Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 108 Completely Conquering the Sand Village

Depriving the five senses and imitating the Heavenly Dance of the Virgo Golden Saint, it is the crudest and simplest application method of Uchiha Fei's five sense manipulation illusion.

But being simple and crude doesn't mean it's less powerful. On the contrary, this move is almost a surefire kill in battle, and it's much scarier than laboriously creating an illusion!

Creating an illusion by controlling the five senses requires a great deal of energy in creating the illusion, so that no one can see the flaws, which invisibly weakens the power of this illusion.

Aizen is able to use Kyoka Suigetsu perfectly, that's because he is awesome, attentive and intelligent, and the illusion he creates is flawless. Kyoka Suigetsu is just a auxiliary effect.

It was Uchiha Feiyu who felt extremely headache even if he was just weaving an illusion for ten people. The more people there were, the easier it would be for people to see the clues.

Why does Uchiha Feiyu usually use illusions, and the most common one is direct invisibility? Because the illusion weaved in this way is the simplest and requires no brainer.

Similarly, directly depriving the five senses is the most effortless move that can best bring out the true power of illusion.

After Ye Cang was deprived of his five senses, he immediately returned to his original position with eyes blank. After more than half an hour, Uchiha Feiyu read the entire Suna Ninja's Secret Book. Then he snapped his fingers and released the illusion.


Ye Cang's body trembled, and her eyes regained their brightness. At the same time, she felt a chill all over her body, but she was covered in cold sweat that had already wet her clothes.

"Have you calmed down? Do you want me to calm you down again?"

With a chuckle, Uchiha Feiyu put the scroll in his hand back on the table in front of Ye Cang. Ye Cang looked at him with gritted teeth, his face was angry, but his eyes were full of fear.

"Don't look at me like that. If you continue like this, I'm afraid I will have no choice but to attack the Suna Ninja directly. You don't want that scene in the fantasy to become reality!"

When he heard this, Ye Cang's body trembled slightly, the fear in his eyes became more intense, but he still refused to admit defeat:

"Stop dreaming. We Sand Ninjas are not that easy to deal with. Do you think you can completely control all Sand Ninjas with just a little bit of genjutsu?"

"You know how to deal with it yourself. I walked around your Suna Ninja Village, and now I'm blatantly staying in the Kazekage Building, the most important building in your Ninja Village. But has anyone in your Ninja Village noticed me?"

"Do you think that with my invisibility ability and illusion ability, it would be really difficult to destroy the entire Sand Ninja Village?"

Ye Cang was silent for a moment, and suddenly his whole body collapsed, lowered his head, and spoke in a low voice:

"Tell me, what exactly do you want me to do?"

"I don't want you to do anything, I want the entire Sand Ninja Village!"

"You're dreaming! Even if I die, I will never betray Sand Ninja Village!"

"Haha... betraying the Sand Ninja Village? What is the current situation of your Sand Ninja Village? Do you really think I don't know?"

"Today's Suna Ninja want money but not money, and they want strength but not strength. Apart from being stronger in size and background, is there really any difference from a small Ninja Village like Yu Ninja?"

"If you know the truth, you can be my subordinate. If you don't know the truth..."

Uchiha Feiyu raised his head, with three magatama spinning in his blood-red eyes:

"It's not like I can't use illusions to manipulate you and make you my dog!"


Before Ye Cang could even utter the curse, he felt his whole body sink. He could no longer open his mouth, and his body seemed to be completely manipulated.

Although Uchiha Feiyu is best at illusions that control the five senses, with his current kaleidoscope-level pupil power, top-level Yin Escape chakra, and the awakened pair of illusion eyes, through ordinary Sharingan illusions, It can also easily control a weak shadow level like Ye Cang.

Ye Cang felt that she was in a daze and had no idea what she was doing. In the blink of an eye, when she woke up, she found that she had returned home.

"What's going on? Is it an illusion again?"

"No, no, no, this is not an illusion. To be precise, this is the result after the illusion is lifted. Because you have been in the illusion just now, you feel that time has skipped."

"But even though you are in an illusion, if you recall carefully, you should still be able to recall what you have done. Think about it carefully!"

When Uchiha Feiyu's words came, Ye Cang was slightly startled. When she looked up, she saw Uchiha Feiyu sitting in her room, with a slight flinch on her face.

