Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 110 Controlling Wind Shadow

"I have already understood the ninjutsu of Suna Ninja Village. As for money, I estimate that the savings of your entire Ninja Village may not be as much as the money I have paid for several times."

Uchiha Feiyu looked at Ye Cang and said with a face full of ridicule. Although the Fifth Kazekage was so angry that he gritted his teeth, he had nothing to say at all.

"So the only thing I value about your Ninja Village is naturally its manpower!"

"I don't like ordinary ninjas, but Miss Kazekage, you are quite good. Although your strength is a bit weak, at least your potential is good, and you are qualified to be my cauldron."

"What is a cauldron? What do you mean by that?!"

Ye Cang's heart skipped a beat, feeling that the word Uchiha Feiyu said was not a good word, so he asked.

Uchiha Feiyu took out a scroll from his arms and handed it directly to Ye Cang:

"The so-called cauldron is someone who helps me practice. Of course, if you are obedient, you can also get some benefits when you help me practice."

"That's all?!"

Ye Cang was stunned for a moment, then took the scroll from Uchiha Feiyu. Looking at his twinkling eyes, suspicion arose in his heart.

When he opened the scroll, Ye Cang's eyes suddenly widened, his face turned red, and he shouted:

"This... what the hell is this? How can there be such a way of cultivation?!"

The pictures and text on the scroll were almost more explicit than the Butter comics. Ye Cang had no experience yet. Just looking at them twice made his whole face feel hot.

Uchiha Feiyu coughed twice. In fact, he was not much better than Ye Cang in this aspect. He was a little shy, but he just held on and didn't let Ye Cang see it:

"This is indeed a brilliant cultivation method, especially for... Well, for inexperienced men and women, the first dual cultivation can greatly improve the chakra and other abilities of both parties..."

"You're not lying, are you?"

Ye Cang looked at Uchiha Feiyu coldly. Uchiha Feiyu spread his hands slightly and said:

"I don't need to lie to you with such low-level lies!"

"As long as you agree, no matter whether it succeeds or not, I will agree to the Magnet Ninja and the improvement of the environment of Sand Ninja Village."

After hearing this, Ye Cang thought for a moment, his face turned slightly red, and he said:

" long as you fulfill your promise, then I...then I will help you practice together!"

Regardless of whether what Uchiha Feiyu said was true or false, as long as his reward was enough, Ye Cang would feel that it was not a loss.

"With such a huge benefit, it's no problem even if it's exchanged for ten or eight beautiful ninjas... Shouldn't I just sacrifice it and treat it like being bitten by a dog?"

Obviously, as a ninja, especially after becoming the Kazekage, Ye Cang has put the interests of the Ninja Village above her own personal interests. Uchiha Feiha's conditions are no choice for her. .

Uchiha Feiyu narrowed his eyes slightly. What he didn't tell Ye Cang was that in addition to methods such as stepping on yin to replenish yang, stepping on yang to replenish yin, yin and yang double rest, etc., there are often other methods of dual cultivation like this. A matter of priority.

In addition to being able to freely choose whether to take a rest or to take a double rest, the person who dominates the double rest can also control the cauldron to a certain extent. The more times the cauldron is used, the less able it is to resist the leader.

Uchiha Feiyu approached Ye Cang for dual cultivation. Obviously, in addition to fancying her potential, he also wanted to control the Fifth Kazekage. This kind of control in cultivation is much more terrifying than illusion. , there is simply no way to escape.

Night fell quietly, and the Fifth Kazekage hurriedly walked back to his home. If any ninja observed carefully, they would find that the Kazekage-sama looked slightly panicked and his cheeks were red.

Ye Cang opened the door and walked in, then locked the entire door. Ye Cang let out a long breath.

At this time, Uchiha Feiyu, who was standing next to Ye Cang, said helplessly:

"I said you were too panicked, right? If I hadn't used genjutsu to cover it up for you today, even a ninja would have been able to tell that something was wrong with their Kazekage-sama!"

"Shut up, who do you think it is because of this?"

Ye Cang shouted with some embarrassment. After agreeing to Uchiha Feiyu's request, Ye Cang carefully and deeply studied the dual cultivation technique in the Albizia Book.

After finishing studying, Ye Cang was also blushing. She was so thin-skinned that she felt something was wrong just by staying with Uchiha Feiyu. She always felt that the other party was secretly looking at her.

