Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 113 Intelligence and Missions to be Performed

Uchiha Feiyu pushed open the door and walked into Ye Cang's house. As the Wind Shadow of Sand Village, Ye Cang's house is quite big.

However, at this moment, in addition to Ye Cang, there was another short-haired beauty with a gloomy look in the room, and it was Jialuo Luo.

At this moment, when the door opened, Jialuo Luo, who was already a little restless, stood up suddenly and looked up at Uchiha Feiyu who opened the door.

After seeing Uchiha Feiyu, Jialuo Luo seemed to be scalded and turned his eyes away directly, but his whole cheeks immediately turned red.

"Feiyu, you are back."

The voice contained a bit of surprise and warmth. It was Ye Cang who was sitting on the sofa who spoke with a smile. At this moment, she was holding a little girl over one year old in one hand, and reached out with the other hand to hold Jialuo Luo.

"This is Jialuo Luo's sister. You should have seen her. How is it? Are you satisfied?"

Before Uchiha Feiyu spoke, Jialuo Luo was shocked and suddenly shook off Ye Cang's arm.

"Lord Kazekage... I thought about it... Let's forget it... I really can't accept improving my strength in this way..."

Yakura's smile gradually faded, and the cold expression made Garuru's body tremble slightly, and then she spoke softly:

"Really? So that's the case... That's fine, but since you don't want to, then, in order to improve the high-level combat effectiveness of the ninja village, we can only restart the Jinchūriki plan."

As soon as the five words Jinchūriki plan came out, Garuru's face turned pale, and she said with despair:

"No... Temari is still young..."

"It's because of her young age that she is suitable, and Jinchūriki must be It is necessary to cultivate from childhood to adulthood to truly adapt to the chakra of the tailed beast. Although Temari has little chance of success, she is already the most suitable candidate. "

"Didn't Luosha have such an idea at the beginning?"

Ye Cang's expression was still smiling, but Jialuo collapsed in an instant and said directly:

"No, let Temari go... I will do it, I will do it, I am willing to do anything, no matter what I will do!"

Jialuo knew very well that if the other party really wanted to make his daughter a Jinchūriki, then facing the will of all the Sand Ninjas, he would not be able to stop it anyway.

I'm sorry, Luosha, for my daughter, I can only do this...

"Haha, wouldn't it be better if you did this earlier?"

Ye Cang let go of Temari's hand, slowly approached Jialuo, held her shoulders, then looked up at Uchiha Feiyu, revealing a proud look.

"Let's go... Don't worry, it'll only take a few days... It will be over soon."

After saying that, Ye Cang dragged Jialuo and walked into the room with Uchiha Feiyu.


A few days passed in the blink of an eye. Jialuo, who once just thought that it would pass by by enduring, completely fell in just seven or eight days and also turned into a Dinglu who obeyed Uchiha Feiyu in everything.

Although Jialuo even had a child, there was no bonus from the first double cultivation, but with his talent and qualifications, Uchiha Feiyu made some progress.

But the one who showed the greatest improvement was actually Jialuo. As a ninja who had just entered the level of Kage, double cultivation with a strong man like Uchiha Feiyu directly increased her chakra by nearly 50%.

Especially Uchiha Feiyu himself also had multiple magnetic escapades bloodline limits. With the same source, the power of her magnetic escapades also increased greatly.

In the office of the Kazekage, Uchiha Feiyu sat on the sofa, crossing his legs and reading the information in his hand.

Beside him, Jialuo looked at Uchiha Feiyu with a dazed look, holding a plate of cut fruits and passing it to his mouth with a toothpick.

After taking a bite of the fruit, Uchiha Feiyu showed a bit of contemplation on his face, and put the information back on the table.

Jialuo looked at the information with some curiosity, and saw that the information said the Snow Country, Loulan, Ghost Country, Bear Country and other names.

These seemed to be some unknown small countries in the ninja world, why did he want to inquire about this information?

Although he was a little confused, Jialuo didn't ask a word about it, but just picked up a piece of fruit with a toothpick and passed it over again.

In fact, Jialuo naturally didn't know that these place names were actually the places where the Naruto theatrical version took place, and through the intelligence agency of the Sand Village, Uchiha Feiyu was also convinced that there were indeed some theatrical content in this world, but some had it and some didn't.

