Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 111 Awakening of Blood Limit

"Ho ho ho ho...ahh!"

Luo Sha's soul entered the body of the old ninja, which immediately made him roll his eyes. The aura on his body surged, but at the same time as the aura surged, Uchiha Feiyu also clearly felt the conflict between the Yin Soul and the Yang Qi of the living person. .

Fortunately, the ninja in front of him didn't have the slightest sense of resistance, otherwise, even if he wanted to be possessed by his soul, it would be difficult to achieve it. Even if the possession was successful now, the old ninja's own aura quickly weakened due to the conflict between yin and yang.

Seeing this, Uchiha Feiyu directly controlled Rasa's soul without saying a word, and manipulated the elderly ninja to perform the magnetic escape ninjutsu:

"Magnetic Escape - Alluvial Burial!"

A large amount of sand gold surged out from the ground of the training ground in an instant, turning into a huge sand gold tomb. The eyes of the onlookers sand ninja suddenly widened:

"Magnetic Release, it's really a Magnetic Release Ninjutsu!"

"It's the Sand Gold Ninja Technique of the Fourth Kazekage. The Sand Ninja Village has Magnet Release again!"

"That's great, God's eyes are open, wuwuwu... I originally thought that the magnetic escape lineage in Sand Ninja Village was going to be cut off!"

"Even Bai Sha can awaken the Magnetic Escape, so wouldn't my chances be greater?"

But at this time, Uchiha Feiyu stretched out his hand and directly summoned Luo Sha's soul back. The original sand gold burial, and the pile of gold sand formed instantly collapsed.

The old sand ninja named Shirasa trembled all over, his breath quickly became weak, and he looked like he hadn't slept for several days and nights.

"Don't be too happy. He hasn't awakened the blood inheritance limit yet. The next step is the real critical period!"

"Now feel the chakra in your body. According to the feeling just now, re-synthesize the chakra in your body. As long as you succeed, you will be able to generate a magnetic escape blood stain limit!"

Uchiha Feiyu is not as optimistic as those sand ninjas. The person who just used magnetic escape is actually the soul of the fourth Kazekage Rasa. Only after Rasa's soul leaves can he synthesize the magnetic escape chakra by himself. Awakened the blood inheritance limit.

If he could truly awaken the Blood Succession Limit and receive feedback from the Blood Succession Limit, the Shirasa in front of him would not be so weak.

After listening to Uchiha Feiyu's words, Shirasa was panting and began to form seals with his hands, trying his best to recall the feeling of Rasa's soul performing magnetic escape in his body.

Although Shirasa is the oldest among the sand-controlling ninjas, both physical strength and chakra have declined greatly, and the sequelae of soul possession are also much greater.

But at the same time, the long years have also left him with enough gifts, making his chakra properties and changes in shape second to none among the more than a dozen sand-controlling ninjas.

Now that he feels the true Magnetic Escape Chakra, it is like piercing the last layer of window paper. With the fusion of Wind Escape Chakra and Earth Escape Chakra, a new Magnetic Escape Chakra of his own is suddenly born. out.

As soon as this chakra appeared, it instantly enhanced all the chakra in his body, adding new attributes to his chakra, and also made his bloodline evolve. The aura that had been weakened suddenly became high again. got up.

Feeling the changes in his body, Bai Sha's eyes were full of surprise. Regardless of his body, which was still a bit weak, he directly formed a seal with his hands:

"Magnetic Escape - Alluvial Burial!"

With a bang, the shattered sand gold condensed again, but this time the power of the sand gold burial was obviously far less than before. At least the condensed sand gold was only three-thirds of what was controlled when Luo Sha's soul possessed him. one.

In fact, Luo Sha did not exert his full power when possessed by his soul. Because Bai Sha's hardware was too poor, Luo Sha's magnetic escape was cut by nearly half. In other words, the power of Bai Sha's magnetic escape was Only one-sixth of Luo Sha.

Even in his current weak state, coupled with the fact that the magnetic escape chakra has not yet completely transformed his physical body, and the Blood Succession Limit has not yet fully awakened, his performance is a bit embarrassing.

According to Uchiha Feiyu's estimation, after he has passed the period of weakness and fully awakened the blood succession limit, the magnetic escape he can perform is estimated to be doubled, which is one-third of the level of Rasa's life.

