Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 112: Impure World Reincarnation

The morning sun shone into the room. Uchiha Feiyu slowly opened his eyes, lifted the quilt, moved his white arms, and gently stretched his muscles.

Feeling the changes in his body, he frowned slightly and sighed softly.

At this time, a pair of snow-white arms hugged him around the waist. Ye Cang, who had been awakened by Uchiha Feiyu, pressed his whole body against his back and asked with his ears bitten:

"What's wrong? Feiyu, you seem a little worried?"

"The effect of the dual cultivation technique has weakened a lot in the past few days, and my strength progress has slowed down a lot."

Uchiha Feiyu leaned on Ye Cang behind him and said lightly, and Ye Cang behind him was pressed by Uchiha Feiyu, and a faint red glow appeared on his body, and the whole person trembled a few times.

"Has the effect of dual cultivation become worse? Then find more cauldrons. As long as there are enough cauldrons, can't we make up for the effect of dual cultivation?"

"I can use the name of the Wind Shadow to summon female ninjas for you to choose from, and when you control those cauldrons, you can also further control the Sand Village."

"What do you think of Garuru? Although she already has a child, her talent is not worse than mine. She is already the best cauldron besides me."

"And after awakening the magnetic escape, Garuru has now become a shadow-level ninja. When you control her again, the entire Sand Village will be under your control."

At this moment, it has actually been only a dozen days since Uchiha Feiyu and Ye Cang first practiced dual cultivation.

But the once selfless Fifth Generation Wind Shadow has been completely tamed by Uchiha Feiyu, and sold out his own village ninjas without hesitation, trying his best to please Uchiha Feiyu.

Even though she clearly knew that her current state was not normal and that Uchiha Feiyu actually controlled her through the Hehuan Book, she didn't care at all, and was even willing to control more female ninjas for Uchiha Feiyu.

This also made Uchiha Feiyu clearly realize how many evil things there were in the inheritance of the magic that he controlled. Fortunately, he himself was not a good person, so he didn't have any psychological burden.

Gently patting Ye Cang behind him, Uchiha Feiyu said lightly:

"Okay, then these things will be handed over to you, but it's better to have nothing than to have something sloppy. At least you must have the potential of a jonin to be truly qualified to become my Dinglu."

"Don't worry, Feiyu, I will help you arrange everything well!"

Ye Cang rubbed Uchiha Feiyu's back a few times with his chest raised, and agreed to it without caring. As the wind shadow of the Sand Village, plus the advantage of being a woman, it is indeed very easy to help Uchiha Feiyu choose a Dinglu.

After reviewing it with Ye Cang again, Uchiha Feiyu put on his mask and walked out of the door. In order to restore the Sand Village as soon as possible, he also needed to do some work.

That is, just find a piece of land with underground water source, and then plant trees and afforestation with Wood Release Technique, transform the desert into grassland, and maintain water and soil.

However, although he has Wood Release Technique, planting trees and afforestation is not such a simple matter. For example, many of the plants that Uchiha Feiyu created near the Sand Village at the beginning have now withered.

Plants also need water to grow after they are created. If there is no underground water source nearby and no one waters them, most plants will slowly wither in a few days, and only some very drought-resistant plants will remain.

Therefore, Uchiha Feiyu did not need to plant trees and afforestation in the Wind Country at the beginning, but to expand the oasis area of ​​the Wind Country to reduce the threat of sandstorms.

At the same time, the Sand Ninjas are also looking for underground water sources, and then let Uchiha Feiyu use Wood Release Technique to penetrate the roots of the plants into them and create some new oases.

In a short period of time, the intensity of work is not great at all. The tree planting in the past few days has turned most of the oases and places where underground water sources have been detected into forests and grasslands.

As for the next work, it is to use wood escape to slowly maintain these grasslands and forests, and at the same time find out the route of the underground river and artificially develop the oasis.

In fact, just the work in the past few days has expanded the area of ​​the oasis controlled by the Sand Village by seven or eight times. The oasis in the desert can be said to be the most precious treasure. The oasis that has expanded seven or eight times is enough to make the finances and population of the Sand Village increase significantly.