However, Uchiha Feiyu, as her shadow guard, stayed in the Kazekage office all the time. After staying there for a whole day, Ye Cang felt that he was about to explode with shame.

Uchiha Feiyu twitched the corner of his mouth, this woman suddenly became a lot more courageous~~

"Have you finished reading the Art of Dual Cultivation? Then let's start directly now!"

After hearing what Uchiha Feiyu said, Ye Cang, who was still a little strong, suddenly stiffened. After a moment, he took a long breath:

"Okay...finish it earlier, and you can complete the task earlier!"

As he spoke, Ye Cang closed his eyes and reached out to untie his clothes.


Early the next morning, Uchiha Feiyu opened his eyes, sat up from the bed, stretched slowly, and then stretched out a hand.

A faint radiance condensed on his hand, and finally turned into a scorching fireball, and Uchiha Feiyu's face suddenly showed a hint of joy.

The double break with Ye Cang had a much greater effect than he imagined, and even helped him awaken the Burning Release Blood Succession Limit.

The chakra in his body has increased by almost 20%, and his quality in all aspects has also improved simultaneously.

Even the eye power of the Sharingan and the immortal body have become more active. Although there is no qualitative change, it is still better than before.

Of course, in addition to the effect of double rest, there is also the physical transformation of the Scorching Escape Blood Succession Limit Awakening. The combination of the two has such a good effect.

As if awakened by the dazzling light of the fireball, Ye Cang opened his eyes drowsily, looked up at Uchiha Feiyu, and smiled on his face:

"Feiyu, you're awake. Hey, isn't this my Burning Release? You've already mastered it?! It's so powerful!"

"This is not all due to my talent. I just saw the training method of Zhuo Dun yesterday. Even if I can synthesize the Blood Succession Limit, it will take at least a year and a half."

"The reason why I was able to awaken the Blood Successor Limit so quickly is all thanks to you, Ye Cang."

As he spoke, Uchiha Feiyu reached out and lifted Ye Cang's chin. Ye Cang's face suddenly turned red, he raised his head slightly and closed his eyes.

Uchiha Feiyu lowered his head, and while tasting slowly, he was secretly surprised. He did not expect that the Acacia Book of Delights would change Ye Cang so much.

This was only the first weekend break, and Ye Cang had already completely regarded him as his lover. If he came here a few more times, I'm afraid Miss Kazekage would be willing to sell the Suna Ninja Village for her.

After a while, Uchiha Feiyu raised his head, looked at Ye Cang's confused eyes, smiled softly, and patted her pretty face:

"Stop lounging in bed all the time. Let's feel it. Has your strength improved?"

Ye Cang came back to his senses, clenched his fists, felt the chakra in his body, and suddenly showed an expression of surprise:

"Yes... the dual cultivation technique is really effective. I feel that my chakra has increased by 50%, and the change in properties has also been greatly improved."

"My physical fitness should have improved a lot. I will test it later and see how much stronger I have become!"

Last night's double break, Uchiha Feiyu, as the dominant party, got the greatest benefits, and Ye Cang also got a good share of the rain and dew, which improved his strength a lot.

Even because Ye Cang's strength is much weaker than that of Uchiha Feiyu, the percentage increase is even greater than that of Uchiha Feiyu.

In Kazekage's office, more than a dozen ninjas practicing the art of controlling sand filled the entire office.

The art of controlling sand can be regarded as a lower-level ninjutsu of magnetic release, or a failed version of magnetic release. Any ninja who can practice this kind of ninjutsu can theoretically practice magnetic release.

Of course, theory is theory and practice is practice, just like the combination of wind and earth can create wood escape. There are countless ninjas who are proficient in wind escape and earth escape, but there is only one Senju Hashirama who has mastered wood escape.

In the Sand Ninja Village, the art of controlling sand, no matter how popular it is, is only a high-level secret art. There have never been less than two digits of Jonin who have mastered this ninjutsu.

However, the magnetic release ninjutsu is the only blood line passed down by the Kazekage. There have never been more than three magnetic release ninjas existing in Sand Ninja Village at the same time.

As long as you can master Magnetic Release, you are equivalent to being the heir to the Kazekage, and you have a lot of confidence in competing for the Kazekage's position.

After Yekura spread the news that Uchiha Feiha could help qualified ninjas practice magnetic escape, a group of ninjas practicing the sand control technique had already passed through the door of Kazekage's office before she could gather the people.

