert. Fortunately, for a ninja of his level, the desert environment was only a little bit bitter and there was no danger.

The village in the distance that Uchiha Feiyu saw was naturally the Sand Village among the five major ninja villages, which was also chosen by Uchiha Feiyu as a good place to occupy the nest.

When he came to the gate of the Sand Village, Uchiha Feiyu said nothing, ignored the ninjas guarding the gate, and walked in directly.

Now Uchiha Feiyu's bloodline has evolved again and broken through a certain limit, and his illusion ability has increased dramatically. After all, the two eyes he awakened are all illusion eyes, and the bonus to his illusion ability can be imagined.

Moreover, the souls in the illusion space can also add a certain bonus to his illusion ability. The so-called soul is pure Yin-Tun Chakra. The souls of thousands of ninjas are enough to double Uchiha Feiyu's illusion ability.

Today, even Uchiha Feiyu himself does not know how many people he can control with the limit of the five senses. Anyway, according to his estimate, it is close to three digits.

As for the limit of its control, as long as it is not the Yin-Tun level of the Mangekyo level, it is basically impossible to break through the five senses. Even if it is a Mangekyo, as long as the owner is not a genjutsu eye, it will be greatly affected.

In the case of the Sand Village, even if the entire ninja village is at its peak, no one can break through Uchiha Feiyu's five senses, not to mention that the entire Sand Village masters are scattered, and the strongest Ye Cang has barely stepped into the Kage level, and can definitely not resist Uchiha Feiyu's illusion.

After entering the Sand Village, Uchiha Feiyu did not go directly to the Kazekage office, but first walked around the Sand Village twice.

He possessed the soul of the previous Kazekage, Rasa, and was very familiar with the barriers and seals of the entire Sand Village. Even some confidential places could not stop him.

As for the guarding ninjas, they were under the control of the five senses and could not see him, the invisible man, at all, and let him wander around the entire Sand Village.

Unfortunately, Sand Village was originally the poorest village among the five major ninja villages. This time it experienced another disastrous defeat. The entire ninja village exuded a sense of depression, and even the ninjas were listless and depressed.

"Tsk... The fourth generation Kazekage died a little early, even Gaara is gone!"

After a circle, Uchiha Feiyu also deliberately looked at Rasa's home, only to see a short-haired woman with a melancholy face there, holding a little baby girl about one year old in her arms.

Later, Uchiha Feiyu recognized the gentle woman with sandy brown hair through Rasa's memory. She was Rasa's wife, Garuru. The key point was that his wife only gave birth to a daughter, Temari, and Gaara was not born yet!

Now it seems that because of the death of Rasa, Gaara is completely gone, and I don’t know who the Sand Ninja will find to be the Jinchuriki in the future?

“In addition to Gaara, I remember that Rasa seemed to have a puppeteer son named Kankuro or something, but he seems to be gone too... Tsk, it’s really a bit miserable to think so.”

“But although I detained Rasa’s soul, it was Orochimaru who seriously injured him at the beginning, and it seemed that Chiyo’s poisonous self-explosion killed him in the end, so it can’t be blamed on me!”

While muttering in his heart, Uchiha Feiyu turned and walked towards the Kazekage Building in the center of the Sand Ninja Village.

In the Kazekage Building, the current fifth generation Kazekage Ye Cang was looking at the information just sent from Konoha:

“Haha, I didn’t expect Konoha to have this day. Orochimaru and that Uchiha kid actually defected from Konoha!”

Speaking of which, although Ye Cang became the Kazekage, he was not actually very happy, but felt a little overwhelmed.

The Sand Village itself has a weak foundation and is weak in strength. Its financial income is the last among the five major ninja villages. It is so poor that it can only ask the Kazekage to dig out money.

In the current ninja world war, not only did it not gain any advantage, but it also suffered heavy casualties. The only ninja who can take the lead is Ye Cang.

In addition, two consecutive Kazekages disappeared inexplicably in a very short period of time, and one was directly killed by the enemy (actually Chiyo), which was a huge blow to the cohesion of the entire ninja village.

The shadow of a village is the strongest ninja in the entire ninja village. As a result, two of the strongest ninjas died in less than a year. The transition from the third generation to the fifth generation was made directly. The Sand Ninjas naturally saw the gap between themselves and Konoha very directly.

The most important thing is that the original fourth generation Luosha was the gold miner of the entire ninja village. The sand gold he took out occupied about three layers of the entire ninja village’s funds. Now that Luosha is finished, the entire ninja village’s funds have also left a huge gap.

The war failed, the strength was weak, the morale was low, the people were scattered, and the funds were scarce... One after another, one after another, the problems were pressed on Ye Cang, who had little experience, and it almost made this female ninja feel like she was about to collapse.

Fortunately, today, she finally saw a good news. The Konoha Ghost and Orochimaru, who once frightened the entire Sand Ninja, completely defected from Konoha. They also made a big fuss before defecting, causing heavy losses to the entire Konoha. Even the third generation Hokage is still lying in bed!

"Konoha is always like this. Although it is rich in geniuses, it can't keep them. Konoha White Fang was like this back then, and Konoha Ghost Orochimaru is also like this now..."

Ye Cang smiled and was talking to himself excitedly when he suddenly heard a sneer in his ear:

"Why are you so happy? Konoha is weak, but you Sand Ninjas haven't become stronger either?"

"The boss's strength has declined, and the second one should be happy, not you, the last one!"

The sound echoing in the Kazekage's office was not loud, but it was deafening in Ye Cang's ears. In an instant, Ye Cang's face changed drastically, and he turned his head and saw Uchiha Feiyu who pushed the door in.