This level is almost that of an ordinary elite jounin, and it can be called the weakest magnetic escape ninja in the history of sand ninja. However, considering that this old ninja himself is not qualified to awaken the blood successor limit, this kind of performance is quite normal.

In other words, most of the dozen or so ninjas who practice the art of sand control in front of us should be at this level. After replacing the art of sand control with magnetic release, they will at most progress from ordinary jounin to elite jounin. It is impossible to reach the film level in one step.

But... Uchiha Feiyu's eyes passed over a kunoichi, and he thought to himself:

"If your original strength is an elite jounin, or even a first-class ninja among elite jounin, as long as you obtain the magnetic escape blood successor limit, you will probably step into the shadow level immediately!"

The female ninja that Uchiha Feiha was paying attention to looked at the Sand Gold Ninja Technique performed by Shirasa, with a look of nostalgia. She was the widow of the Fourth Kazekage, Garura.

In the original book of Naruto, the Fourth Kazekage's wife died in childbirth because she gave birth to Gaara, and the impression she left on everyone is probably that of Mazanohu.

But judging from the chakra left behind after her death, this Garura's sand control technique has definitely reached an extremely high level, and may even have reached the threshold of the shadow level!

You have to know that even in the Fourth Shinobi World War, a battlefield where gods fought each other, the chakra left by Garuru's death gave Gaara great help. You can imagine how strong he was when he was alive.

Perhaps noticing Uchiha Feiyu's gaze, Jialuo stepped forward and said softly:

"I will try this awakening method next, I should be more confident."

"This should be learned through stimulation and imitation after performing magnetic escape in the ninja's body through some external force! This is indeed much more intuitive than simply learning through scrolls."

"As long as it is performed enough times, even the dumbest ninja should be able to learn the magnetic escape bloodline limit."

"Yes, that's true, so the higher your original attainments in wind escape and earth escape, and the level of sand control, the greater the possibility of learning. With your level, it is basically certain that you can learn it in one time."

Jialuo chuckled and said lightly:

"Then I will borrow your good words, let's start!"

Uchiha Feiyu nodded gently and summoned Luosha's soul again, but at this moment, the soul that was originally suppressed by the soul-binding general and had no consciousness actually trembled slightly.

(Tsk... Did he feel his wife? The soul of a Kage-level ninja is really stubborn, but it is probably because he is deeply impressed by his wife and has deep feelings for her.)

Except for Uchiha Feiyu's first pot of gold, that is, Hatake Sakumo's soul, which retained consciousness, Uchiha Feiyu directly used the Soul Confinement to suppress the intelligence of other souls and never talked to them much.

Otherwise, thousands of souls would make Uchiha Feiyu's head explode with a word.

Even if the soul of the Fourth Kazekage trembled a little because he felt a familiar breath, under the suppression of the Soul Confinement, it could only have this kind of performance at most.

Uchiha Feiyu stretched out his hand and patted it lightly, and the soul of the Fourth Kazekage immediately flew into Jialuo's body impatiently.

Jaluluo's expression was shocked, and there was a bit of confusion in his eyes. Unlike Baisha just now, this time the soul of the Fourth Kazekage seemed quite gentle, trying his best to restrain his own yin energy, greatly reducing Jialuo's burden.

However, even so, the soul controlled by the Soul Binding General will still have a great harm to the flesh of the living, so Uchiha Feiyu immediately controlled the soul of the Fourth Kazekage and asked him to perform the Gold Sand Burial again.

With the performance of the magnetic escape ninjutsu, Uchiha Feiyu summoned the soul of the Fourth Kazekage again, and after the soul of the Fourth Kazekage left his body, Garuru's body shook slightly, and he formed a seal with both hands again, and performed the Gold Sand Burial again.

As the gold sand on the ground trembled and condensed again, forming a magnetic escape ninjutsu that was no weaker than the previous one, Uchiha Feiyu narrowed his eyes immediately:

As expected, when the blood of the Fourth Kazekage's wife awakens and her body recovers, I'm afraid her strength will not be much weaker than the Fourth Kazekage.

Putting down her hands, Garuru's face was melancholy, as if she had lost something. She touched her face slightly, but found that she had left two lines of tears.

Why did that feeling just now... look so much like Luosha?