Originally, according to Ye Cang's estimation, if the Sand Village wants to recover its vitality, even with the support of the Wind Country Daimyo, it will take at least ten years. If the Wind Country Daimyo is unwilling to support it, then the Sand Village will not be able to recover its vitality, and it will be the limit to maintain its non-decline.

But after getting the help of Uchiha Feiyu's wood escape, even without the funding from the Wind Country Daimyo, the Sand Village can still recover its vitality within five years, and even break through the original development ceiling, and truly have the confidence of a top-level ninja village.

The original Sand Ninja was at the bottom of the five major ninja villages. The Mist Ninja declined because of its own actions. The Sand Ninja was not strong enough to keep up with the development of other ninja villages.

In the final analysis, the biggest problem is the lack of funds and the number of ninjas. Without a sufficient number of grassroots ninjas, even if an elite policy is implemented, the possibility of top-level strongmen will be greatly reduced, and the final result will be a vicious cycle.

Uchiha Feiyu's action of planting trees is equivalent to fundamentally reversing the disadvantages of the Sand Ninja Village. No wonder these people are so excited.

After finishing today's work and leaving those grateful ninjas and oasis residents, Uchiha Feiyu, wearing a mask, returned to the Sand Village. He did not look for Ye Cang, but came to an underground base.

Just like the Konoha Village, the Sand Village naturally has its own underground base, and also conducts human experiments - human experiments are not the characteristics of the roots of Konoha, but the specialty of the entire ninja world. The five major ninja villages despise it on the surface, but in fact, everyone plays it up in private.

Although the Sand Village is poor, it is not behind in this regard. Otherwise, if the Red Sand Scorpion has no foundation, how could it be possible to transform the Third Generation Kazekage into a human puppet? How can it make itself a human puppet?

"It's just... the research level here needs to be improved!"

Looking at the secret base of the Sand Village, Uchiha Feiyu commented lightly, obviously not optimistic about the research of the Sand Village.

After all, he had been in the root of Konoha for quite a while, and he was taught by Orochimaru, an expert in human experiments. He could see at a glance that the Sand Village was far behind Konoha in terms of equipment and technology.

Fortunately, although the equipment here was a little old, the infrastructure was also complete. At least they could still cultivate and proliferate the Hashirama cells that Uchiha Feiyu brought from Konoha.

Of course, the Sand Ninja could only cultivate Hashirama cells and let them transplant them, which was definitely not possible.

Looking at the Hashirama cells that looked like a huge meat ball in front of him, Uchiha Feiyu gently cut off a small piece of meat from it, and then continued to walk inside.

Further in, it was the place where the human experiment materials were killed and imprisoned. Uchiha Feiyu took out Ye Cang's warrant and directly transferred a ninja experiment from it.

The imprisoned experiment was disheveled, the chakra in the body had long been sealed, and the mouth was blocked, which just happened to be convenient for Uchiha Feiyu.

He took out the Hashirama cells from his hand and pressed them on the ground. A sealing array was immediately formed on the ground. Then Uchiha Feiyu grabbed the human experimental material and threw it into the sealing array. He quickly formed seals with both hands:

"Ninjutsu - Impure World Reincarnation Technique!"

A large amount of scraps of paper appeared out of thin air and covered the human material. The human material trembled all over, hummed twice, and was finally completely wrapped. After a moment, the whole human material had changed.

The ninja appeared in front of him with long black hair and red armor. He was bold and majestic, and his whole body was covered with cracks unique to the Impure World Reincarnation. It was the first generation Hokage, Senju Hashirama.

Opening a pair of black eyes, Senju Hashirama looked around with a little confusion. Uchiha Feiyu didn't say anything nonsense. He took out the talisman that had been prepared long ago and put it directly into his brain.

"Finally it succeeded... Although the reincarnated Hashirama is not strong, and may not even be at the level of Kage, as long as he can use Wood Release Ninjutsu, it's fine."

This is already Uchiha Feiyu's fifth experiment with the Impure World Reincarnation Technique. As an S-level forbidden technique, even with Uchiha Feiyu's foundation, he can't learn it all at once.

But obviously after several previous studies, Uchiha Feiyu finally mastered this ninjutsu thoroughly. No matter how strong the first generation Hokage reincarnated by him can be, at least this Impure World Reincarnation is considered successful.