For example, the Loulan Dragon Vein that Uchiha Feiyu was most concerned about did not have such a thing at all.

There is indeed a place called Loulan in the Kingdom of Wind, but it is not a country, but a city belonging to the Kingdom of Wind. There is no dragon vein there, just a large oasis.

The country of ghosts also exists, and there are also witches with special abilities, but there are no ghosts or monsters.

The country of snow does exist, and the country's name is indeed Fenghua. The snow village and the special ice escape all exist, which looks almost the same as the movie version, but it is still early, and it is still unknown whether the story of the movie version will happen.

In addition, there has never been an air ninja village in the ninja world, nor a fortress that can fly in the air. At the same time, although the ninja world is extremely vast and there are more than five major countries, there are no other continents overseas, and there is definitely no plot of Grayl Stone.

Only the Star Ninja Village in Bear Country does exist, including the secret treasure of the Star Ninja Village, and the star that can allow people to practice the Peacock Magic.

The Peacock Magic can be regarded as a very advanced secret technique, but because those who practice this secret technique can hardly live for too long, the Star Ninja Village is not very famous in the ninja world.

The Sand Ninja Village also has information about the Peacock Magic, and even covets this set of secret techniques. It was only after knowing the flaws of the Peacock Magic that they did not take action against the Star Ninja Village.

In other words, it is precisely because of this flaw that a small ninja village like the Star Ninja Village can preserve the inheritance of the Peacock Magic.

Uchiha Feiyu has no idea about the Peacock Magic, but is full of interest in the so-called star. The star has some strange radioactive energy that can directly change the nature of the chakra in the human body. It is definitely not an ordinary thing.

If the star is an item within the chakra system, it is very likely to be an item related to the Otsutsuki and the sacred tree. If the star has nothing to do with the chakra system, then the value is even higher, because it represents a new energy.

After taking a bite of the fruit handed to his mouth, Uchiha Feiyu took out the information about the Star Ninja Village and handed it to Jialuo:

"Take a few ninjas and help me bring the star back."

After hearing the task, Jialuo's eyes condensed, and he quickly came back to his senses, took the information in his hand, and nodded after reading it:

"No problem, a mere Star Ninja Village, I believe they don't have the courage to resist us."

Jialuo is now an out-and-out Kage-level ninja. Because of the dual cultivation, she is not the bottom among the Kage-level ninjas, and is a little stronger than her dead husband, the Fourth Kazekage. It is indeed difficult for ordinary small ninja villages to resist, not to mention that she has the Sand Ninja behind her.

The most difficult part of the Peacock Magic is that it also has a certain ability to fly, but the magnetic escape technique is also a bloodline limit that can fly. Facing Garuru, even the ninjas of the Star Ninja Village can't escape.

As for Uchiha Feiyu himself... he still has to help the Sand Ninja Village do the last thing - to deal with the Daimyo of the Wind Country.

In the system of the five major countries and five major ninja villages, the Daimyo of the country and the Kage of the Ninja Village are often called the Twin Jades. The Daimyo is in charge of finance and economy and the governance and rule of ordinary people, while the Ninja Village controls war and extreme violence.

Generally speaking, the Ninja Village that controls violence has the upper hand between the two. For example, in the Fire Country, even the 12 Guardian Ninjas under the Daimyo have a dispute over the Twin Jades.

You know, the Guardian Ninja should be absolutely loyal to the Daimyo in theory. This dispute is like the Shadow Guard of the Hokage, considering whether they should be loyal to the Hokage or the Daimyo. As long as there is such an idea, it proves that the Daimyo has completely fallen into a disadvantage.

In fact, three of the five major countries are mascots. The Land of Fire is needless to say. The Land of Earth's Ohnoki is also a hardliner who has been in charge of the Rock Village for many years. The Land of Earth's Daimyo basically has no ability to interfere with the Rock Village. The worst is the Land of Water's Daimyo. The chaotic Mist Village has produced many rebellious ninjas who killed Daimyo and sacrificed to the sky.

The remaining Land of Thunder Daimyo and the Land of Thunder's Raikage have always had a harmonious relationship, as if they were one body and cooperated tacitly, and there was no distinction between superiors and subordinates, so the only ninja village suppressed by the Daimyo was the Sand Village.