"Konoha Ghost!? How did you appear here?! Where are the other Sand Ninjas!"

Although he asked, Ye Cang obviously didn't expect Uchiha Feiyu to answer, but directly raised his hand and threw a huge burning fireball.

With a loud bang, the entire Fengying office exploded directly. However, in the flames, Uchiha Feiyu walked over slowly and ignored the raging fire.

"How could it be... is this an illusion?! Solve it!!"

The chakra in the body was in chaos, and the scene in front of him was instantly shattered. When Ye Cang came to his senses, he found himself sitting in the Fengying office. There was no Uchiha Feiyu, and there was no trace of explosion in the office.

"How could this be... Where are the enemies?!"

Ye Cang was a little dumbfounded. She looked around and suddenly got startled. She made a gesture, but saw no response.

"The Shadow Guard disappeared... Was it an illusion that was solved silently?"

"Hehe, how can you be sure that it was the Shadow Guard who was under the illusion, not you?"

The faint voice sounded in his ears again, making Ye Cang's face suddenly ugly.

Gnashing her teeth gently, Ye Cang disrupted the chakra in her body again, not hesitating to damage her internal organs, a trace of blood spilled from her mouth, and the scene in front of her shook, and the entire Kazekage office suddenly became a mess.

A big hole was blown out of the gate by her burning fireball, and the bloody smell was everywhere. Several Anbu ninjas were lying on the ground covered in blood. Thick black smoke and weapons clashing, and the sound of ninjas screaming came from the village outside.

"What's going on..."

"Lord Kazekage... run away!"

A ninja rushed in from the broken gate, blood flowing from his mouth, and a knife tip exposed on his chest. As soon as he finished speaking, he knelt on the ground and died.

"The Sand Village has been invaded!!!"

Ye Cang's face was full of surprise and anger. Without saying a word, he rushed out of the door. Then, the scene in front of her made her eyes burst.

The Sand Village was in chaos at the moment. A large number of Sand Ninjas were shouting and killing each other. Kunai, shuriken, wind escape ninjutsu, and puppetry were all desperately attacking their former companions.

"Damn Konoha ninjas, go to hell!"

"Assholes from Rock Village, die with me!!"

"Hahaha, if you want to destroy us Sand Ninjas, you have to knock out a few of your teeth!"

Hearing the shouts of these Sand Ninjas, how could Ye Cang not know that they were all in illusion? It's just that such a large-scale, strong illusion is simply sensational, making Ye Cang suspect that he is in an illusion.

"Wait... Did I really break free from the illusion?"

With doubts, Ye Cang risked aggravating his injuries and disrupted his chakra again. A mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out, and the whole person was sluggish.

At this moment, the scene in front of her suddenly trembled and disappeared again. Ye Cang was surprised to find that she was back in the office of the Kazekage, and in front of her, Uchiha Feiyu was looking at her with a smile on his face.

"You... you... what on earth do you want to do?!!"

Ye Cang clenched her fists angrily, and wanted to perform ninjutsu directly, but somehow, looking at the smile on Uchiha Feiyu's face, she felt a chill in her heart and did not dare to make a move.

"Tsk... You are honest so soon? I still like your unruly look."

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled and snapped his fingers. Ye Cang was slightly startled, but felt that the injuries she had suffered disappeared instantly, as if they had never happened at all.

And Uchiha Feiyu in front of her also disappeared completely like a puff of green smoke, but a burst of laughter came from behind her:

"Since you are honest, it seems that we can really talk!"

Illusion!! I was still in the illusion just now!! Even the disruption of my chakra was just the feedback of the illusion! I didn't do anything!

After realizing this, Ye Cang felt her heart sinking deeply. She slowly turned her head and saw Uchiha Feiyu who was looking through the secret scrolls of their Sand Village.

The secret scrolls of the Sand Village naturally have their own seals and codes. Unfortunately, Uchiha Feiyu had already obtained the soul of the Fourth Kazekage, so these seals and other things could not be hidden from him.

However, there was nothing good in the secret scrolls of the Sand Village. The life-for-life ninjutsu that Uchiha Feiyu wanted most had not been developed yet.

Considering that Chiyo is now dead and her soul is in her hands, it is estimated that this ninjutsu will never be developed.

As for other puppetry techniques, they are completely useless to Uchiha Feiyu. Uchiha Feiyu has already mastered the sand control technique. Although there are many wind-style ninjutsu, even if Uchiha Feiyu has not practiced them, the effects are repeated with the wind-style ninjutsu he has mastered.

Looking around, the only one that caught Uchiha Feiyu's eye was Ye Cang's method of synthesizing the blood limit of the burning escape technique.

In theory, the blood limit of escape technique can also be obtained through practice and learning. Of course, this requires practicing the nature and form changes of chakra to a certain extent, and knowing the ratio of the synthesis of the two chakras, and finally adding a little luck to practice successfully.

Therefore, the ninja who does not rely on blood inheritance and relies on self-cultivation to cultivate the blood limit must be at least at the level of a jonin. It is not because the blood limit is strong, but simply because the ability to synthesize the blood limit requires at least the foundation of a jonin.

With Uchiha Feiyu's foundation, it is not difficult to synthesize bloodline limits. The real difficulty is that he does not know the chakra ratio of the bloodline limits. Now that he has seen the synthesis method of the Shokujutsu bloodline limits, he is quite interested.

"You guy! Put down our Sand Ninja's secret book!"

Ye Cang saw that Uchiha Feiyu was reading with relish, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and was about to take action immediately, but before she could stand up, she felt her eyes go black and all five senses disappeared.

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