But she also knows that she has no way to deal with Uchiha Feiyu now. She can't see through the other party's illusions at all, and there is no seal or eye contact, so she can easily control herself to applaud. middle.

Knowing in his heart that being prepared was useless, Ye Cang simply stopped thinking about it and began to recall what he had done in the afternoon.

Afterwards, Ye Gura's face quickly turned pale. She remembered clearly that under the control of Uchiha Feiha, she directly called the Jonin of Suna Ninja Village and announced that Uchiha Feiha, who was wearing a mask at the time, Become a member of your own Shadow Guard.

Although the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village did not trust the mysterious Uchiha Hiba who wore a mask, the proposal was still approved after Uchiha Hiba showed his hand a little and under the pressure of himself being manipulated. .

In other words, the guy in front of me is now his own shadow guard!

Ye Cang clenched his hands tightly, his nails pierced into his palms, blood dripped down, and his joints began to turn white.

However, looking at Uchiha Feiyu's uncaring eyes, she had no choice but to feel deep despair in her heart:

"Why don't you always use illusion to control me? Then wouldn't you be able to control the Sand Ninja Village forever?"

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled, poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and said lightly:

"It's very simple. In my eyes, Suna Ninja Village is already my own. Naturally, I want to become stronger as possible. A Suna Ninja Village that is not much better than an ordinary second-rate Ninja Village cannot meet my needs. . The same controlled Kazekage cannot develop Sand Ninja Village."

"So you don't have to worry that I will be detrimental to your Ninja Village. On the contrary, I will work hard to help the development of Sand Ninja Village so that it will be more convenient for me to do things in the future."

Ye Cang didn't expect that Uchiha Feiyu would say such a thing. He didn't know whether to be angry or relieved for a moment.

In the end, the Fifth Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village could only say coldly:

"Then I'm really sorry. Our Sand Ninja are too weak now. I just don't know if you would dare to be so rampant when we were at our peak!"

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled:

"At its peak? Does Suna Ninja have that thing?"

"Forget it, I'm still a little bit dissatisfied with you. Tomorrow you can follow me to the desert outside to see my true strength."

"Let's see if I have the power to destroy a ninja village by myself!"

Ye Cang didn't sleep well at all that night. On the one hand, she was oppressed by a powerful enemy and she had no choice but to do anything. On the other hand, she was still a young girl. What did it mean to have a grown man lying on the bed?

I don't know how many times, Ye Cang wanted to stab him with a kunai and kill the sleeping Uchiha brat.

Unfortunately, every time she held a kunai, she thought of the endless illusions she had suffered in the Hokage's office. Even now, she was not sure that she was in reality.

In this situation, no matter how many times she could muster up the courage, it was not until dawn that she dejectedly let go of the kunai in her hand.

Uchiha Feiyu slept very easily. When he woke up, he stretched out, looked at Ye Cang who looked tired, smiled and said:

"Master Kazekage, why do you look so tired?"

Ye Cang gritted his teeth, ignored Uchiha Feiyu's teasing, and whispered:

"Didn't you say you wanted to show me your strength? Now take me to open my eyes!"

After hearing this, Uchiha Feiyu chuckled. He knew very well that Ye Cang actually just wanted to get information about his strength so that he could find a way to defeat him.

However, this is exactly what Uchiha Feiyu hopes for. The five great ninja villages have stood in this world for decades and have long been filled with a certain kind of arrogance and conceit. If they do not show almost overwhelming power, even the most powerful among them The Suna Ninja, who are weak and have the most problems, are difficult to conquer.

He is not Uchiha Obito. After taking control of the Mist Ninja Village, he has not thought about development at all. For Uchiha Feiyu, he really hopes that the Sand Ninja Village will become stronger, so that he can better serve the people. He does things.

At the same time, I am confident that no matter how strong the Suna Ninja becomes, they will never be able to break out of his palm!

In the Devil's Desert outside the Sand Ninja Village, Uchiha Feiyu turned his head to look at Ye Cang with a leisurely smile on his face.

"Now you can test my strength. Well...just use your strongest ninjutsu to attack me."

"That's what you said!"