And now Uchiha Feiyu is ready to solve this problem. The first idea is naturally to use illusion to control the Daimyo. Secondly, if the problem cannot be solved, the person who created the problem can also be solved.

The Land of Wind Daimyo can rise among the Daimyo, as the only national leader who suppressed the ninja village, naturally not because of the reverence of the ninja for the Daimyo.

Ordinary Genin and Chunin may have some awe of the Daimyo because of education factors. The ninja world from the real Land of Sun is indeed clearly divided into classes.

However, don't forget that in addition to these strict classes, the traditional arts of the Sun Country also include the rebellion of the lower class.

The ninjas who attributed their power to themselves often rebelled against even the shadows of their own ninja villages. A large part of the deaths of the shadows in each village were killed by the rebellious village ninjas, not to mention the daimyo of any country.

If the daimyo of each country did not have their own guardian ninja, they would have no confidence in facing the ninjas. Even an ordinary genin could assassinate the daimyo with the help of the three-body technique.

The daimyo of the Wind Country dared to continuously cut the funds of the Sand Village, but was not killed by the angry Sand Ninja. The only explanation was that he had enough power to make the Sand Village afraid.

After reading the information about the Sand Village, Uchiha Feiyu confirmed this point. The daimyo of the Wind Country was not a fool. He deliberately cut the mission funds of the Sand Village just because he had a better choice than the Sand Village.

The land area of ​​the Wind Country is the largest among the five major countries, but the boundless Gobi Desert blocks the traffic here and there are a large number of separatist forces.

Even after the establishment of the Sand Village, there are still a large number of small ninja strongholds in the Wind Country. It can be said that the number of wandering ninjas in the Wind Country is almost the highest in the ninja world.

In addition, just like the Fire Country has the Fire Temple, which is not a ninja but a monk's chakra user, the Wind Country also has its own temples and powerful monks.

Even the tailed beast Shukaku was captured by these monks of the Wind Country. With the power to capture the tailed beast, you can imagine the strength of these monks.

Compared to the Sand Village, the Daimyo of the Wind Country obviously trusts these monks of the Wind Country more, and has invested more funds in these monks of the Wind Country and recruited wandering ninjas.

It is precisely because of these two trump cards that the Daimyo of the Wind Country dared to stand up straight and speak loudly to the Sand Village.

Otherwise, if there is a legitimate reason, the ninjas may not care about slightly reducing the funding of the ninja village, but directly reducing the funding of the ninja village on a large scale, even affecting the normal operation of the ninja village - do you really think that the Sand Ninja has never thought of giving him an illusion, or directly changing the Daimyo?

It's just that the Sand Ninjas can't do it. The monks of the Wind Country have explored the spiritual field more than ordinary ninjas, and illusions can basically be seen through by them at a glance.

In addition, the sealing skills of these monks are much higher than those of the Sand Ninjas. The original Shukaku was always sealed by these monks, and Shukaku didn't cause any trouble at that time.

Unless the Sand Village directly launched a rebellion, it would be impossible to assassinate or control the Daimyo of Wind Country through ninja means. Even if a rebellion was launched, the Sand Village would be seriously injured even if it could win.

This also led to the fact that the Sand Village could only bear the soft knife of the Daimyo of Wind Country. The attitude of the Daimyo of Wind Country was also a reason why the Sand Village was the first ninja village to launch a war in the Ninja World War.

However, Uchiha Feiyu was very confident in himself. His illusion was not comparable to that of the ninjas of the Sand Village. Even the monks could hardly see the illusion of the Mangekyo level.

Not to mention...

"I haven't been to Sand Ninja for a long time. It's just right to replenish my offering of black energy. The temples of Wind Country have more than 2,000 monks who practiced chakra. In addition, the daimyo of Wind Country also hired a large number of wandering ninjas and even wanted to train a ninja army... It seems that this time, I can have a big harvest!"

When seeing this idea of ​​a ninja army controlled by the daimyo himself, Uchiha Feiyu also admired the daimyo. Unfortunately, different trades are like different mountains. Ninjas themselves are elites of special warfare. Forcibly training the army into ninjas is actually a thankless phenomenon.

But for Uchiha Feiyu, these armies with chakra are undoubtedly a great temptation.

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