However, despite this strange feeling, the lady of the Wind Shadow would never have thought that what happened just now was actually the soul of her dead husband possessing her body.

All the ninjutsu in the ninja world comes from chakra, but the soul controlled by Uchiha Feiyu through the Soul Binding Condemnation General does not contain chakra, but at most contains a part of spiritual power. Therefore, even the perception ninjutsu of the ninja world cannot perceive these souls at all.

"Very good, it seems that you have also succeeded in awakening the magnetic escape blood limit at once."

Uchiha Feiyu's words made Jialuo, who was still a little confused, quickly sober up. Feeling the transformation of the magnetic escape chakra on his body, Jialuo couldn't help but feel a little happy in his heart.

Generally speaking, after female ninjas get married and have children, some will choose to retreat to the second line, but Jialuo, as a powerful ninja in the Sand Village who can now rank in the top five or even the top three, will definitely not retire like that.

On the contrary, because of the current predicament of the Sand Village, Jialuo has higher requirements for personal strength.

"Luo Sha... Now I also have the Magnetic Style Bloodline Limit. Let me realize your dream!"

Two consecutive ninjas directly awakened the Magnetic Style Bloodline Limit, which greatly inspired the remaining ninjas. Unfortunately, the subsequent tests soon poured cold water on them.

Afterwards, seven or eight more Sand Ninjas who came on the stage still did not awaken the Magnetic Style Bloodline Limit after being possessed by the soul, and ended up with a loss of both blood and qi.

In fact, this is the normal situation. Even if there is the soul of the Fourth Kazekage possessed to stimulate, it is still impossible for ninjas with weak foundations to activate the Magnetic Style Bloodline Limit at one time.

Until the last few ninjas left, there was another ninja who learned the art of controlling sand. He was lucky enough to activate the Magnetic Style Bloodline Limit at one time, but the strength of the Magnetic Style Bloodline Limit he showed was not even as good as that of the old ninja named Bai Sha.

After a round of blood stimulation ended, Uchiha Feiyu took back the soul of the Fourth Kazekage, whose luster had dimmed a lot, and possessed the souls of these ninjas. This not only depleted their own blood and energy, but also caused certain damage to their souls.

So, after this round of stimulation, no matter how unwilling other ninjas are, Uchiha Feiyu will not give them another chance in a short time.

This is not only because the damage of the second possession in a short period of time is much greater, but more because the soul in Uchiha Feiyu's hand can no longer bear it.

"A total of three ninjas have awakened the magnetic escape blood limit? It seems that the success rate is quite good, it's really great!"

Looking at the many ninjas who came back, Ye Cang, who received the information, showed a hint of joy at the corner of his mouth. Suddenly, there were three more magnetic escape blood limit ninjas, and even Jialuo directly stepped into the shadow level. For the now declining sand ninjas, it can be said to be great good news.

In particular, these ninjas awakened the gold sand ninjutsu. Although the power of the gold sand ninjutsu in the magnetic escape is not as strong as the sand iron ninjutsu, the characteristic of being able to directly dig gold to make money is far more suitable for the current sand ninjas than the sand iron ninjutsu.

Long before Uchiha Feiyu helped them awaken their bloodline limits, Ye Cang had already said that the village would help them awaken their bloodline limits, but after awakening their bloodline limits, they would also have to pay a certain amount of gold sand every year to supplement the village's finances.

Among these ninjas, except for Jialuo Luo, the abilities of the other two ninjas are far inferior to Luosha, but the three of them together can harvest much more gold sand than when Luosha was alive.

With this income, the finances of the Sand Village, which was on the verge of collapse, can finally recover.


"Others don't need to be discouraged. After half a year, this secret technique can be used again. After this experience, the possibility of you awakening the magnetic escape bloodline limit next time will increase a lot."

Half a year is the recovery period for the soul of the Fourth Kazekage in Uchiha Feiyu's hands, and then this trick can be used again.

However, even if the soul of the Fourth Kazekage can be restored, this kind of soul possession cannot be used too many times. According to Uchiha Feiyu's calculations, after three times at most, the sequelae of soul possession will reach the limit. The third time may only reduce three to five years of life, the fourth time may cost half of his life and twenty to thirty years of life, and the fifth time is almost certain death.

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