After hearing this, Ye Cang's face immediately showed a look of joy, and then he seemed to reflect it and asked very cautiously:

"I won't be in an illusion again now!"

"Haha... Don't worry, you are definitely not in an illusion now. I'm not that bored yet."

Uchiha Feiyu couldn't help laughing. Ye Cang was completely tortured by the illusion and had a psychological shadow! Along the way here, I have never used any illusions.

As soon as Uchiha Feiyu finished speaking, Ye Cang condensed a huge Scorching Fireball without hesitation and threw it with a bang!

With a roaring explosion and flashes of fire, Ye Cang showed no mercy at all. He then condensed four or five fireballs and threw them over. Then he continued to fire the fireballs continuously, outputting less than half of his own power in one breath. Chakra, only feeling the unbearable pain in his own meridians, stopped.

The thick smoke gradually dissipated, revealing the remains of a deep pit that was blasted dozens of meters away and flowing with glazed magma, as well as Uchiha Feiyu's figure wearing thunder armor. He slightly tilted the corner of his mouth and said lightly:

"Tsk, I didn't expect Ye Cang that you know how to fight like a prince?! It's a pity that it has no effect at all."

Susanoo's Thunder Release Chakra mode is so powerful that it is astonishing. Even the S-level Wind Release cannot pose a threat. Although the power of Hayakura's Burning Release is not weak, it can shatter Uchiha Feiyu. The defense is still far behind.

After being fused with Susanoo, Uchiha Fei's thunder escape chakra mode has a defensive power that exceeds the strongest shield of the third generation Raikage. At least the ordinary Kage level does not have powerful destructive moves, that's for sure It can't hurt Uchiha Feiyu.

Ye Cang looked at Uchiha Feiyu in front of him. Even though he had already expected it in his heart, the opponent would definitely not be easily defeated if he dared to bear his attack carelessly. However, the fact that not even a piece of clothing was damaged still made him feel disappointed. She had a feeling of despair.

Looking at Ye Cang's expression, Uchiha Feiyu felt quite interesting and asked:

"What, why don't you try again? Maybe you can break my defense next time?"

After hearing Uchiha Feiyu's teasing words, Ye Cang turned pale and said coldly:

"Why are you so pretentious in front of me? I admit that today's Sand Ninja Village... is indeed impossible to deal with you."

Illusion, invisibility, defense, speed, Uchiha Feiyu is outstanding in almost all aspects to the extreme. Nowadays, the sand ninja faces such a perverted powerhouse. Even if he is well prepared, it is impossible to win. Instead, he will be beaten piecemeal. , completely eliminated like a dull knife cutting flesh.

"It's just that, aren't you afraid that I will contact the Konoha ninjas then? There are no ninjas who can deal with you in the Suna ninja, isn't there any in Konoha?"

Uchiha Feiyu glanced at Ye Cang and said nonchalantly:

"Don't say whether you are willing to let the scandal of Suna Ninja Village get out. Even if you go to find Konoha, I'm afraid they won't trouble me."

With Uchiha Feiyu's current strength, Konoha really can't put together a lineup that can deal with him, unless those Kage-level ninjas are willing to really use some life-changing ninjutsu, such as the Four Elephants Seal, the Ghoul Seal, and the Eight Gates. Ninjutsu such as Dunjia.

However, Konoha is not a fool. No Kage-level ninja will find a defecting ninja in exchange for his life.

Unless Uchiha Feiyu really targets Konoha, or seriously interferes with Konoha's interests, Konoha will only pretend to be deaf and dumb to Uchiha Feiyu in the future, as if he does not exist.

Ye Cang also knew that his statement was a bit whimsical, and finally let out a long sigh:

"Okay... I will cooperate with you to control the Sand Ninja Village, but don't forget your promise. You must make the Sand Ninja Village more prosperous and powerful!"

"You can rest assured about this. The current Suna Ninja does not meet my requirements at all. I will definitely make the Suna Ninja stronger."

"Then the first step... let's start by letting the sand ninja regain their magnetic escape!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Uchiha Feiyu's body erupted with vast chakra, and the entire desert suddenly began to tremble, and glittering golden metal sand slowly floated out.

Ye Cang's eyes changed. This scene was so familiar. Could it be...

"Golden Ninja Technique!"

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