Feeling the process of the soul just arriving at reality from the Pure Land, Uchiha Feiyu narrowed his eyes slightly, and felt that inspiration burst out in his mind.

If he could directly intercept the soul during the Impure World Reincarnation process, wouldn't he be able to directly collect these souls?

The power of the Eight Wonders of Soul Binding depends entirely on the souls he controls. If he can completely combine the Impure World Reincarnation and Soul Binding, then Uchiha Feiyu can control a large number of powerful souls by digging graves in the future.

Apart from other things, Uchiha Feiyu coveted the soul of the second generation Hokage. His forbidden techniques and Flying Thunder God Ninjutsu were extremely precious to Uchiha Feiyu now.

On the contrary, Uchiha Feiyu didn't care much about the soul of the first generation Hokage. As long as he continued to sacrifice Hashirama's cells to the blood pool and then absorbed them through the Soul Devouring Blood Refining Technique, one day, Uchiha Feiyu would be able to awaken a complete immortal body.

Although Senju Hashirama himself looked careless and was a character like Naruto, he was actually quite talented in ninjutsu. In addition to the Wood Release Ninjutsu that was completely developed by him, he also developed some practical ninjutsu such as the Illusion Darkness Walking Technique.

But if compared with his younger brother Senju Tobirama, Senju Hashirama's ninjutsu talent seemed mediocre. Apart from other things, the entire seal book of Konoha can almost be called the complete research of Senju Tobirama's ninjutsu, and at least 80% of the content was contributed by the second generation Hokage.

Especially the Flying Thunder God Technique, which is the ninjutsu that Uchiha Feiyu, who is afraid of death, is determined to obtain. If the ninja with the Flying Thunder God Technique is not too difficult to kill, Uchiha Feiyu might have gone to assassinate Minato Namikaze and forcibly plunder the soul.

Putting the manipulated first-generation Hokage into the coffin, Uchiha Feiyu is ready to hand over the control of this Hokage to Ye Cang, and he doesn't need to fight. In the future, the greening of the Wind Country will be handed over to this first-generation Impure World Reincarnation.

"The next thing is to move the blood pool in the Fire Country to the Sand Village... This matter can be left to the Sand Ninja. Anyway, for other people, the materials in the blood pool are worthless, so there is no need to worry about being robbed by someone."

"What's left... is to see how the Ninja War develops."

In the Kazekage's office, Uchiha Feiyu handed the talisman to control the first Hokage to Ye Cang, and left a psychic talisman array on his body, and then put him back in the coffin.

"With this reborn First Hokage, Feiyu, you don't need to be busy anymore."

There was a bit of joy on Ye Cang's face, and he leaned next to Uchiha Feiyu, with a soft light in his eyes.

Even if the First Hokage is weakened, relying on the immortal body of the Reincarnation of the Earth and the Wood Release Ninjutsu, he can still exert a strength close to the Kage level. Ye Cang is naturally very happy to gain control of the reincarnation of the Earth. .

Not only because of the first Hokage's role in the Sand Ninja Village, but also because she felt that Uchiha Feiyu valued her. Of course, Uchiha Feiyu handed over the first Hokage's dirty earth body just because it was troublesome.

"By the way, Feiyu, didn't I tell you this morning that I would prepare some cauldrons for you? Now that I've taken care of Garuro, do you want to try it tonight?"

Uchiha Feiyu was stunned for a moment, recalling the rather resolute widow, and asked:

"I think that Garuru is not a woman who is easy to compromise. Moreover, she is still a Kage-level ninja and the widow of the Fourth Kazekage. Her identity is sensitive and eye-catching. How did you deal with her?"

Ye Cang smiled softly and said:

"Sister Garuro is indeed very tenacious, but she still has one biggest flaw. Don't forget that she is now a mother!"

"For the sake of cute little Temari, Garura-sama has no choice but to sacrifice herself."

"Threat through her daughter? Is she compromising that easily?"

"I told Sister Garuro that this was a secret technique that could make me stronger. I then showed her my improved strength and told her that it was all because of this secret technique and that it didn't take too long. , it only took a few times, and she finally acquiesced.”

"But... I think that after I start dual cultivation, Sister Gai Liuluo will know what it means to eat the marrow and know the taste. By then, I'm afraid you won't even be able to drive Feiyu away."

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