"Master Feng Ying, are you telling the truth? Is there really someone who can help us practice magnetic escape?"

A ninja with a scar on his face looked at Ye Cang with an expression of disbelief and asked.

"Of course you can, but if you want to awaken the Magnetic Escape, you will definitely need to pay a price."

Ye Cang looked confident. After her two-day break with Uchiha Feiyu, she was already full of trust in Uchiha Feiyu. Although it had not been verified, her confidence was more abundant than Uchiha Feiyu himself.

"No matter what the price is, as long as it allows me to awaken the Magnetic Escape!"

Without any hesitation, the scarred ninja patted his chest and said loudly that it was completely normal to practice advanced ninjutsu, which was dangerous or might leave sequelae.

Any powerful ninjutsu in the ninja world can basically be called a forbidden jutsu, even the Rasengan and Chidori practiced by the two protagonists in the original work are no exception.

When the Rasengan is trained to a high level, one move of the Rasenshuriken can destroy an ordinary ninja's hand. As for the Senjutsu Rasengan - Senjutsu itself is one of the forbidden arts, and it is the most dangerous one.

Needless to say, Chidori can also be called a forbidden technique. When Kakashi first mastered it, Namikaze Minato thought it was a ninjutsu that could kill people quickly and commit suicide quickly, because this ninjutsu only increased the speed of the physical body but did not increase nerve reflexes. Later, Kakashi It's still possible to make up for it with the Sharingan.

Not only this scar-faced ninja, but also the dozen or so sand ninjas behind him had the same view. They had even been prepared for it long ago. Even if only one of the dozen or so people had mastered magnetic escape, and the others all died, they There won't be any complaints either.

Ye Cang, who is also a ninja, had actually expected this situation. Seeing that everyone agreed, he nodded:

"Master Yu, I'm asking you to help them awaken the Magnetic Escape Blood Successor Limit this time!"

Uchiha Feiyu's code name in the Kazekage Guards is the word "feather". At this moment, Uchiha Feiyu, who was wearing a mask, nodded slightly and said in a low voice:

"Go to the training ground! I'll help you awaken the Blood Succession Limit."

The sand ninjas were stunned for a moment. They thought that the person who could help them awaken the Magnetic Release would be Ye Cang, the Kazekage, but they didn't expect that it was actually a Shadow Guard ninja.

However, some ninjas soon recognized that Uchiha Feiyu was the member of the Shadow Guard who used Wood Release, which immediately gave the Suna ninjas confidence.

Compared to Konoha, Suna Ninja's training ground is extremely monotonous. Konoha still has some tree stumps and stone training props, but Suna Ninja's place is just a large piece of flat land.

Uchiha Feiyu came to the center of the training ground, turned to look at the dozen Sand Ninjas, and said:

"Who comes first?"

A dozen sand ninjas looked at each other, and then the oldest one came out:

"Let me do it. I'm over 50 years old, and there is no prospect of progress at this age. Even if I fail to awaken the Blood Succession Limit, it will have no impact on the village."

Seeing the tragic expression on the face of the ninja in front of him, Uchiha Feiyu said calmly:

"Don't worry. Failure to awaken the Blood Succession Limit for the first time will not kill you. At most, you will only be weak for a few days."

After all, Uchiha Feiyu's Spiritual Punishment General is not a normal ninjutsu. The forced soul possession will cause great harm to the living people, but even so, it is impossible to kill people as soon as they are possessed.

At the beginning of the possession, as long as it doesn't last long, it will only be weak for a few days at most. Only if the possession is repeated many times and the conflict between yin and yang will it cause sequelae such as shortened lifespan.

After hearing Uchiha Feiyu's words, the old Sand Ninja, who originally had a windy and cold expression on his face, suddenly became a little embarrassed, touched his head and laughed:

"Hahaha... It turns out that the side effects are so small... Really, I thought I would be dead if I didn't successfully awaken the blood successor limit!"

"Unless you are unwilling to fail and use this method many times to awaken the blood inheritance limit, it will cause sequelae such as shortening your life span. Otherwise, there is no danger."

Uchiha Feiyu introduced in a hoarse voice, and then a black energy in his hand condensed into Rasa's invisible soul. He held it directly in his hand and patted the old Sand ninja:

"Let's start now!"

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